Putin nails the EU immigration problem on the head


… from Russia Today, Moscow

“….a class act.”

[ Editor’s Note: What I like about Putin the most is he is a class act compared to the groveling political air bags we too often find in the West.

Some might define Trump as a blustering version, but he is a groveling one too, because he will say stupid things just to get attention. That shows a desperation in the man, and a danger.

Putin does not pretend to know the solution to the EU immigration mess, but he knows the big EU social benefits are a huge magnet, and that is all he has to say. Then he dumps it right back into the EU’s lap to solve.

For Putin to have told Europe how to fix it…well that would have been Trumpish. We will never see Putin using early morning Twitter bombs to be the focus of the news everyday like Trump.

Most people are not really against immigration and taking in refugees. The historical problem comes when the numbers become a destabilizing force inside the host country.

The US brought 250,000 Somalis here, 25 divisions. They have no interest in “blending in”. They milked the social programs for everything they could get, while running all kinds of businesses on the side. Local police and prosecutors do nothing.

They were tribal and clan people, and if you talked to them about “integrating” into American society they would think you had lost your mind. But they are not the blame themselves.

Someone let a huge number of people in that do not give a crap about America other than the money they can get out of if. They will tell you where you can stuff assimilation, the Somali way of saying thank you Jim W. Dean ]

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EU encourages migration by offering large social benefits, why would the flow stop? – Putin

– First published … September 18, 2018

The flow of migrants arriving in European countries is unlikely to stop until the EU itself addresses the issue and reviews its policies, which effectively “encourage” immigration, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

The European Union should address immigration and should not expect the problem to somehow fix itself, Putin said on Tuesday, following talks with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Moscow.

“If one encourages migration with large social benefits and other bonuses, why should this flow ever stop?” the Russian president said. “Yet it’s up to our colleagues in Europe to decide for themselves what is better for Europe and Europeans.”

The flow of migrants flocking to the EU remains steady, although the migrants’ countries of origin appear to change as the time passes. “At first, it was people from Syria, from Iraq, from other countries of the Middle East. Now, it’s Sub-Saharan Africa,”Putin said.

Russia is also facing migration challenges, but these are quite different to the ones affecting Europe, according to Putin. Russia does not have shared borders with countries from which refugees flock, and the majority of those who do enter the country are from post-Soviet states.

Many of those people speak the Russian language, and are easier to integrate into Russian society, the president added.

“There are lots of problems [in Russia] as well. Including in the job market,” Putin stated.

Europe, in its turn, faces an inflow of people from an entirely different culture, which makes their adaptation a “very complex” process. “Such problems must be solved within the European Union itself,” he added.


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  1. The fate of Eurabia was planned or a result of the modern policy. Why needed to bomb ME? Ruin the regimes. They were the concrete of the bricks. Hussein, Kaddafi, etc… Now the EU suffers from the opposite cross march. I’m against tolerance and modern laws about refugees. I’m against such mixture. Christians hide themselves and are afraid of these aliens, in EU. Because they are weak. They can’t fight. They are sissies, gays, freaks. And good europeans has no right to defend.
    So! DO YOU REALISE WHAT you all have done?! Do you realise, before it will be too late?…. No answer needed.

  2. @Johnny America: every statement is right. Agree. Like we see USA army faces now. Hard to see natural white faces. Criminals for freedom, gastarbaiters for green card. The army motivated for profits. Commercial capitalistic army.

  3. I am not certain if Putin is conducting the war in Syria the way it should be conducted. If he had defended Syria ( which had protected Russia’s right in the Meadternian by allowing Russians presence in Syria ) properly today there would not be millions of Syrians ( who had their, farms, businesses and professions ) would be waiting for pathetic payouts from Western countries’ treasuries. As for Somalians, Putin ought not to forget how the Russians who ran the USSR left them at American’s mercy and voted for Western ” No Fly Zone ” to destroy a very rich Libya which supported the Sub-Saharan countries. Has Putin Forgotten that there were no African Refugees from that area before the Zionist inspired powers destroyed Libya? Sad to say but Russia is part of that inspiration. If it Was not for that why did Russia not use its right to VETO?

    • I agree with you about Libya. At that time we had Medvedev as president. Thinking people in Russia condemn this unused veto right in UN. It had tragic result. I’m not the Government person, i know little. No one knows what was the real obstacle to veto. Perhaps, it was all lobbied and UN as marionette couldn’t stop it. USA and vassals would have Libya crashed in any way. Remember Collin Powell’s washing powder chemistry.

  4. I am not certain if Putin is conducting the war in Syria the way it should be conducted. If he had defended Syria ( which had protected Russia’s right in the Meadternian by allowing Russians presence in Syria ) properly today there would not be millions of Syrians ( who had their, farms, businesses and professions ) would be waiting for pathetic payouts from Western countries’ treasuries. As for Somalians, Putin ought not to forget how the Russians who ran the USSR left them at American’s mercy and voted for Western ” No Fly Zone ” to destroy a very rich Libya which supported the Sub-Saharan countries. Has Putin Forgotten that there were no African Refugees from that area before the Zionist inspired powers destroyed Libya? Sad to say but Russia is part of that inspiration. If it Was not for that why did Russia use it right to VETO?

  5. Putin mentioned that his problem in absorbing the refugees into Russia was creating jobs for them.

    It is good to see the US and the EU helping out by effectively forcing the Russians into import substitution due to the increasing sanctions regime. Also by encouraging rich Russians abroad to take their money home which can be used to finance that process, to avoid the risk of seizure in the West.

  6. The whores in the U.S. Congress, many of whom are also dual citizens with Israel, should all be forced to resign and emigrate to Israel the land they love. These traitors should never return to the U.S. since their allegiance is to Israel not the U.S. Send Bush, Cheney and the Four Star Generals too and even Israel lover liar Trump. No one can serve two masters. By the way Israel did 9/11/01:

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