GOP Healthcare Plan: A Trip to McDonald’s

photo by Carol Duff

The GOP, big pharma, and the insurance lobby are introducing a new scam or rather health plan to replace the Affordable Care Act.  This one covers everything unless of course you get sick or were sick before.  What we have is a plan that covers only very healthy people with no history of illness and that will require costly supplemental insurance.  The fox has been loose in the hen house for a year now and for those few who pay attention the real Trump behind the clowning and foolishness is beginning to appear. It is a face we have seen time and time again. A face we saw in George W. Bush, and the real Ronald Raegan, the president for the banksters, a president for the corporations, a president that uses the power of government to fleece and police the American people into an early grave.

According to the Toledo Blade, the Trump administration has clarified a plan to decrease the cost of health insurance which will give those who buy it the option of buying less coverage…..What about the x-rays, laboratory tests, MRIs, CAT scans, surgeries, expensive treatments and drugs, etc. that will be needed to diagnosis and treat the illnesses/diseases that the insured will need to actually receive health care?  Will this be like the menu at McDonald’s?  “Oh, let’s see, I will take the options of x-rays and drugs and hope that I will not need that surgery.”

Let’s back up a bit.  With the comprehensive medical plans required under the Affordable Health Care Act, the consumer had protections against such things as being denied health insurance because of a pre-existing medical condition.  Correct me if you must, but I think everyone has the potential to have had a pre-existing medical condition.  This has even been addressed with a newborn, who was born with genetic issues with the heart, and the insurance company that his family was covered under, wanted to deny paying for care since before birth, the baby had a heart condition.

With Trump’s “new, improved” health care plan, there will be 10 broad classes of benefits, that will come with a disclaimer that they do not meet the Affordable Care Act’s safeguards such as the all-important “pre-existing condition” protection. Older adults and those with a medical history that will reflect health problems will have to pay more.  There may be a cap on how much older people will pay, but, we all know how utterly expensive medications are and that many of the older population must choose between medications and eating.

The Democrats have called this new proposal “junk insurance.”  To sell health insurance in this way will make it more expensive to cover healthcare costs.   Now is the time to downsize health care insurance costs not increase them for those who need them the most.

Also, it is up in the air as to whether a consumer will be able to renew coverage under one of the short-term insurance programs.  These short-term programs are not going to help anyone with existing health issues.  Insurance companies are quickly gearing up to take your dollars as you try to make sure you will have the insurance coverage you will need to guarantee that you and your families will have a fighting chance to live.

Make no mistake about this……Listen carefully because we are hearing, “Let them die.  If they were meant to live, they would have been born rich.”  The idiots in both the House of Representatives and Senate have their health insurance and you are paying for it.  Congress must join the ranks of us, the population of the U.S., and be forced to buy and maintain their own health insurance.  As long as Congress is given their freebies, at our expense, we will NEVER have a real solution to our healthcare issues here in the U.S.

As long as big pharma and corporations are allowed to lobby the sycophants, in D.C. we will never have a fair and workable plan for us.  As long as Trump and his cabal are in charge and push to change anything that Obama has accomplished in his two terms, we are simply running in place and possibly going backwards step by step.  As a nation we are in the hands of those who would bring us down.  We must fight back to save ourselves. Could this be the Trump plan for medical genocide? ……..Carol


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  1. Money for those who really don’t need anymore. People will need to be dishonest about their health and hope that fraud won’t catch up for repayment will be demanded. The gap widens due to politics for the wealthy haves and those with less. An honorable government on the other hand advances the best interests of the people. We only have politicians not government representation. Criminals basking in the swamp.

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