Why is Israel Looking for Imam Mahdi? (vital)

Shabana Syed for VT

(Republished from 2013) – Editor’s note:  Two years (now 8) have passed since this viral story was first aired.  The warnings therein have very much come to pass.  There is a powerful undercurrent of mythology behind the ISIS phenomenon, Freemasonry and Judaism masquerading as Islam.  With the hunt afoot for the mythical hidden second temple of Solomon in Palmyra and the outbreak of nuclear war now a reality, we look at this again with fresh eyes.


During the US occupation of Iraq it was routine to torture Iraqis in prisons like Abu Ghraib whose prison guards were using tactics learnt in Israeli training camps as Robert Fisk pointed out in ‘Abu Ghraib torture trail leads to Israel’; one of the most baffling questions asked during interrogation was “Where is the man called Imam Mahdi where is he hiding?”

According to Mohabat News a pro –Israel Iranian Christian news agency, the fear of the hidden Imam is so credible that they posted news of how the CIA and MI6 have been going to Iraq for the past 20 years to get information about imam Mahdi; how they tortured religious scholars and innocent villagers to ask question based on where the Imam was last seen? Which city? What time and when will he be coming again and in which year?

American corporate media has already shown sinister documentaries depicting the hidden messiah who is apparently advising Iranian politicians from his lofty hidden position and manoeuvring to bring about Armageddon.

So who is this Imam Mahdi that the Zionists controlling the American Congress and the international monetary system on the look- out for with orders to shoot him on sight.

Imam Mahdi is the 12th Shia Imam and according to Islamic hadiths is in ‘occultation’ or hidden and will return to earth to establish peace and justice on earth. He was born on July 29 869 in the city of Samarra, Iraq and his mother Nargis was of Roman descent.

He was kept hidden from birth till he disappeared because the rulers of the time the Abbasids knew the Prophesy of Imam Mahdi who will bring about a revolt against oppression and tyranny. The Abbasid’s knew that the prophesised one will be the son of the 11th Shia imam, Imam Al Askari.

In order to kill the child at the birth they kept a close eye on his household, even inspecting the women of the household to see who was with child.

According to the story the child’s birth and first few years were kept secret however as soon as Imam Al Askari was killed the son who was about 4 years old went into the realm of the hidden, he reappeared after a few years but disappeared again as the hunt for him gathered pace to await the ordained hour to reappear and destroy the perpetrators of evil and restore humanity.

Whether this is a fiction or non –fiction what is strange is that the same trend in the story continues till today; the oppressive rulers over a thousand years ago tried to hunt for him to kill him then and the present day oppressors are still hunting him to kill him.

Melanie Phillips the voice box for the Zionists recently on BBC Question time turned the discussion around again to the Shia Imam Mahdi hiding in Iran coming to bring about Armageddon.

In Journalist Matt Carr’s Infernal Machine blog he writes “In other words, the Iranian leadership is seeking nuclear weapons so that Iran can be destroyed and its population can all go to heaven. Not surprisingly this argument has been made by the bug-eyed Zionist zealot Melanie Phillips on numerous occasions”

Phillips writes: “As I have written over and over again, from the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei downwards the Iranian regime is dominated by people (adherents of a sect called the ‘Twelvers’) who believe that the Shia messiah, the Mahdi, will return to earth either as result of or to bring about the apocalyptic end of days”.

It is obvious the Zionists want war with Iran however what doesn’t make sense is why is the search on for a man supposed to have disappeared over a thousand years ago?

The hidden Imam has been part of Shia and Sunni Islam for centuries? And this belief is really no different than a form of Millenarianism that exists in all religions.

Christians believe that the saviour Jesus will return to fight the anti-Christ while the Jews are risking world war three by dismantling Islam’s third holiest site Masjid Al Aqsa to build the third Temple so the Jewish Messiah will return and take them to world domination.

According to sceptics and the secular trained western mind these are just biblical stories, however what is baffling is if they are just biblical stories then why is Israel looking for Imam Mahdi?

As facts emerge of this hunt then maybe we should not also dismiss the stories emerging from Iraq about what steps they have taken to look for him.

In 2006 Imam Mahdi’s father Imam Al -Askari’s tomb in Samarra which is a place that marks Imam Mahdi’s birth and disappearance was bombed by men dressed up as the security forces. The men entered the tomb, tied up the caretakers, wired up the area with bombs and according to the caretakers the security officers opened the tomb to take something from it. Many believe that they took some clothing from Imam Al -Askari’s body in an attempt to determine the DNA of the future Imam.

It’s not coincidental that Phillips and her American Zionist counterparts are fermenting fear again, this time about a ‘hidden Imam’.

Phillips is part of the network that perpetuates Islamophobia and part of the Israel first citizens whose psyche has been described aptly by David Ben Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister when he stated: “When a Jew, in America or in South Africa, talks to his Jewish companions about ‘our’ government, he means the government of Israel.”

They are part of the same network that inspired the Norwegian killer Anders Brevik who killed 77 innocent people mainly pro Palestinians supporters who were in favour of boycotting Israel.

These Israel first individuals are also part of the group that the hacker organization “Anonymous,” exposed when it said Israel had a hidden network of 30,000 covert operatives, some openly labelled “hitman,”.

Gordon Duff American political analyst and Senior Editor at VT writes in “Horror in Israel: ‘30,000 Mossad Spies Exposed” stating: “Every day we see it in the news, dozens killed in Pakistan, dozens more in Iraq, Kenya, Nigeria, the covert army of 30,000, planning terror, building a dozen car bombs a day and then being able to, not just write the lies blaming others but, in most cases, direct public officials, controlled through blackmail, threats or bribery, to “respond as directed.”

Instead of worrying about Armageddon brought on by a man who disappeared over a thousand years ago shouldn’t Phillips and the world worry about the warning given by Israeli military Historian Martin van Creveld when he said: “We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, …. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”

For centuries the Talmud has taught that ‘Jesus the Nazarene’ “was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone, was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent (Sanhedrin 107b; Sotah 47a)”.

However over the centuries through heavy funding and manipulation the Zionists managed to convince the Christians that it is Islam that is evil and needs to be counteracted through the unity of Christian/Zionists.

Most of the Christian bible belt in America has strong links with Zionists and therefore it must have been a shock to them when a Catholic Christian Hugo Chavez made a decisive speech after his momentous meeting with Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in which he states: “For us genuine Christians Jerusalem is a very holy location Prophet Jesus will come hand in hand with Hazrat Mahdi then peace will prevail all over the world”.

The fact that Chavez hinted that Muslims and Christian will unite to fight evil is something that the Zionists do not want. They have spent billions on Islamophobic think tanks and through the media to marginalise Muslims.

An interview conducted by Ann Curry on behalf of NBC with Iran President Ahmadinejad was not aired in 2009 because his answer about the hidden Imam did not support the view that they wanted to perpetuate ‘that he will bring about an apocalypse’.

President Ahmadinejad corrected her by stating: “What is being said about an apocalyptic war and – global war…… This is what the Zionists are claiming. Imam will come with logic, with culture, with science. He will come so that there is no more war. No more enmity, hatred. No more conflict…..he will return with Jesus Christ. The two will come back together. And working together, they would fill this world with love”.

The last thing Israel would want is that Christian groups should wake up and realise that the real enemy is not Islam but rather Zionism.

The fact that the Roman Catholic Church wants to turn a blind eye to the persecution of Christians in Jerusalem affirms why the founders of Israel and the House of Rothschild are in control as Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), stated: “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”

If Israel is basing its policies on some biblical belief that it was their right to return to Jerusalem as the ‘chosen people’ after 2,000 years of wandering (Keeping in mind the occupiers of Palestinian lands are originally Khazars) then it shouldn’t come as surprise that its leaders believe that it is fulfilling some kind of messianic prophesy.

Jonas E .Alexis in ‘Bolshevik Purge of Western Civilization and Rational Discourse (Part II)’ writes: “If this is still unbelievable, listen to former Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin:

“My major problem is that I have no faith in the current leadership, which must lead us in an event on the scale of war with Iran or a regional war….I don’t believe in a leadership that makes decisions based on messianic feelings.”

Are these ‘Messianic feelings’ the reason why the search is on for Imam Mahdi. And if they are aware of his coming then they must also be aware of the hadith that states that “Armies carrying black flags will come from Khorassan and no power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Baitul Maqdas (Masjid Aqsa) where they will erect their flags.”

The fact that Iran as the IAEA has revealed is not building a nuclear bomb however Israel is still pushing for war, could the reason be that the biggest supporters of the 12th Shia Imam Mahdi are in Iran and Khorassan is part of the region?

Khorassan is the north eastern province of Iran but also includes some parts of central Asia and Afghanistan.

Wherever the US and Israel has carried out wars they have used bombs containing white phosphorous, exposing the fact that wars are not about exporting democracy, but ensuring they leave a legacy of crippled and mutilated future generations unable to ever form a resistance movement.

Ten years after the start of the U.S. invasion in Iraq, doctors are witnessing an abnormally high number of cases of cancer and birth defects linked to the use of depleted uranium and white phosphorus by the US military. The current rate of birth defects for the city of Fallujah has surpassed those of Hiroshima and Nagasaki .

Leaked Afghan military documents by The Danish Daily revealed more than 1,100 instances of US-led forces having used white phosphorus (WP) grenades, rockets and bombs in residential areas in Afghanistan.

The Islamic hadiths that mentions the coming of Imam Mahdi leading an army carrying black flags also mentions that very few Arabs will support this Army siding with the tyrants.

The Arabs who will be with the Imam have already given an indication who they are, Hezbollah’s small ill equipped army defeated Israel a nuclear armed state and its state of the art weaponry; Hezbollah’s fighters may have been ill equipped but were infused with the same spirit that led Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib to break down the impregnable doors of the Jewish fort Khaybar, the same spirit his son Imam Hussain had at Karbala where his band of 72 stood against the tyrant Yazid’s army of 10,000.

It is quite poignant that over a thousand year old hadith mentions that many Arabs will work with the tyrants to fight against the coming Imam.

Who are these Arabs? We have seen already Saudi Arabia and the Gulf rulers’ alliance with Israel and nothing has exposed this more than the Syria conflict.

Israel is pushing for war with Syria and Iran along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar funneling large sums of money and weapons to militias inside Syria, and killing Shias is part of that agenda.

Journalist Seymour Hersh in his New Yorker article, “The Redirection,” highlighted how the Bush Administration’s whole focus was to undermine Iran and to weaken Hezbollah by working with Saudi Arabia funding extremist groups “

The New World Order has manage to create brutal forces in Islam friendly to Israel, a force that thinks it is Ok to rape women and children and show decapitated bodies as trophies on you tube? This intolerant form of Islam manufactured by British agent Abdul Wahab has produced an intolerant form of Islam propagated by the Saudi regime which sees Shias rather than Israel as the enemy.

Abdallah Tamimi one of the leaders of the Free Syrian Army asked Israel for help to establish Sunni rule to oppress Shias, Christians and Druze, stressing “Israel is not our enemy we want Israel to help us”.

Saudi Arabia and Israel is also funding sectarian warfare in countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq, with an alarming numbers of Shias deaths taking place. Wikileaks US Lahore cables highlighted how Saudi Arabia is funding millions of dollars to Ahle- hadith and Islamic clerics in the region.

Shia death rate in Pakistan has escalated and even though efforts have been made at grass roots level by Sunni and Shia groups to unite to quell the killings however the future looks bloody after Nawaz Shariff who was brought into power by support of Saudi money will now allow the Saudis a free hand to do what it did in Afghanistan where it trained the Afghan youth in Saudi funded madrassas to produce the intolerant Taliban, and the intolerant Takfiris’s killing and mutilating in Syria.

It is possible that Millenarian beliefs will get stronger as the world’s leaders and rulers work with the proponents of the New World Order, dragging their nations and people into subjugation and slavery, and the only organization, the UN that was meant to protect nations and their rights is “..an illogical, unjust and completely undemocratic structure and mechanism. ….It is through abusing this improper mechanism that America and its accomplices have managed to disguise their bullying as noble concepts and impose it on the world”. Imam Khamenei

The fact that a strategy is being implemented by Israel with the support of the US to search for the hidden Imam leads one to believe that maybe there is some truth in the biblical story and in a world where we still want to believe in super heroes, it’s not so illogical if our eyes look wistfully with hope for an army that will emerge from Khorassan carrying black flags led by the prophesized one and fight against injustice.

A postscript by Gail Evans:

I strongly suspect that this person is a bloodline descendant not only of Mohammad PBUH) , but of Jesus, Joshua , Ephraim and Joseph. He is the bloodline of Israel as blessed by Jacob.
He is not the bloodline of Judah, that is why they are so desperate to kill off this bloodline. I believe this bloodline is real not imagined. When Jesus said he would return, I believe it was in this sense. And the Jews know this.
I also think that Rabbi Yitzak Keduri actually met this person. It was not a dream but a real meeting. Hence the cryptic note he left only to be opened a year after his death that gave the name Yeshua. They will never find him and I do not believe he is in Iran. Neither is his family.
I look around the world and I see some people behaving in remarkably brave ways, bravery that can only be ascribed to some very powerful and fundamental knowledge and belief that goes way beyond political affiliations.
The only political affiliation they all seem to have in common is Justice and Truth and a sense of universal urgency. . And that seems more than enough.
 It is the same kind of bravery that was displayed at Monsegur almost 1,000 years ago. People who were willing to step forward and be burnt alive to save something of great importance that they regarded of far more value than their own lives. The same can be said of Jaques de Molay. .
Because of these very brave people, the mad men might blow the whole world up in their search to destroy this family, but the one thing that will be saved when all else is in total ruins, is this bloodline of Imam Isa/Yeshua.


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  1. This postscript of Gail, is that a recent submission, or something written “some time ago”??
    This is an issue of inner peace for me!

  2. excuse me but I have to correct you on an important FACT and that is the majority of Arab Muslims who have died in all these wars for Israel have actually been SUNNI MUSLIMS and NOT SHIA.
    Vast majority of the brave soldiers of Syria defending their country and slaughtered by USSRAEL and its allies were SUNNIS.
    Majority of Palestinians murdered by Israel are SUNNI Muslims and same in Libya.
    Those who have died in Yemen and Iraq were both SUNNI and Shia and not exclusively Shia.
    Claiming it is the Shia [because of Iran connection] being solely targeted is an absolute falsehood. The DAESH/ISIS Terrorists created and recruited and trained by Israel and Co
    were never Sunni Muslims. Most were Mercenaries NON Muslim from 100 different countries and those that belonged to the Saudi/Emirati Gang were NON Muslim /Saud/Wahabis who are in fact of Jewish origins
    Sunni Islam is a greater threat to Israel USA and the Wahabis than the Shia who they falsely like to portray is their ‘enemy’
    You will find statistically more SUNNIS have been slaughtered in all these WAR of Terror upon the ARAB NATION for and on behalf of Israel.

  3. I think I’m seeing certain terms used repeatedly that seem to always be connected to death and destruction. Religion, God, Jesus, Allah, Judaism. Can we find more words like that class?

    • That’s why we don’t have a “state church” in the USA like they did in much of Europe, although Heaven knows the dominionists, the chosenites, and every ReTrumplican is doing their best to bring that about.

    • I think you live on another planet or perhaps in a Black Hole.. You like to play with words.. soften them up a little to what end? Can’t you see that yours (and many millions) way of thinking is part of this whole thing. Not accepting the fact that Jesus Christ is the light of the world.. you are already in the darkness and refuse to see!

  4. goodNDEVIL you obviously know nothing about witchcraft or you would know that a witch WIL NOT cast a spell they don’t want to return to them.
    I’ll put it in real simple terms for you ” You reap what you sow.” (cast) Think it through.

    • exactly Zarathustra lycos, why call forth entities to do the bidding, when those same entities used to be elementals somewhere else and are stuck here cause of gravity and hobby-magi doing name calling. the book Those who would arouse Leviathan shows what can happen opening portals calling forth names as one certain Crowley did in that area before there was even the idea of montauk project…im trying to stay on topic…

  5. with all due respect…

    the real mahdi is for them mars.
    just like solomon’s temple, mars.

    hint… 72, keys,temple, solomon, bronzed vessels (bodies)
    hermetics… its not so hard.

  6. Baloney. God is waiting on us to become His people. for thousands of years He’s waited. We have to earn paradise.

    When tge illuminati spent a year doing witchcraft on me, on of the things they did was leave a cow tongue wrap0ed in human hair. Some “magik” to make tongue twisted. They wasted theirtime. You ppl dont listen.

  7. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. – First Amendment, US Constitution

    This article is why the Constitution specifically prohibits the formation of a “state church” that presumes to tell the rest of us what to do and how to live. May Heaven preserve us all from the wrath of the born-agains and the chosenites.

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