Trump, Saudi Arabia, and CIA Project TEAK in Syria

“General [John] Kelly informed the president that his two top foreign policy advisers, McMaster and Tillerson, were in a ferocious fight over who would negotiate with Saudi Arabia to get $4 billion. The money was in part to fund operations in Syria, including a top secret CIA project for the Syrian rebels code-named TEAK."


…by Jonas E. Alexis

Bob Woodward’s incendiary book is already creating a storm of controversy. Woodward’s previous work, Plan of Attack, exposed the Bush administration and the war in Iraq. Plan of Attack was deeply rooted in serious investigation which turned out to be true.

For example, Woodward argued that Bush wanted to remove Saddam from power by force and made little effort to use diplomacy and reasonable dialogue. This was absolutely true.[1] Woodward rightly documented how Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, and a swamp of Neocon puppets perpetuated the categorical lie that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.

Woodward was right on target. Powell was reluctant to propagate the WMD lie, but he succumbed to the war machine. Woodard declared that Douglas Feith, one of the leading Neocons pushing the war, was “a Rumsfeld favorite” and “a protégé of Richard Perle,”[2] commonly known as “Prince of Darkness.”[3]

“Perle,” said Woodward, “was the most public outspoken public advocate for war with Iraq. Feith has a high-pitched, insistent voice.”[4] US General Tommy Ray Franks, however, called Feith “the fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth.”[5]

Woodward now takes on the Trump administration, and he writes in his recent book Fear that Donald Trump wanted to use money from Saudi Arabia in order to fund covert CIA operations in Syria. Woodward writes:

“General [John] Kelly informed the president that his two top foreign policy advisers, McMaster and Tillerson, were in a ferocious fight over who would negotiate with Saudi Arabia to get $4 billion. The money was in part to fund operations in Syria, including a top secret CIA project for the Syrian rebels code-named TEAK.

“Getting foreign governments to fund U.S. military and CIA operations in foreign countries remain one of Trump’s biggest goals”[6]

The Trump administration, said Woodward, was “willing to write big checks for a variety of projects in Syria.”[7] But for what? For protecting Americans in Syria? For keeping the United States safe? Or are we in Syria because the Israeli regime continues to oversee US foreign policy?

Woodward’s thesis in Fear again is politically plausible precisely because it corresponds to what we already know about Trump and Saudi Arabia. For example, we know that Trump made a military deal with the Saudis for $12.5 billion, despite the fact that they were slaughtering innocent civilians in Yemen.[8]

Even back in 2016, Trump was still making deal with the terrorist state, “despite blaming the country for 9/11.”[9] And you remember the stupid ceremonial sword dance in Saudi Arabia last year, in which Trump and the first lady gladly participated?

Let us reinstate that the only reason America is still in Syria is because the Trump administration is a puppet of the Israeli regime. Trump obviously knows that the United States is bankrupt. He knows that the US has already wasted at least $21 trillion.[10] He is also cognizant of the fact that we cannot continue to police countries in the Middle East without paying a huge price. But he has to find a way to execute Israeli orders. So he is using Saudi Arabia to get the dirty work done.

You see, the Trump administration cannot be understood outside of that political matrix, and to distract people from the main issues, as Neocon shill Ann Coulter and loudmouth Christian Zionist Jeanine Pirro have done again in their books Resistance is Futile! and Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy,[11] is to pat the Israelis on the back and say that they are doing a great job manipulating the United States.

Moreover, the fact that Trump does not want to make peace with perceived enemies of Israel is a sign that he is up to no good when it comes to following his own previously stated principle: “America First.” For example, he blasted former secretary of State John Kerry for having meetings with Iranian officials and trying to maintain a peace deal. “John Kerry had illegal meetings with the very hostile Iranian Regime which can only serve to undercut our great work to the detriment of the American people,” Trump said.

Iran is undermining the American people? Is this man living on another planet? Or is he so steeped in Israeli ideology that he cannot string two coherent thoughts together? It is not John Kerry who is actively undermining US foreign policy with respect to Iran; it is the Trump administration and the Israeli regime. it’s just that simple.

Current US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said of Kerry: “This is a former secretary of state engaged with the world’s largest State sponsor of terror and according to him… he was telling them to wait out this administration.”

This claim has been repeated over and over and no one has ever bothered to prove it. In fact, who is fighting ISIS and other terrorist cells in Syria at this present moment? The Israeli regime? The United States of America? France? Germany? The European Union?

Well, none of the above. The correct answer is Iran and Russia. Even the Daily Beast, of all places, admitted back in 2014 that Iran even fought ISIS in Iraq! In an article entitled, “Iran Offers Iraq ‘Everything It Needs’ to Fight ISIS,” we read:

“U.S. and senior Iraqi officials tell The Daily Beast that Iran is now offering the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki its army, its spies and highly trained irregular units from its revolutionary guard corps to root out the Sunni insurgency that now threatens Baghdad. Gen. Qassem Solaimani, the commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force, arrived in Baghdad last week with an entourage of military advisers to begin preparations for such a counter-offensive. A member of the Quds Force has already allegedly been killedfighting in Iraq.

“While last week a spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry said his government received no formal requests for military assistance from Iraq’s government, senior Iraqi officials tell The Daily Beast that Iran has offered such support nonetheless.

“‘The offer to help us with everything we need has been made from the highest levels of the Iranian government,’ a senior Iraqi official told The Daily Beast. This official stressed that Iran’s offer to assist Iraq’s fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham (ISIS) was not conditional on Maliki making any immediate reforms or changes to his government.”

The New York Times did admit that Iran sent troops to Iraq to fight the Islamic State.

So does Pompeo want us all to believe that Iran is fighting ISIS while being the state sponsor of terror throughout the Middle East at the same time? How stupid can that be?

  • [1] For further studies on this, see Vincent Bugliosi, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder (New York: Perseus Books, 2008).
  • [2] Bob Woodward, Plan of Attack (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004), 281.
  • [3] Alan Weisman, Prince of Darkness: Richard Perle, The Kingdom, the Power & the End of Empire in America (New York: Union Square Press, 2007).
  • [4] Woodward, Plan of Attack, 281.
  • [5] Ibid.
  • [6] Bob Woodward, Fear: Trump in the White House (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2018), 303.
  • [7] Ibid.
  • [8] See for example Alexandra Wilts, “Trump touts weapons deals with Saudi Arabia as peace groups accuse US of fuelling kingdom’s war on Yemen,” Independent, March 20, 2018.
  • [9] Katie Forster, “Donald Trump still does business in Saudi Arabia, despite blaming the country for 9/11,” Independent, May 20, 2016.
  • [10] Laurence Kotlikoff, “Has Our Government Spent $21 Trillion Of Our Money Without Telling Us?,” Forbes, December 8, 2017.
  • [11] Ann Coulter, Resistance Is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind (New York: Sentinel, 2018); Jeanine Pirro, Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy (New York: Center Street, 2018).


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  1. ” McMaster and Tillerson, were in a ferocious fight over who would negotiate with Saudi Arabia to get $4 billion.”
    Fight you must, as there was a lot of bonus money riding on the table. He who manage that load of easy money would have been grinning all the way to the bank.

  2. Although Mike Pompeo was reportedly a top engineering student at West Point, and even served in our military after that, he evidently had not learned much about American Politics in high school or college until he became a lying lawyer at Harvard University. To be elected to office in America requires vast amounts of MONEY. He found that money at the Koch Bros. money pit and hypocritically took it while he looked the other way on the principle of democracy. Today this hypocrite has gotten fat and rich from hypocrisy and never looked back. He is now a war monger who has sold out the United States to Israel. He even visited Israel and got down on his hands and knees to kiss Netanyahu’s ….This is what our corrupt politicians do when they become lying lawyers at Harvard and sell their soul to become whores in Congress many of whom are dual citizens with Israel. He is likely working on becoming a dual citizen with Israel too. He should be criticizing the many gross activities of the outlaw gangster Israel, not Iran. He is in the hypocritical image of his disgraceful supervisor. He has sold his soul to the devil.

    • Does one observe this hi falutin lawyer from Harvard doing anything to expose the hypocrisy of all these dual citizen whores in Congress registered under the foreign agent registration ACT? Why of course not. He is doing his duty to crime by looking the other way. That’s what lying lawyers are taught to do at intellectual cesspools like Harvard University or its sister Yale University. Pompeo has morphed into a monster lying lawyer whose goal in life is to destroy our government and our democracy. He is like one of the 42 federal judge lying lawyers in the book “IBM and the Corruption of Justice in America” by another engineer Earl Carey, who refused to sustain Mr. Carey’s basic Constitutional right to a jury trial in the State of Arizona on his dispute with the Computer Giant. I am sure Pompeo has not read this book nor would he if it were given to him either.

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