On the cover image BLM leader Patrisse Khan Cullors (left) and Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita (right)

Attorney General Todd Rokita filed a lawsuit this week against the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (“BLM”) as a part of his ongoing investigation. This legal action seeks compliance with an investigative demand previously served on BLM as part of the same investigation.

Specifically, the Office of the Attorney General filed a Petition to Enforce a Civil Investigative Demand, which seeks an order requiring BLM to respond to a Civil Investigative Demand issued to the organization in February 2022.

“Protecting Indiana consumers from this house of cards is critical,” said Attorney General Rokita. “There are concerning patterns of behavior from this organization, and we will do what it takes—including this lawsuit—to get to the bottom of it.”

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In February of this year, Attorney General Rokita opened an investigation into BLM’s use of funds donated by Hoosiers.

In a 2020 report published by BLM, the organization stated it raised over $90 million in 2020, while it distributed approximately $21.7 million to 30 local organizations and affiliated chapters, including an affiliated chapter in South Bend, Indiana.  However, an IRS filing by BLM for the first half of 2020 listed the organization had $0 in revenue, expenses, and assets held by BLM for the time period.

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Attorney General Rokita issued a Civil Investigative Demand to BLM in order to determine if the organization’s actions constitute a violation of either the Indiana Deceptive Consumer Sales Act or the Indiana Nonprofit Corporation Act.  The Civil Investigative Demand seeks information and documents held by the entity relevant to the ongoing investigation to ensure transparency to donors and guarantee funds donated by Indiana residents are used for their intended purpose and not for the personal benefit of BLM directors.

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Under Indiana law, failure to comply with the civil investigative demand could result in sanctions against the entity, including barring the entity from any future fundraising in Indiana, among other possible remedies.

“There are many Indiana stakeholders and donors who have been impacted by these allegations. This lawsuit will allow for a court to swiftly and efficiently resolve the state’s request for information,” said Attorney General Rokita.

Hoosier donors who believe they have been impacted are encouraged to file a consumer complaint at www.indianaconsumer.com.

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  1. I would say the domestic terrorist organization is the established racist police forces in America, the courts, the prison system, and the “we are superior” racist mindset of ignorant dumbfucks (with very small dicks) that black people are “too dumb”.

  2. All churches in the USA do not have to pay taxes.
    Probably includes the satanical ones as well. Cannot discriminate in America huh!!
    BLM could of simply donated to Black churches,
    also Black candidates for office,
    this can be deducted from income,
    Also with “Gifts” the person recieving the gift does not ever have to pay taxes, and the person making the gift has a ridiculous 11.7 million dollar lifetime “exclusion” for giving out gifts, to where until that amount is exceeded, the one giving out gifts does not have to pay taxes on giving a gift too.
    So simply money gets donated to BLM, they give “gifts” to whoever they choose, they donate to churches and political candidates and IPSO FATSO zero taxes owed.
    Its America you know – lots of very rich fuckers have the laws protecting them from having to “lower themselves” to pay their share of taxes.

    • BLM is a domestic terrorist organization, organized and supported by George Soros and his so-called Open Society Foundation solely for the purpose of destroying America. It’s a perfect front because, as a whole, Black people are too dumb to figure out what’s really going on. They still have not realized that BLM is not doing anything to help Black people, while the founders buy themselves multi-million dollar mansions, expensive automobiles, and million dollar buses to haul professional demonstrators to “rallies.” The money they do donate to “churches and charitable organizations” is stuffed in someone’s pocket before it ever gets to the poor people on the street who desperately need some help. Charles Barkley said it best when he said, “Poor people have been voting Democrat for 50 years and they’re still poor.” For instance, the Dems are sending billions of dollars to Ukraine to rebuild destroyed neighborhoods, while Detroit looks the same, and has for decades, and receives nothing. But the dumb Blacks will vote Democrat again in the next election, and donate again to BLM.

    • Barkley speaks the truth about basketball (who cares?) and the big con perpetrated on the black middle class since LBJ figured out how to “get out the vote”. Chuck is sort of a younger Bill Cosby without a sex addiction.

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