French Experts Equip Tahrir Al-Sham (al Qaeda) Missiles in Idlib with Chemical Warheads

terrorist posing as aid worker in propaganda photo
TEHRAN (FNA)- French experts are assisting Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front) to arm their missiles with chemical warheads to launch a false-flag chemical operation among the civilian population with the help of the White Helmets.

The Arabic-language website of Sputnik news agency quoted informed sources close to the terrorist commanders in Idlib province saying that the White Helmets transferred a consignment of toxic chemicals from one of Tahrir al-Sham warehouses in the town of Kafr Nobl in the Western parts of the town of Ma’arat al-No’eman in Southern Idlib to an underground storage in Idlib city which has recently been built near the Central Prison.

The sources noted that the black French experts have arrived in the underground storage recently, adding that the chemical cargos have been delivered to them to arms the missile warheads.

According to the report, a number of missiles along with missile-launchers have been transferred to the region through borders.

Tahrir al-Sham and the White Helmets have transferred several cargos of chlorine and sarin gas to different fronts in demilitarized zone in North and Northwestern Hama, Northeastern Idlib and Northeastern Lattakia since the Sochi agreement was signed between Turkey and Russia to set up a weapons-free zone.

Sputnik had also on Tuesday reported that Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at had transferred a new consignment of chemical materials to an unspecified location in Idlib province amid attempts to stage a false-flag attack in the demilitarized zone, a Russian outlet reported on Tuesday.

The Arabic-language website of Sputnik quoted well-informed sources as disclosing that Tahrir al-Sham has transferred a new consignment of poisonous materials from the town of al-Dana in Northern Idlib to an unknown destination in the province.

It further said that Tahrir al-Sham terrorists took the consignment, including 5 chlorine gas cylinders, out from a warehouse near al-Dana under severe security measure, adding that no Syrian militant has been involved in the operation.

The news agency went on to say that Tahrir al-Sham, with the cooperation of the pro-militant White Helmet Organization, has distributed a large volume of chemical materials across the demilitarized zone in Northern and Northwestern Syria to use them in a false-flag chemical attack and later raise allegation against the Damascus army and pave the ground for Western powers to attack the Syrian Army across the war-hit country.

Sputnik quoted unnamed sources as disclosing earlier this month that Tahrir al-Sham and Jeish al-Izzah terrorists arrested 29 of their own members and also 5 members of the White Helmets, accusing them of involvement in disclosing information about chemical weapons and poisonous gases, including their storage locations and transfer of them to new locations.

Tahrir al-Sham and Jeish al-Izzah set up a joint committee 3 days ago to investigate and find those behind the leak of chemical information.

Sputnik quoted another source as disclosing that Tahrir al-Sham and Jeish al-Izzah terrorists launched vast investigations to fine sources behind leaking information about the transfer of the chemical material cargos to different regions in Idlib province.

It further said that Tahrir al-Sham’s move came after terrorist groups held a meeting in Khan Sheikhoun in Southwestern Idlib to set up an investigation committee.

The Arabic Sputnik went on to say that the committee is responsible for questioning the terrorists and members of the pro-militant White Helmets Organization over the leaked information.

Different Arab media outlets have released reports about chemical activities of the terrorist groups in Idlib in recent months.

In the meantime, informed sources reported in late October that Jeish al-Izzah transferred 2 cylinders of Sarin and Chlorine gases from al-Latamina to Qala Maziq in Northwestern Hama to hand over them to allied militants of Ansar al-Tohid.


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  1. Company stock ” Al Qaeda-ISIS ” : US 51 %, UK,12 %,FR 12 %,SA 12%,IL 5 %,Turkey 5 %, Qatar 1 %,Iordania 1%, Bahrain 1 %.

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