Suppressed: Bush, Aquino and North, Iran Contra and the Military Pedophile Cult (video)


A more “full” version of a story that eventually led to 9/11 and the fake Trump presidency….


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  1. It should say, “Paul VI, an anti-pope like his obese Judy O Masonic asset predecessor John XXIII….”
    I might add that the international media immediately praised John XXIII with the highest praise and quickly nicknamed him “Good Pope John,” not an “authoritarian” like his predecessors and open to dialogue with everyone. He soon announced a Church Council, known as Vatican II, and the rest is the history of the Eclipse of the Church, also known as the “Great Apostasy.”

  2. This Aquino fucker has a soul infested with demons and he seems to have direct line to Satan as well.
    The US army used him to conjure up demons, evil spirits and the like to fight the Vietcong in Vietnam.
    He is the “front line” protecting the pedophile networks and satan child sacrifice clubs

    • To really battle the devil’s asshole like this evil fuck you need very good catholic priests like the late father Modecai Martin as example.
      Priests can be good or bad that’s for sure but personally I have liked all the Priests I have ever met, they are fun to talk to – and don’t think any of them were pedophiles far as I could see.
      But if someone is a pedophile and gets away with it, never prosecuted or jailed or convicted as is case for Aquino, it’s not the Catholic clergy protecting him – it’s the US military, the US courts, the US legal system and police forces too, which would indicate lots of satanic shit going on in all the above, lots more going on than in the Catholic clergy. So I don’t think it’s good idea to associate Aquino to catholic priests is what I am trying to say.

  3. Even a cursory study of humanity and ceremony, provides indelible answers to why priests would sexually pursue children. It is pure lust for power. That so many would do this, from a single vector of teaching, also provides indelible answers as to the overall intention and methodology of a group. The deeper study into the mystical nature of how ceremony works, from a scientific method, is extremely difficult. The machinations and human role and intention are difficult to separate from things that naturally occur. But certainly, when a “spiritual leader”, leads a group in ceremony, the intention is highly visible, and often it is not the stated intention.

    • I find that what it appears Aquino was doing, has no noticeable difference from what catholic priests do, other than being bluntly honest about it. Flaunting it. A different outfit, different symbols, but the same methodology and intention. This is very difficult for people to accept, due to the repeated stated purpose and intention by Catholicism being completely contrary to the deed itself. The branches do not control the tree. They can grow independent, and produce fruit, but cannot detach from the tree. Thus, in the combination of wisdom and ceremony, seldom is any group involved, and in fact, individual prayer can be more effective than group prayer in most cases. Prayer is a ceremony. If a person has a true hearted intention, it is much more powerful, than a group, which can most times simply be muddy water.

    • There are some very basic observations that should be easy for people, but for some reason they are not. One being, if any organized group tolerates or permits or encourages the type of behavior that exploits the energy of children through sexual abuse, that group must be eradicated immediately from the entire midst of a people. Failure do so is complicity. No group could remain in operation that has been proven to do so without a very large power structure that is complicit. There was not one or two bad apples. it is an established methodology and intention with full knowledge of the actions and complicity of the hierarchy. And it continues to this day unabated. From the perspective of the mystical/psychological arena of national security, this is a major breach that has far reaching intergenerational causations beyond what the average person would believe.

    • Studies have shown that over 80% of sexual abuse by priests (and pastors and rabbis too) is homosexual, and the victims mostly post-pubescent. Homosexual infiltration into the clergy has been going on a long time, and it is encouraged by the powers that should not be that rule over us, who even put a homosexual into the papacy in 1963, Paul VI, an anti-pope like his obese Judy O Masonic asset John XXIII, himself put in the Chair of St Peter 2 days after a legitimately elected pope was threatened into invalidly abdicating, the evidence pointing to a nuclear threat against the Vatican if he didn’t. Evidence for that is in the article “Grave Reasons of State” online and the whole story of the takeover of the visible structures of the Catholic Church is at the WhiteSmoke1958 site. The traditional Catholic Church now exists independent of apostate Rome. This was all prophesied numerous times, even in the Bible. The suppressed “Third Secret of Fatima” foretells it. Our Lady of La Salette in 1846 went so far as to say, “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist. The Church will be in eclipse, the world will be in dismay.” This was suppressed by the French bishops but later approved by Pius IX and Leo XIII, true Shepherds unlike the wolves in sheep’s clothing we’ve seen since 1958.

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