IDF gets caught with pants down in Syria—again

Brace yourself. The Israeli Defense Force has been caught again. The Jerusalem Post has posted an article saying that the IDF has militarily and financially supported the Syrian rebels/terrorist in Syria.


…by Jonas E. Alexis

Brace yourself. The Israeli Defense Force has been caught again. The Jerusalem Post has posted an article saying that the IDF has militarily and financially supported the Syrian rebels/terrorist in Syria. The article, however, was removed from the Jerusalem Post just a few hours of its release. David Brinn, the managing editor of the Jerusalem Post, said:

“We were told by the army’s military censor to remove that part of the story.”[1]

Russia Today reported: “The report, ‘IDF confirms: Israel provided light-weapons to Syrian rebels’, which claimed that the Israeli military acknowledged for the first time that it had provided money, weapons, and ammunition to the Syrian militants, was removed just hours after being published without any explanation. According to Brinn, the story was removed “for security reasons evidently.” The IDF told RT that it would not comment on the issue.”[2]

This is obviously not a surprise. But we know that Israel has been helping their terrorist friends in Syria since the beginning of the Syrian war. We also know for a fact that Israel wanted Assad to go. Assad is still in power, and the Israeli Defense Force seems to be saying that Israel is not going to lose without a fight. The diabolical recourse?

Well, they want to continue their work with terrorist cells in the region. At the same time, they want to give the impression that they are just trying to stop Iran and Hezbollah from attacking them. The million-dollar question is simply this: Where did Israel get the money to continue to support terrorist cells in Syria?

From America. Keep in mind again that Israel is receiving at least three billion dollars a year from the United States of America—or shall we say the Zionist State of America. The government takes the money from the average American, sends it to Israel, and Israel graciously sends them to the terrorists in Syria.

If that doesn’t make you want to puke, then you are an enemy of millions upon millions of decent Americans who don’t want their tax dollars to be sent to the Israeli regime, which never ceases to drink blood in the Middle East and elsewhere.

[1] “Report on IDF funding Syrian rebels pulled on request of ‘army’s censor’ – Jerusalem Post to RT,” Russia Today, September 5, 2018.

[2] Ibid.


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  1. It may be time to support a call for referendums, where the public can actually vote on foriegn and domestic policy issues, aND funding. There is no way we can do worse than congress.

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