By Paul Kindlon
By all accounts, Freemasonry in Russia dates back to 1731, when Captain John Phillips was appointed as the provincial grand master of Russia. Under the guidance of the “Royal Arch” in England, all Masonic activity in Russia was really organized by a “liaison” communicating instructions from this very elite lodge: his name was Anderson.
From the very beginning, only the best and the brightest were selected to become Russian Masons. At the time, that meant – of course- initiating aristocrats. The basic idea behind Freemasonry – the initiates were told – was to make “good men” even better so that the “good works” of these men would benefit society.
However, shortly after the lodges in Russia were established a problem arose: the Russian Masons wanted to know the identity of the “Top Mason” in England giving out orders. All Anderson would tell them was that instructions came from “the unknown superior”. Not recognizing that as a definitive and clear answer, the aristocrats became disillusioned and abandoned freemasonry. The early lodges simply closed down.
Interest in Freemasonry would return later on during the reign of Tsar Alexander I. Deeply spiritual and contemplative, Alexander enjoyed philosophizing with the exiled French senator, diplomat and scholar, Joseph de Maistre – a Jesuit-trained Scottish rite Mason. De Maistre was a mystical “spiritualist” and their very private talks about Freemasonry profoundly affected the impressionable Tsar.
When Alexander’s troops triumphed over the Grand Armee of Napoleon and entered Paris in 1815, Alexander gave specific instructions to his officers to socialize with the French Masons there. What the Tsar did not know was that these particular French Masons were highly political – espousing liberal, anti-monarchist views and shouting “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” while drinking with their new-found friends from abroad.
Shortly after their return home, these very same Russian officers began planning an uprising against the Monarchy! Alexander I was no longer around, however, having been buried at the St Peter and Paul Cathedral. Some insisted he was still alive and had simply walked away from his “day job” to became a reclusive monk (Interestingly, Soviet authorities opened up his coffin in the 1920s only to find it empty).
The new Tsar – Nicholas I – would decisively crush this uprising on Senate Square in St Petersburg in 1825. The brave and idealistic rebels – now known collectively as the Decembrists- were almost all Masons dedicated to giving up their lives in order to light a “spark” and change society for the better.
The Russian poet and playwright Alexander Pushkin – also a Mason – did not manage to join the Decembrists in their quixotic adventure, but he was very sympathetic to the cause. He was certainly not alone in this regard. I specifically mention him here because eight years later Pushkin would write a short story entitled “the Queen of Spades”. Critics to this day believe this to be a supernatural fantasy about avarice and gambling, but it is actually much more.
In reality, the “Queen of Spades” (later to become an Opera by Tchaikovsky) is a clever riddle in which the author reveals the “secret Masonic code” which is used to unlock the true meaning of sacred texts like the Bible and Koran.
On a personal note: while researching Russian Freemasonry as a graduate student oh so many years ago, I felt a powerful urge to find out the identity of that “Unknown Superior” mentioned earlier. “Why was Anderson so reluctant to divulge his name?”
I contacted the Scottish rite Masons in Chicago at the time and began visiting them at their local lodge adjacent to the Newberry Library. The brothers were quite affable and gregarious, but they themselves were unable to help me out in my search for the truth. Over time, I was finally introduced to someone who was considered an expert in Russian Freemasonry! I could feel that the Holy Grail was within my grasp.
I asked him – point blank- if it was possible to reveal to me the identity of the illusive and mysterious “unknown superior”. “Yes, oh yes”, he replied, and then paused for a suspenseful moment… “You see…let me put it this way, it was either the Prince of Wales or … an extra-terrestrial. I will leave it up to you to decide which one to believe”.
That was not, of course, a definitive and clear answer. Was it perhaps another clever riddle?
Paul Kindlon is Professor of Humanities – Moscow University Touro.

Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the book, Kevin MacDonald’s Metaphysical Failure: A Philosophical, Historical, and Moral Critique of Evolutionary Psychology, Sociobiology, and Identity Politics. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.
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[” Its honourble to pick up the topic who is controlling and organizing and reigning us, world wide…The FREEMANSONS, over 8000 Years in their DELTA-PYRAMID with the AllSeingEye, based on the Fundament in LATIN-Letters: 1776, which belongs to the JESUIT BROTHER ADAM WEISHAUPT, but selling us 4th of July, which is–upsidedown: DEPENDENCE-DAY into the digitalized SLAVERY ww. sold today as TRADE-WAR. PUTIN is an ILO EMPLOYEE as all other PERSONS in the FUNCTIONS of and this side shall be studied as well: the ad most important thing of this PSYOP-WAR are the ZIONISTS and ILLUMINATI of ROCKEFELLER-OPPENHEIMER-ROTHSCHILDS, organized in GOD=Gold-Oil-Diamond=NAEU-EURABIA-EURASIA..secret CAPITOL is ´NUR SULTAN was ASTANA. The ZIONISTS had the control of the RUSS-CENTRALBANK over 99 Year, BALFOUR DECLARATION 1917-2016, than the BANK went back into the hands of the PATRIARCH. However, the US-MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION are still controlling all GOV.ADMINS of the WORLD with the IRS as the TAX-HEAD. So UKRAINA, 43tsd BRANCHES and 28tsd in POLEN RUSS-FED, 11tsd.aso. All WARS 1.2.3 are organized by the FREEMASONS and BANKSTERS with their to us given HISTORY they agreed with by contracts, to keep us misinformed and always in the status of War, for their PROFIT and POWER.. not to forget the direct network with the B’nai B’rite and the JESUITS, in their VATICAN-STATE CONTRACTORS of….”].
I dont like this. Ive read that some czars were actual masons and things went nuts during their reigns. I just cant remember where Ive read this. Theres something else wrong with this source: there are no hidden messages in the Bible or Quran.
In reality, the “Queen of Spades” (later to become an Opera by Tchaikovsky) is a clever riddle in which the author reveals the “secret Masonic code” which is used to unlock the true meaning of sacred texts like the Bible and Koran.
That what the ZOHAR and Talmudists tell impressionable dummies. Why would God want to only speak to the most intelligent? Ridiculous. Its narcissism. God wrote in our souls knowing right from wrong. That is the resonance -your “gut”- that tells you Gods laws are real and just and perfect for us… if you’ll only study without preconceived notions and listen to someone wise. Gods laws make sense to wise people.
this has nothing to do with you liking it or not.. someone shares his perspective on this very interesting era in our common earthern history. in this part lies the way to understand russian civilisation and Why archangel on the crest and saint george are so important. if you dont like the deeper meaning your god is showing you throug so many well willing good people….well how you going to see then?
The problem with your “Why would God only want to speak to the most intelligent” is the FACT that God did not write the bible. Man did. Just as God did not decide what books were to go into the bible, nor did he edit them, man did. One does not need a god to tell them in their heart (soul?)what is right or wrong…only the gullible, easily led and weak minded do. Just as God did not order the Spanish inquisition, man did.
It doesn’t have to be an either or answer🤣
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