6 Tips for Managing Cognitive Decline in Senior Dogs


Do you think your dog is experiencing cognitive decline? This can be a difficult thing for them to go through. However, there is a lot you can do to help! From dog CBD to mentally stimulating activities, follow these six tips to help manage your dog’s cognitive decline.

1. How to Determine Your Dog is Experiencing Cognitive Decline

Before taking steps to manage your dog’s cognitive decline, it is critical to be aware of the signs. Determining where your dog is mentally will be the key to knowing how to effectively help them. It will give you ways to describe your dog’s behavior to vets so they can be properly diagnosed as well.

Personality Changes

You likely have a good feel for your dog’s personality. Whether he/she is laid back and chill or derpy and moody, you love every ounce of personality that your best friend brings to your life. It will likely be easy to tell if he/she is acting differently. Personality changes can be a sign of cognitive decline in dogs of older ages.

Inability to Hold Bodily Functions

You potty trained your dog early on like the amazing owner you are. So, if your dog starts pottying in the house at an older age, this could be a sign of cognitive decline. There are other reasons dogs may begin doing this, so it is important to consider all the variables before doing anything rash.

Confusion and Disoriented Behavior

As you can imagine, confusion and disoriented behavior are almost always a sign of cognitive decline. You should immediately follow the rest of this guide if your dog shows this behavior consistently.

Changes in Sleep and Activity Patterns

Your dog likes its patterns and spots. If you are home often, you know how much your dog likes to sleep, where he/she likes to sleep, and what it looks like when he/she is well-rested. If your dog appears to be sleeping less often or not well-rested, he/she may be experiencing a cognitive decline.

This also applies to a lack of activity. If your dog shows disinterest in their favorite toys, the mailman, or anything else they typically like playing with or chasing. This could be a sign to seek medical attention.

Peculiar Pacing or Vocalization

The final primary sign of cognitive decline in dogs is peculiar pacing or vocalization. If you find your dog pacing your hallway or whining in an out-of-ordinary way, he/she may be experiencing cognitive decline. This particular sign could mean they are experiencing a great deal of stress and should be attended to immediately.

Now that you know how to determine if your dog is experiencing cognitive decline, it’s time to discover what you can do to help manage it.

2. Go to the Professionals

First, go to the professionals. Now that you know the signs and symptoms of cognitive decline in dogs. You can visit your local veterinarian with videos and descriptions of what your dog has been having. This will allow them to accurately diagnose your little one and prescribe the best medicine and treatment for their situation.

3. Dog CBD

Have you ever heard of dog CBD? Cognitive decline is very hard on dogs. It causes stress, anxiety, confusion, and frustration. This kind of experience can shorten your dog’s life and cause many different hardships for them. Clinical studies have proven that dog CBD can provide all sorts of health benefits including cognitive help, joint strengthening, stress relief, itch relief, and many other benefits.

4. Ensure Safe Walking Patterns and Daily Activity

If your walking patterns are down busy streets or other dangerous areas for dogs, you should consider changing it to a more relaxing route. A walk in a quiet park, slow neighborhood, or other serene environments could do wonders for your dog’s mental health.

5. Give Your Dog Mentally Stimulating Activities

Dogs, just like humans, need mental stimulus. Give your dog fun games that stretch its mind, especially if your dog is an only child. There are plenty of different games out there, so just shop around and pick the best one for your pup.

6. Use Physical Touch to Alleviate Stress

Dogs are also like humans in that physical touch can be a major stress reliever for them. So, if your dog appears to be stressed or anxious, get on the ground and love on them. Give them hugs, pet them, and show them how much you love them with physical touch. You will be surprised at how much it helps.

The Bottom Line

Dogs are some of the world’s kindest creatures. They deserve all the love and support that we can give. If you notice that they may be struggling with cognitive decline based on any signs listed above, help them as best you can. Follow this guide and help manage their mental health as best you can. Try dog CBD, talk to the vet, and love them with all your heart.


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