Caring for Yourself Before, During And After Your Pregnancy


To carry a child is a profound and sacred privilege. Excuse me if this is a melodramatic thing to say. But I believe that the point of life for all peoples is to ultimately care for and nurture the next generation into a world, hopefully, better than the one we entered. Now of course this is a role that can take on many forms. It can be a teacher. It can be a mentor. It can even just be some person, who had really good advice on what to order at a deli that one time.

To nurture life and its blooming is not just a privilege relegated to someone with a womb. That being said, however. To bring life into this world in the most real way imaginable. To make a person. Literally. To create a human that was not there before. Well, there is no other way to describe it but as a gift. To be a parent is a divine sacrifice for your child. It’s like letting your heart walk around outside of your chest.

It consumes your every thought, it dictates your every action. And that’s exactly why it is so important for you to take care of yourself. When you have a child your life is no longer your own. If anything were to happen to you the effect on your kids is immeasurable. That’s why I’ve created this guide to help you prioritize your health! Because you’re all they’ve got!

Getting The Right Amount of Sleep

For our first entry on this list, I wanted to talk about something that may initially seem obvious, but I find can be criminally overlooked. You need to get enough sleep. There’s no other way to say it. Sleep is not only important to your health but that of your baby as well. When you get seven to nine hours of sleep a night you’ll notice a drastic change in your energy level.

As well as a reduction of stress and an increase in your mood. Not only that but a consistent sleep schedule has also been shown to bolster your immune system. Though sleep is by no means a cure-all. When you’re trying to build the house, that is your health. Getting enough sleep is one of the surest foundations.

Eating Right

When you’re pregnant all of the baby’s nutrients are coming from the food you eat. It’s that simple. You are the gateway between your baby and the outside world. Your baby’s health is your health. If you want to have a healthy baby, you need to eat healthy food. Having a consistent diet of nutrient-rich food is key to this whole equation. Of course, you should go for the odd craving now and then. But on average if you are eating healthy the chances for your baby to arrive into this world full of life, happiness, and healthy skyrockets!

If you find yourself having trouble getting all the vitamins you need before your pregnancy. You should try these Prenatal vitamins! These are natural, non-GMO certified supplements that feature twelve essential vitamins that most people aren’t getting in their diet. This is a supplement that can be taken during all stages of pregnancy, perfect for someone looking for a sense of continuity in their vitamin intake!

Enough Exercise!

Now when one is pregnant it seems like the last thing you’d want to do is go out and run a 10k. And while that’s true, in my experience it’s often that many people use this as a pretense to refrain from exercise entirely. This however is a huge mistake! Exercise for your body is that little bit of magic that ties all of your systems together. When you’re in shape that means almost every cellular detail of your body is working more efficiently.

So during your pregnancy, it’s important to maintain your health with a series of low-impact exercises. Walking is a great way to get your cardio in. And as for things like strength training. Yoga is an excellent tool. While it’s normal to engage in less exercise than you might have previously. It’s important to keep yourself active! And keeping a steady routine of low-impact exercises is a great way to do it!

When you’re a parent you need to be on your A-game. You need to be excited and enthusiastic, so that your kid and grow up in a happy and nurturing environment. Does this seem like a tall order? Well, that’s because it is. The only way to meet this challenge is to feel your best. And the only way to feel your best? Is to make sure you are taking care of yourself! Eating right, getting enough sleep, and a healthy exercise routine are the best ways to make sure that you show up every day for your baby.


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