by NBC News, …via AOL

[ Editor’s Note: The low IQ of the Trumptards continues to reveal why they have so easily been manipulated. For a Trump supporter to be calling officials and threatening violence over the election at this point makes you wonder what planet they are living on.

This is why meanie Jim Dean is fully onboard posing a mental competency test for voting, the kind with really no hard questions, like the ones that ten year olds can answer, so no one can claim the test was discriminatory.

Obviously the militias are also not training their people on how to not do stupid things like call and threaten officials. It’s a rather self defeating tactic unless you want to get a five or ten year prison stretch so you can recruit bad boys for your militia when they finish their sentences.

But frankly I don’t know who is worse. Congresscritters can vote not to certify the election even on the evening where people have been killed the same day Trumpers attacked the Capitol to keep Trump in office.

These Michigan guys might use that comparison at their own trials, that they just took their cue from the pro Insurrectionist Trumpster Congressmen who are still walking around free, and getting a paycheck, too. And as a backup, they could declare mental incompetency where even I could be a witness to certify them so… Jim W. Dean ]

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Michgain Senator Debbie Stabenow

First published … February 24, 2021

Two men were charged with threatening Michigan public officials because they were angry with the November election results, the state’s top prosecutor said. Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s office announced the arrests of Daniel Thompson, 62, and Clinton Stewart, 43, in a press release on Tuesday.

…In the message to U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Thompson identified himself as a Republican and said he was angry about the 2020 election, the attorney general’s office said. He also allegedly said that he had joined a state militia and added there would be violence if the election results were not changed.

…According to the office, Stabenow wasn’t Thompson’s only target. On Jan. 19, a day before the inauguration, he allegedly “made vulgar and threatening remarks in a phone conversation” with a member of U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin’s staff.

…During the more than an hour call, he allegedly “claimed people will die and used violent references, while also noting events that took place at the Capitol building,” the attorney general’s office said in its release.

…Stewart, of Douglas, Georgia, allegedly left a threatening voicemail on Sept. 18 for Michigan Court of Claims Judge Cynthia Stephens in which he accused “activist judges” of making rulings that favored Biden to win the election through mail-in ballots.

You can read the full article here.


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  1. The part of the psychological conditioning that cannot be overlooked is the not before seen anger in many of the subjects. Many had never really been interested in politics before.
    There is an architect , and they knew what they were doing, and were good at it.
    And that’s not even the thing. It’s the ability to target, which required data.

  2. Obviously the militias are also not training their people on how to not do stupid things….. without a trace and not to be caught after!! 🙂

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