TRUTH JIHAD: RIP Jack Shaheen – He Exposed Hollywood’s Anti-Arab Bias

Jack Shaheen’s film Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People exposes Hollywood’s ongoing complicity in the demonization and mass murder of Middle Eastern people.


This episode of Truth Jihad Radio was first broadcast on Jan. 20, 2014. We are rebroadcasting it in memory of Jack Shaheen, who passed away on July 9.

First 40 minutes: Jack Shaheen, author and filmmaker.

The 9/11-triggered War on Islam, with its ritual human sacrifice of millions of Arabs and Muslims, was prepped by decades of ever-accelerating Hollywood hate propaganda. Jack Shaheen’s film Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People exposes Hollywood’s ongoing complicity in the demonization and mass murder of Middle Eastern people.

Final 20 minutes: Richard Hugus, who has published articles on drones for Global Research exposes Zionist propaganda outfits including CAMERA, which has lied outrageously to cover up the evil words and deeds of Ariel Sharon. Charles Jacobs, the Zionist freak behind CAMERA is a member of the new PNAC, which had to change its name to FDD (Foundation for Defense of Democracies) after it was exposed as the intellectual author of the 9/11 “New Pearl Harbor.”



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