Syrian forces Israeli Defense Forces: you ain’t seen nothing yet


…by Jonas E. Alexis

Now we’re talking. The Israeli Defense Forces have recently attacked the Syrian forces again,[1] but the Syrian forces responded by taking down an Israeli F-16 fighter jet.[2]

The IDF declared that their attack in Syria was simply a response to “Iranian aggression,”[3] but only a fool would believe that the IDF were telling the truth. They have been perpetuating lies and hoaxes since the beginning of the Syrian war, and now they want us all to believe that Iran was being aggressive.

Obviously the Syrian forces were telling the Israelis that if they think they are going attack Syria without a military response, then they’ve got another thing coming. Russia should use that opportunity to challenge the Israeli regime to abide by the political order or face consequences.

Russia cannot allow Benjamin Netanyahu to go wild. If you give that man an inch, he will take a mile. If you give him a mile, he will take an entire nation. If you give him a nation (as in the case of Iraq), he will ask for more, as in the case of Syria.

The best way for Russia to stop this perennial conflict in Syria is to send Netanyahu an ultimatum explaining why he cannot continue to attack Syria and use dumb excuses such as Iran is being aggressive in the region. Russia is a friend of both Iran and Syria, therefore Russia cannot allow Netanyahu to go unchallenged and unchecked.

Netanyahu can say that Israel wants peace, but we all know that this man is a political vampire. He drinks the blood of other people in the Middle East. That’s how he survives. How else would he continue to attack a sovereign nation such as Syria? How else would he continue to invoke one categorical lie after another? “We seek peace but are prepared for any scenario and I wouldn’t suggest to anyone that they test us,” he has recently said.

When was the last time that Netanyahu really sought peace in the Middle East? Doesn’t he continue to perpetuate the lie that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons, when the evidence shows the opposite? Don’t Israeli officials also say that Netanyahu perpetuates “bullshit”?[4]

If that is so, then Russia should start telling Netanyahu to shape up or ship out. Russia has done a remarkable job in Syria so far, but if they don’t send Netanyahu a political guideline, then he will try to screw things up again because he is a political psychopath.

  • [1] Israeli Army Reports Downing Iranian Drone, Attacking ‘Targets’ Inside Syria,” Sputnik News, February 10, 2018.
  • [2] “Israeli F-16 fighter jet shot down by Syrian anti-aircraft fire amid IDF cross-border raid,” Russia Today, February 10, 2018.
  • [3] “Israeli Army Reports Downing Iranian Drone, Attacking ‘Targets’ Inside Syria,” Sputnik News, February 10, 2018.
  • [4] “Ex-Mossad chief calls Netanyahu’s Iran speech ‘bullshit,’” Times of Israel, March 5, 2015.


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  1. The drone was being used to locate and observe terrorists in the area close to the Golan. The drone never entered Israel. The craft that shot down the drone was a helicopter, Israel used the excuse of the drone entering their airspace (not) as a provocation against their sovereignty (I shit you not) and dispatched an F-16 to attack the C&C center controlling the drone (Israels version). From there, the Israeli plan went to hell quickly. Now, Israel passes off this failure (every bit a failure as the US cruise missile attack) the same as the US accomplished their goal and was a success. Except that it wasn’t…no more than the US failure was. The dead giveaway is that the ISraelis and the US, when they do get it right, brag incessantly, touting their ‘superiority’ and how the enemy better not make them do it again. But as in this and the US cruise missile fiasco, there is a bare mention on the MSM and quickly passed over. You’ll hear all went well and mission accomplished…then no more.

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