…from the Vatican
[ Editor’s Note: Oh my, the Pope gets out of his chair and onto the war path to challenge the War Lobby’s justification for another senseless war to enrich the wait for it, wait for it…the War Lobby. Imagine that, their doing what they have always done.
I can see the NATO and US Treasury Department burning up the phone lines about how do we sanction the Pope. Does this mean we can start seizing its back accounts, and its yachts, excuse me, I meant churches and cathedrals?
Does this mean priests have to be on lockdown, and any criticism of the war or its justification may subject them to ‘preventive detention’. Someone said you just can’t make this stuff up, as no one would believe it.
On February 24 he said, “May the weapons fall silent,” he said during a Mass on April 27, “so that those who have the power to stop the war hear the cry for peace coming from all of humanity.” Will NATO block the pope from flying to Moscow?
Who should really be punished for starting the war? What forum is there for determining their guilt, including ALL those involved? Is the Pentagon going to order a lockdown on publication of the Pope’s comments, or have other US government entities harass news outlets that carry them?
Would that be constitutional if they did, and if determined to be so, would the Justice Department step in to stop it or just watch? … Jim W. Dean ]
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‘Barking at Russia’s Door’: Pope Francis Says NATO Shares Blame for Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Pope Francis told an Italian newspaper that NATO may be partially to blame for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, saying the alliance encroached on Russia’s borders.
The Pope also expressed his desire to travel to Moscow in order to meet with Vladimir Putin and hopefully broker a peace.
“Maybe it was NATO barking at Russia’s gate that compelled Putin to unleash the invasion of Ukraine,” Francis speculated in an interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera. “You cannot think that a free state can wage war on another free state…In Ukraine, it seems that it was others who created the conflict.”
The Holy Father has also criticized the large number of weapons shipments that continue to flow to Ukraine, further speculating that this could merely be prolonging the conflict and subsequent suffering.

…via Radio Free Europe
Roman Catholic Pope Francis has denounced the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a “macabre regression of humanity.”
During his noon blessing on St. Peter’s Square, Francis, 85, said the war makes him “suffer and cry” and called for humanitarian corridors to facilitate the evacuation of civilians trapped in the Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol.
Although he did not specifically criticize Russia, Frances said the Ukrainian Azov Sea port city had been “barbarously bombarded and destroyed.”
Francis has lamented the war several times since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24.
“May the weapons fall silent,” he said during a Mass on April 27, “so that those who have the power to stop the war hear the cry for peace coming from all of humanity.”
Based on reporting by Reuters

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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There are many actions the church could take, but will not. The price for silence these days is pretty cheap. But, being quoted on this will at least bring a day or two of fewer calls for the popes head by the militant members. The church simply has the wrong icon for anti-war activism, and if they are invested in porn and oil, weapons are likely part of the portfolio as well. Francis knows better than most, that he heads the worlds most successful military psychological operation. Taking advantage of the moment to fein passive is his job. Here they just illegally dumped sewage in the Allegheny river just upstream from the reservation right during the same time the state extorted half a billion from the Seneca to pay for the christian NFL stadium. Nastiness. I urge caution when thinking the church may actually be a force for good anywhere or anyhow. Tradition or habit does not equal benevolence.
Yes, Mr Ed
We must thank the guy that isn’t on the other end of Kevin’s phone for VT.
’cause that other guy sure is running the show this week.
“Does this mean we can start seizing its back accounts, and its yachts, excuse me, I meant churches and cathedrals?”
Well, it worked when King Henry was in a war debt bind.
Who are/IS the Demonic Driving Force behind these conflicts, MASS Murders, around the Globe? Muslims against Muslims; ‘Iran – Iraq’ War! Christians against Muslims; Since ‘9/11/2001’ US and NATO allies, against Iraq-Afghanistan-Libya-Syria! Now, Christians against Christians; Russia against Ukraine! Who benefits, Who Gains, beside the ‘Military Industrial Complex’? We know that ‘WAR is a RACKET’, but what are the Long-Term Goals of the ‘Sinister Driving Forces’, behind these Bloody Conflicts? That IS the Question!!
Can’t you choose what kind of add to be shown in your website? I’m really getting crazy half of it is sexy adds, the other half is ugly eggs and hellish pictures, all websites have become like this, Google must have an aim from doing this, God damn Google, the new pandemic has begun in these hellish media, their lies is not enough, they’re playing with people’s minds!!!!!
Sex sells and distracts, there is always sex adds.
Furthermore you probably do know this but the porn industry is in the hands of the people from that illegal settlement in occupied Palestine and Ukraine was and somewhat is still the capital of porn which was relocated twenty years ago from the San Fernando Valley to have cheaper unregulated better looking people.
Question for you: do you think that because of Israelis fighting on the side of Nazis in Ukraine against Russia, the relationship of Putin and Likud will change ?
NewtRallyt, Yes you’re right, and of course that Russia has always been in the side of the Zionists, even when they were convinced by Iran to fight in Syria against ISIS (Israel’s Secret Intelligence Service) they still were in Zionists front, and that relationship never breaks up, even if they “ostensibly” fight with eachother….
But my point is something else, I doubt if any of these advertisements which have the picture of a boy and girl kissing eachother leads to a real website, I never click on them, but they more seem malicious links than advertisement to me, I’m seeing these adverts every where, there must be a reason that all over the internet has suddenly become full of these pictures, not just sex (which has always been there), their pictures are the ugliest pictures I’ve ever seen, eggs, a fat guy…, with awful quality, they’re really terrible.
Advertisement is not like that, they must use beautiful pictures, something that really attracts you not to make you heave, in almost all news websites you can see them from American and Zionist ones to other websites, I’m saying that there must be a reason that they’re doing so… these ads aren’t innocent and not intended to advertise something, I really think they have another purpose…. I don’t know could I convey what meant or not, but i just wish VT would have continue without these ads.
About Russia, that’s my personal opinion, not Iran’s opinion of course, in Iran’s eye Russia is a good ally.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, VT is a psyop, just like 99.999& of everything else on the web.
@Elvin Laton
Everyone seeks for “manipulation”, even you and I.
Hamshari my Putin point was unrelated to the ads popping up everywhere but I wanted to know your opinion as a few days ago you brought up something that I’ve been saying here for a while which is that most westerners even Russians discount the present military power of Iran. Even educated sane people like Brian Becker will omit altogether the fact that Iran or more specifically Soleimani was the one who dragged Putin down to Damascus and gave him the backbone to defend Syria by using his air defense superiority.
On the ad issue I said that ads are to distract. And people get distracted very easily with sex and of course the rest of the “distractions” are just the layout of a varietal type. People are truly sick and they follow sensation. They also have bird brains and short attention span issues.
There were no articles about it here, but did you hear what Lavrov said about anti-Semitism and Jews in his speech recently? This angered Israel and they began to demand an apology in their usual manner. But Lavrov said everything correctly. His every word is verified. And he said this for a reason. The Russians support Lavrov on this issue. As one of the claims, he diplomatically poked the Israelis with their face in the dirt. For shutting their mouths and turning a blind eye to Nazism and fascism in Ukraine. And now they are going to help Ukraine with weapons.
Yes I know that was unrelated.
“Soleimani was the one who dragged Putin down to Damascus and gave him the backbone to defend Syria by using his air defense superiority.” Yes of course, but there’s two points, one that Russia cooperated with Iran in Syria but it doesn’t seem to be doing it anymore, I mean we took Russia there because of its airforce, but what is happening now? Israel attacks Syria and Russia only sits and watches, as if nothing is happening. Two is that Russia didn’t accept to go there because of “humanity”, it was lucrative for them or else they would never go there.
Iran lured Russia to help it in the war with ISIS because of its airforce, but it doesn’t mean that Iran’s airforce is weak, but uh, as you might know [Hamshari!], some betrayer/naive guys in the administration of that time would never let Iran to use all of its potential in Syria, and that’s why someone else was needed, too.
Word is cheap, no matter who thinks Iran is weak or strong, but the reality is that Iran is definitely strong, that if wasn’t, couldn’t survive till now, that MacKenzie is still in shock that “how accurate our missiles are”, if iran wasn’t strong, the Israeli terrorists wouldn’t hesitate even one second for starting the war.
Andrew Armavir (Russia)
Yes, I did, I don’t think that was anti-semitic, but anyway, it doesn’t mean that Russia is not the good friend of the Zionists, politics is this give and take, Russia has “diplomatic” relationships with the Zionist occupiers in Palestine and it means “cooperation”, and it means that Russia “recognizes” Israel which is wrong. Even in the Russian media you can see that there’s no hostility between Russia and Israel, I never forget the headline of one of RT’s articles “Russia and Israel are connected by ‘very deep bond’ & Putin is ‘close, true friend’ of the Jewish people, says Israeli PM Bennett”.
If someone reads 10 articles in RT would immediately understand how RT is infiltrated (if not controlled) by the Zionists, RT as a Russian state media which is related to Kremlin exactly repeats the lies and propaganda of CNN, these are all working for one system, they may seem different but that’s all a hoax, RT, CNN, Foxnews, NYT they are birds of one feather.
It was yesterday I guess that NYT has stated in one of is articles that “Israel coordinates with Russia when striking Iranian, Syrian or Lebanese military targets”, I definitely don’t believe any single word of the American/Zionist media, but I don’t find any reality that contradics or denies this claim.
Russia can’t continues its double policy forever, they have to finaly make their mids, either they’re with us or with the Zionist terrorists, there’s no third way, however that’s all my personal opinion.
Irani, the dichotomy of Putin that he’s either with us or with the terrorist which was extensively used by that war criminal Bush jr, is a simplistic way of looking at the big picture which has Putin in it. If you read the transcript of his speech of Feb 21 you’ll see that he’s not appealing to anyone but to the Russian right and blames Lenin and the Bolsheviks but not Yeltsin the imperialist who actually dissolved USSR. That says a lot.
He has changed his stance towards Israel quite a bit since 2015. And then he didn’t object at all to the deployment of the Bavar system in Syria. That system now operational in Syria will be fully tested against anything that comes from that shithole with an iron dome covering its foul smell …
Putin keeps his enemies close as much as he can. He was trained this way.
The difference between my opinion with yours is that I think that relationship is an “alliance” but you take it as a “lucrative friendship”, I can’t for the life of me figure out that how some Syrian soldiers getting killed by Israel’s strikes would benefit the Russian “nation”? These governments are birds of one feather.
I didn’t mean for now, but when the war between Iran and the Zionists breaks out, Russia can’t continue its current double policy anymore, either they’re with us or with them, there’s no third way. Some sheeple worship Russia, that’s why I’m saying it.
I think our arguments are like apples and oranges. Or as in Farsi what does a fart has anything to do with the forehead …
Of course politics is all about is there any question there ? But the fact that Putin presently is losing money because of the latest actions of Israel, which will ultimately make him change his stance towards that shithole is what I’m saying.
They already want to revoke the Russian citizenship of Russians with Israeli passports.
Typo. I omitted a word “Of course politics is all about MONEY is there any question there”
“Although he did not specifically criticize Russia, Frances said the Ukrainian Azov Sea port city had been “barbarously bombarded and destroyed.”” I don´t know what VT takes for crticism but only barbarians do barbaritys and un-necessary destruction! By the way, did he sayd the same about Mossul and Raqqa?
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to ‘uck things up.”
-Barack Obama
Where was the fokken pope for the past 8 years… RADIO SILENCE. Useless tosser
Yes, this news was in Russian media 1-2 days ago. I was a bit surprised.
Remember how one of that Azov battalion commander was addressing his personal letter to Pope to save their butts from the dungeons. Pope totally ignored that.
We need to see comments from the religious communities supporting a negotiated settlement. There is no political risk for them doing that as it really a win-win for the citizens in the conflict. It’s only a loss for the war grifters.
Jim, as you know, the forces responsible for this war, and most of all the other ones, don’t give a rat’s ass what anyone thinks.
As far as the Pope is concerned, the “forces” consider themselves to be the god, and the Pope an imposter.
You, and the rest of us, don’t even rate a mention.
Yup. Those in the Big Club not only don’t care, they know most of the world doesn’t either. Say, was that really billionaire Kim Kardashian in Marilyn’s dress? Give me the scoop quick!
When will we get a pope who will seriously and honestly challenge NATO’s wartorn existence and its morbid satanic crimes against humanity? Or at least a bishop, a priest? Probably not in this century either.
Even before the J00suits ingratiated themselves and became a “Holy Order” that place was twisted. Whether it’s “Paypal Indulgences” from centuries-ago or laundering Kosher Nostra Cash last week.
The Eastern Orthodox operation seems completely sanitary, comparatively speaking. Smiling, bearded Priests living with their very-own families with LOTS of children…something Mother Russia needs. I read that last year, three cathedrals were completed in the same week! Not storefront’s.
Meanwhile, the country of my birth is being sacked & burned by the same-same Khazar banksters who’ve initiated a proxy conflict in Ukraine more recently. The USA is being liquidated, I fear, while its white and naturalized citizens are being replaced by immigrants who are NOT required to be CV-19 vaccinated. That’s humorous only to the perversely-minded-psychopaths whose only feedback is our level of pain.
Thank God for VT!
Oh yeah, Mr. Ed; “thank god for VT?”
The outfit that, for months on end, slimed all Covid-19 vaccine resisters every day as “redneck idiots!”
Keep pushing that J&J vaccine! Whoops. The CDC just said to stop taking it. Morons everywhere!
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