The Coming Shift to Cosmic Fascism (Part I)


by  Preston James

Note: If you have not read prior VT articles on Secret Space War matters, you may find this article a waste of your time and an exercise in incredulity and fantasy and you should probably not read it.


Soon the public is going to learn that Alien ETs are real and that their anti-gravity craft are real too.

And this major disclosure of the US Government’s greatest secret may now come sooner rather than later.

Once the cat is out of the bag, be certain that it will set off a process that will displace the current Super Fascist American governmental system run out of the City of London (COL) and will usher in a kinder, gentler (at least at first) new form of fascism, best referred to as Cosmic Fascism.

We now know for certain that crashed Alien anti-gravity craft from distant locations in the Cosmos were piloted by Alien ETs.

These crashed craft have been recovered and back-engineered by certain defense contractors in various “Black” and “unacknowledged programs”.

And some inside sources have now claimed that these back-engineering programs involve secret treaties made with certain Alien ET groups who now work jointly with American defense contractor staff in certain highly compartmented Deep-Black and Beyond-Black unacknowledged Secret Space War and hybridization programs, with at least one being located at Dulce, New Mexico, in a Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB).

Ben Rich former head of Lockheed-Martin Skunkworks described UFOs as “Biomorphic”.

Remember this term “Biomorphic” that Ben Rich used to describe these recovered and back-engineered Alien ET anti-gravity craft.

Biomorphic: “Resembling or suggesting the form of a living organism. The ability to move, change shape and function as a living entity”. More on this deep mystery at the end of this  3 part series.

And as Ben Rich also once claimed, “we now have the technology to take ET home”. He was implying that the defense contractors in these unacknowledged, un-audited Deep-Black and Beyond-Black programs had now reached the point technologically that they can bridge interstellar space and travel inter-dimensionally beyond the speed of light.

This coming major disclosure of the deepest state secrets ever held is going to create a monumental shift in the composition and beliefs of society including its leadership structure.

For reasons to be disclosed in this article, this coming greatest USG disclosure ever will propel America and the world into a new kind of Globalist NWO that will be independent of the old guard, who are typically referred to by insiders as the BT/RKM/COL or the “Hierarchy”.

This current Ruling Cabal will be shoved aside and made irrelevant and will become completely unsupported at every level by the world’s masses all in unison and will be ejected from all power.

The Cabal will be shoved aside and deemed obsolete and anti-human as a worldwide reaction to some very startling world events related to disclosure of Alien ETs and a publicly announced expectation of a coming cosmic Battle for Planet Earth.

This expected final battle for Planet Earth is going to be reported as a battle with what are now viewed to be a certain evil Alien ET group headed toward Planet Earth as a very large and powerful armada.

This Ruling Cabal is a Hierarchy or pyramid of power and is known to be controlled by BT/RKM/COL private debt-note based pernicious usury fiat banking. Insiders claim this Cabal is run by a satanic cult that uses pedophilia as their personal sport and a means to compromise new initiates. This Ruling Cabal has been alleged to have merged its top controllers with every major, organized-crime group in the world.

Typically this Hierarchy always infiltrates, merges and then hijacks major organized crimes groups all over the world to gain an edge in controlling the various subcultures of power that exist in the world. Then the Hierarchy uses this underworld power as a base to conduct highly illegal, immoral covert operations needed to gain vast funding off the books and without Congressional oversight, to human compromise and exert controls not otherwise possible, that are all thus deniable.

Doofuses and weirdos are selected from “Bloodline” families of those who are judged to be easily morally compromised; and these folks are groomed, initiated, dirtied up and propelled into the highest positions in society and the USG to become Cutouts for the Hierarchy.

Thus the visible USG is staffed with Doofus tools in high authority that are there only to act as ordered or according to the Agendas set by a Top Council of the Twelve Kings of the Earth (now 11). Once they are no longer needed soon after major disclosure occurs they will quickly become irrelevant and be pushed aside into obscurity and perhaps poverty too like many of their victims over the years.


Despite all the power these Doofus tools have been given and cloaked with, they are readily disposable as soon as they are no longer needed by the Top Controller to which the Superior General (Black Pope) answers to. And this entity, according to insiders, is a Lesser god (Fallen One) some view as Lucifer, an entity whom these top Cabal members view as the god of this world, and a force they believe will soon be seated to rule the whole world with supernatural power.

The Ruling Cabal (aka the Hierarchy) is typically controlled by “12 Kings” (now 11, until a replacement is fully initiated and brought in). These Kings rule the world and answer to the Superior General (aka Black Pope) who operates under the authority of Lucifer who he believes is the operational god of this world.

As this new form of Fascism is shifted into place, it will in a sense start out as a friendly, much friendlier than the Super Fascism which was implemented by GHWB and the BCC under the authority of the Council of Twelve, the operational Kings of the BT/RKM/COL World Banking Hierarchy.

In America, Super fascism has been cloaked as friendly, except if you become a target as a whistle-blower, dissident or a nation where natural resources and land is considered essential to the Hierarchy.

GHWB used to brag to his inside circle that what he had implemented was a friendlier form of fascism, the “iron fist in the velvet glove”. What he meant was this new Super Fascist USG that was implemented by the JFK Assassination was secret, powerful and maintained a veneer of social concern on the outside.

Of course any serious whistle-blowers or dissenters who were judged to pose a serious loose-end or threat to the Hierarchy would be seriously dealt with by the iron fist, but it would be sufficiently “cloaked” to keep it secret from the general public through control of their Major Mass Media, which functions as an illegal News and Media Monopoly and Cartel.

Serious terminations with extreme prejudice by assigned wet-boy teams (sometimes using women assets) required a presidential “signed national security finding” (much like a secret PDD) that ordered and justified the action as necessary to protect or maintain “national security”.

These assassinations of whistle-blowers and dissidents inside America involve orders by FBI or CIA Officers or agents to the local police to “stand-down” that are always complied with. Highly obedient or deeply compromised Medical examiners (coroners) are used who falsely list the deaths as suicides, even though all the evidence shows blatant acts of murder.

This methodology became a way of life in Arkansas for the “Dixie Mafia” which had become deputized by the CIA as agents of “National Security” and used to cover up for the Clintons and the GHWB authorized crimes of the CIA’s Mena Arkansas drug pipeline.

Thus the term “Arkencide” was coined to represent these “impossible suicides” later used by the FBI, the CIA, the DOD and various contractors deputized under national security.

What American Super Fascism is, and how it functions as a secret Globalist NWO run by 147 large interlocked International Corporations mostly linked to G7 nations which share many of the same Board of Directors and Intel agents from their nations’ various Intel agencies.

With Nazi Fascism the State merged with the Corporations, but the State maintained control. Our current condition in America is best referred to as Super Fascism wherein the State and the Corporations merge and the Corporations gain control over the State because they have stacked and hijacked it.

In Super Fascism 147 of these largest international corporations and large Wall Street Banks infiltrated, stacked and hijacked use the American State and use it as a their tool to protect their own elite interests over and above the interests of We The People.

The Super fascism of America as directed by the BT/RKM/COL is only a transitory state and will soon be superseded by a whole new form of government, one that will envelop the whole world (or what is left of it by that time).

Like regular Fascism, Super Fascism too will be superseded by a new style of Fascism. This new type of fascism, best called Cosmic Fascism is going to be implemented soon and is the merger and fusion of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) and the Secret Space War Program with the State to form a new form of state, the Globalist NWO Super State.

With Cosmic Fascism the deep esoteric secrets of the Secret Space War Program are going to be accepted by the Super State and will be publicly proclaimed in order to mobilize the masses against what will be claimed to be a large coming invasion attempt by evil Alien ETs.

At that time the world’s masses will be convinced that the only way for humanity to survive this is for all the major nations of the world to coordinate their Secret Space War programs and fight and destroy this large Alien ET Cosmic Invading force.

As this shift to the esoteric as Cosmic Fascism in society occurs, the Old Guard (top Hierarchy members) which includes the BT/RKM/BCC/COL Super Fascists will be quickly pushed aside and stripped of all power and privilege.

Naturally the Old Guard will resist this new form of fascism (Cosmic Fascism) and will desperately try and maintain the existence of their own system, Super Fascism. To do this they will pick from a choice of proved options. They can continue to deploy false-flag attacks, some even nuclear as was done at the twin towers NYC on 9-11-01.

They can use these to falsely blame hand selected mentally ill or mentally retarded Islamic patsies the FBI works hard to entrap; or they can start major new illegal unconstitutional aggressive foreign wars of acquisition.

Or they can continue supporting their private mercenary army ISIS which is an extension of the Mujaheddin started by the CIA to defeat the Soviet Union Communists in Afghanistan in order to gain control and greatly expand the Opium crop and acquire cheap access to the Lithium for high tech batteries.

Or they can provoke North Korea, Russia and/or China into a major WW3 with a limited or full exchange of nuclear weapons while the top Hierarchy leaders go underground into designated DUMBs until the radiation clears. Then they can come out and start over, all done under the Continuation of Government (COG) Program.

Of course the big secret here is that these DUMBs are actually controlled by Alien ETs and hybrids; and once these folks go down during any WW3 nuclear exchange, they will likely never emerge. And there have been rumors for years that at some point some of these supposedly friendly Alien ETs they have treaties with and joint Secret Space War (SSW) projects with will turn on them and use them as a food source and delicacy.

And as some in the SSW program already know, there have been multiple occasions where UFOs piloted by Alien ETs have hovered around nuclear ICBM launch sites and used sophisticated electronic warfare to render the devices temporarily un-launchable and the detonators that cannot be armed. It is not too much a jump from this to assume that if the Super Fascists attempt to start a full exchange nuclear WW3, the various Alien ETs will prevent the full destruction of the human populace.

However, it is possible that they will allow a partial launch and a loss of up to about 1/3 of the world population; and this will serve as a catalyst to push their new Cosmic Fascist system into place for their style of Globalist NWO. In a worst case scenario, there could be a counter-strike and another loss of up to 1/3 of the world’s populace.

This large scale mass-death of humans of course could be used by the new group to promote itself and make its descent to a position of leadership over what population that remains much easier and faster.

There is a side effect of Super Fascism’s habit of merging with organized crime all over the world; of merging with the Satanic cults and deputizing them as agents or assets of “national security”; and promoting a large subculture of endemic corruption associated with and protected by the USG. This side-effect is that a large portion of the masses have become aware of the massive, endemic corruption in the USG and its associates. This has engendered a general disrespect and even hatred for the USG itself, American Intel, American Law Enforcement, as well as all the American alphabets and all those leaders associated with each entity.

This occurrence can itself make it relatively easy for a new set of rulers to use crises they create to push aside the Ruling Cabal and quickly rise to the top of a new form of government that is destined to be installed.

It is my view that there is going to be tension between the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) which is based on the Secret Space War (SSW) and the Ruling Cabal (the Hierarchy, aka the BT/RKM/COL).

I believe that the SSW has pulled the SSG into a major esoteric drift away from the reality of the Ruling Cabal and this tension will be resolved as the world masses that remain become fed up with Super Fascism.

Esoteric Drift: Drift of operational beliefs into specific secrets of an isolated and powerful subculture. Historically based on the forbidden ancient Babylonian or Sumerian Black Arts of the Dark Side which have been passed on through Satanic pedophile occult groups associated with certain Bloodlines. SSW esoteric drift does not appear to be directly linked to drift into ancient BT Black Arts but rather a drift into a special SSW subculture of deep space based secrets and technologies that must be protected by extreme secrecy and memory erasure system.

Officials who directly run the Secret Space War (SSW) programs with full knowledge of the deep space fleets of the USN and the USAF have allegedly drifted into a sub-cultural mindset. This mindset reportedly includes a non-conventional view of humans as soul containers, and involves a different view of time and space. Often the end-state that is viewed as a vitally important goal is used to justify the means necessary to attain that goal no matter who gets hurt or killed.

One example is that it has been alleged that Secret Space War pilots serve ten-year terms of deep-space combat with this invading armada that is headed our way, and then their memories are wiped clean as a security and secrecy measure. It has been reported that some such SSW vets who had their memories wiped start recovering them after a period of time.

This esoteric drift of the SSG because of the SSW deep space anti-gravity fleets of the USN and the USAF combined with the DUMBs and the treaties with certain Alien ET groups has actually constituted a very sophisticated type of mind-kontrol.

This has caused SSW controllers to accept the Alien ET directed delusion that the American masses should not be told the truth, that they could not handle it. The radio show, War of the Worlds, was used as a test; and reports of some suicides are used as justification for the cloak of secrecy that is maintained, but is now eroding fast, due to disagreement between the younger members and the older members of Majestic (MJ).

I believe this is a false delusion and that the American masses have already been slowly adapted to the truth because of Hollywood’s depictions, Dr. Steven Greer’s revolutionary Disclosure Project, and the many SSW heroes that have retired and come forth to tell a good portion of the truth.

This mind-kontrol has been a result of Alien ET culture imposed on the humans they work with and various sophisticated spiritual and psychic mind-kontrol. This Alien ET mind-kontrol serves helps these Alien ETs groups control the SSG elements it works with to develop and refine super high-tech, quantum technologies, including anti-gravity, inter-dimensional travel, and scalar and particle beam weapons and communication systems.


Basically the BT/RKM/COL folks who staff the Ruling Cabal and their close associates and cutouts have been seduced by a combination of the seven deadly sins and have allowed their very souls to be stripped away (aka snatched) in order to be anointed with unsurpassed power, wealth and status.

In order to attain these huge assets not available to others, they must pass through various, increasingly evil and savage initiations, culminating in human and child sacrifice rituals. These rituals are recorded and used as insurance to make sure they never vary from their allowed parameters. Many are raised in Bloodline occult families and trauma-conditioned at an early age as children to have multiple personality disorder, MPD, aka dissociative identity disorder, DID.

These individuals who have gained the world and all its riches, power and status have lost their very souls and face a coming, final judgment for their evil unless they repent; but currently they appear to truly not understand the significance of what they have done by giving up their very souls for mammon.


In part II of this series, the transition from the ordinary Fascism established during WW2 and how it was suddenly transformed into Super Fascism by the JFK assassination will be explicated and discussed.


A 10-minute video with Gordon Duff on the Mike Harris Radio Show – go to the wheel and play at 1.25 speed.


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