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Tag: United States

Israel has to be defeated

Israel continues to act in ways that are incompatible with the moral and political order largely because Israel has been getting away with its evil deeds without any repercussions from the West.

Zelensky’s diaspora delegation led by economic hit-woman who led plunder of...

With tens of billions more on the way to Ukraine, the country’s debt to international creditors continues to grow, setting the stage for another crushing wave of austerity after the war.

NATO Divide Growing, US & EU May Drastically Reduce Ukraine Aid...

The present military balance on the Ukrainian battlefield overwhelmingly favors Russia which carried out a partial mobilization of military reservists last year.

Washington Post Lets Hersh’s Dangerous Cat Out of the Bag

As the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines on 26 September 2022 constitutes an act of international terrorism and represents a threat to peace, it is the Council’s responsibility to take up the question of who might have carried out the act, help bring the perpetrator to justice, pursue compensation for the damaged parties and prevent such actions from recurring in the future.

Why does NATO/Ukraine keep attacking civilian areas in Donetsk?

While rescuers continue to search for survivors under the rubble, preliminary information suggests that there were three people in one of the apartments.

Creating a Russian Bogeyman

Beginning in 2017, Facebook and Twitter were under extraordinary pressure to acknowledge and publicize Russian meddling on their social media platforms throughout the 2016 election.

Weapons Sent to Kiev Could Take US ‘Nearly Half a Century’...

The US has now sent nearly $27 billion in arms to Kiev since last February, with its allies chipping in over $9 billion more.

Why Russia’s Sukhoi Su-35 Fighters are Nightmare for Iran’s Adversaries

Deeper cooperation with Russia and gaining new technologies will boost Iran’s defense industry resulting in a substantive economic effect, according to him.

Trump Planned ‘False Flag’ Nuke Attack on North Korea…Was Going to...

In 2017, then-President Trump discussed the idea of using a nuclear weapon against North Korea and suggested he could blame a U.S. strike on another country, according to a section of Michael Schmidt's book "Donald Trump vs. the United States."

Russia’s War on NATO

Thus, it was not possible to force Square to peace with strikes on the energy sector, and, probably, this was the reason for the next, already the third in a row, personnel reshuffle in the command of the NWO.

Ukraine is turning into a giant military cemetery

As a local truth teller noted, “it’s easy to see that they take it with a margin, they know that a lot of space will be needed.”

Is Joe Biden willing to destroy the world to “weaken Russia”?

Rick Newman, Yahoo’s top Finance Columnist, observes how “Budget hawks in Congress are worried about granting President Biden’s request for an additional $38 billion in aid for Ukraine to help defeat the invading Russians.” He concludes “They’re right. Thirty-eight billion isn’t enough. Make it $50 billion. Or even $100 billion. The more, the better, until the job is done.”

US miscalculations are now legion — but what to do now?

With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the United States enjoyed another period of diplomatic and strategic dominance — despite the world becoming increasingly multipolar economically.

Ukraine Was Not Built To Last

The present disaster in Ukraine incepted in the Washington-sponsored Maidan coup of February 2014. Among other things it was a "revenge intervention" designed to punish Russia for being so bold as to thwart the neocon regime change adventure in Syria.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken Concedes Ukraine War is Lost

West of the Dnieper River, north around Kharkov, and south around Odessa and Nikolaev, Blinken has tabled for the first time US acceptance of “a demilitarized status” for the Ukraine.

Russian Aerospace Forces launched missiles at targets in Ukraine

Recall that a few days ago, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Vadym Skibitsky, said that Russia had already used up 80% of high-precision missiles.

Should Putin ‘De-Satanize’ or ‘DeNazify’ Ukraine? Or Both?

In October 2022, Alexey Pavlov’s publication “What is cooked in the witch’s Cauldron” about “neo-pagan cults” in Ukraine caused a scandal, after which the Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev apologized for this article.

Experiment: Nuclear Exchange between the US and Russia

Fear of nuclear war has risen sharply since the start of the conflict in Ukraine. This is reported by the British newspaper Financial Times, referring to the opinions of experts and studying various scenarios for the development of events.

NATO junks m777 Howitzer After Test Failure in Ukraine

Practice has shown that it is difficult to withdraw the M777 and the RF Armed Forces destroyed many Western-made howitzers.

The Widows Revolution: A Jewish government, a Mafia war and 122,000...

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are suffering very heavy losses, but the real truth is hidden. More precisely, they are trying to hide it, although it stubbornly climbs out.

Mossad spying on US presidents

The Zionist colonization of Palestine could not have been maintained without the $10.4 million a day, $430,000 an hour, $7,229 a minute and $120 a second, that the United States government gives to the temporary entity.

UKRAINE WAR: Is Russia Destroying Zelensky’s Reserves Near Volchanks?

Recently, the Ukrainian command has been actively increasing the concentration of forces and means of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the northeast of...

Russian Minister Medvedev: If US Deploys ‘Peacekeepers’ to Ukraine, We Will...

Russia will consider so-called NATO peacekeepers as legitimate targets if they get deployed in Ukraine on the front line, Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry...

USA IN PERIL: Meet The Dis-United States of America

Let me just give you a few on-the-spot personal reactions of mine about the news of the Grand Jury Indictment of former President Donald...

Ukrainian Army is ‘Almost Destroyed’

The head of the Wagner Group private military company (PMC) Evgeny Prigozhin has described Ukraine’s losses in the battle for the city of Artryomovsk...

Nuke Scare: Russian General Threatens Use of Doomsday Torpedo to...

A weapon like Poseidon might theoretically be launched from a port or a naval base, but mounting it on a submarine makes it harder to find and neutralize.

USA: Ukraine’s Ammunition Use Unsustainable

Two unnamed US officials told the Times that the Pentagon has raised the issue of Ukraine’s ammunition use in Bakhmut after a few days of non-stop firing. Ukraine’s war effort is entirely reliant on support from the US, as the Pentagon has shipped millions of artillery shells to the country.

Arresting Putin

The Kiev regime has been shelling the Donbass for nine years since the CIA coup brought to power this fascist junta.

Is Ukraine Falling Apart Under Putin’s Attacks?

is it time for Ukraine to fall back, regroup, give themselves a couple of days to build up ammunition, and then dig in and try and hold the line again?

When Khazarian Mafia Occupied Ukraine as Base for Worldwide Zionist Revival

The data is bloody: from December 5 to 9, 1944, soldiers of the Ventspils field gendarmerie and the 2nd company of the 19th grenadier division of the Latvian SS Legion killed 160 civilians, including 22 children, in the village of Zleka, in western Latvia, on charges of cooperation with the partisans. In total, 22 farms, which were burned down, fell under the punitive operation.

Douglas McGregor: US cannot afford war with Russia

A former colonel in the US Army, and now a well-known military expert, Douglas McGregor spoke about the course of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. He made harsh statements in a conversation with the famous American TV presenter Tucker Carlson.

2nd Kinzhal Attack Hits NATO’s Western Command Center 80 meters Underground,...

The village of Kolbasna has an enormous X-soviet ammunitions warehouse that the Ukros are desperate to acquire. One of the goals of the RF is to establish a land corridor to Transnistria. The Ukrainian forces/Azov battalion pretext for the invasion will be a fake invasion by Russian troops in Priednestrovie. Currently the RF is jamming all communications in the region.

Russia Downing US drones saves thousands of lives

As we all know now, on March 14, a United States Air Force MQ-9 “Reaper” drone (presumably the latest Block 5 variant) was downed approximately 70 km off the coast of the Crimean Peninsula in southern Russia.

Russian Forces Capture Southern Bakhmut

Once again, we should hold the Zionist superstructure and the Jewish Neocons responsible for this war.

The weight of Russian manpower is crushing Ukrainians

"When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers...we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations."

Colonel McGregor: ‘Russia is crushing the Kiev regime’

Colonel Douglas McGregor doesn’t need a lot of introduction to people aware of the current geopolitical situation, as his actions, integrity and wisdom speak for themselves.

Dirty Money: Meet US agent Driving CIA-led Riots in Iran

There are Iranian women, though a minority, who are not in favor of the mandatory veil – a legitimate grievance, an opinionated dissatisfaction to which humankind is entitled. And then there are people leading a fraudulent anti-hijab movement with a barrel aimed at Tehran.

Piles of Ukrainian Soldiers’ Bodies Scattered on Svatovo-Kremennaya, Whose Action?

Whose action? The Jewish/Neocon Mafia should be held accountable for this diabolical activity. 

Russia Downs US Drone Running Target Acquistion for HIMARS

American drones have been directly involved in combat operations using ‘international waters’…which is NOT a legal protection for attacks on Russian territory….not hardly.

Russia Finally Admits to Destroying NATO’s Deep Underground Command Bunker in...

The head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy, German Galushchenko, separately admitted that the missile attack damaged at least three thermal power plants.