NEO – Murdering the Truth is Terrorism


by Gordon Duff, VT Sr. Editor, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

[ Editor’s Note: VT is nothing if not a third-rail web platform that goes where few dare to go. We like that, as it enables us to take on issues, often with virtually no opposition. Detractors just stay mum, as they don’t even want to get on a list of those knowing anything about what the third-rail issues are.

One of the biggest, maybe the biggest is Gordon’s chat about media terrorism, where truth is the victim, something to be blown up with a car bomb, or the media terrorists’ weapon of choice, just disappeared.

This is actually an easy thing for them to do, as to date there are really not any penalties. Freedom of the press, now includes freedom to lie, withhold, frame innocent people, and work with both domestic and foreign intelligence agencies to do so.

VT has long editorialized that the good old days of co-opted reporters looking for some extra side money to gamble with or set up a cute mistress in a nice apartment, or an editor who will kill or plant a story, are long over. Intel people deal with the CEO’s and owner’s now, or in Israel’s case, wealthy Jews who act as straw purchasers and owners of entire media platforms.

They became attractive after the internet boom, when traditional media platforms began their decline in revenue and values, making them much more affordable to acquire when the declining revenue problem was not a sticky point for an intelligence agency wanting to do things like influence the public, and oh yes, influence elections.

Is the White House now a Deep State controlled entity?

As far as we know, VT is the only media platform that has warned that this has been going on at an industrial scale, not just a few bad apples. During that time, we have been approached by no one in media, politics, the veterans orgs, or law enforcement inviting us to brief them on all that we know.

What does get transferred is strictly on a person to person basis. The organizations keep their heads down. They don’t want to know, because then they know we would be asking them to pitch in, and that is the last thing they want to do, as they are scared to death of the consequences.

Do we have people who help us? Sure, but not nearly what there should be, especially the well-heeled organizations with tons of money. What we do get, and it is important to us, is assistance when we need for someone powerful trying to put the squeeze on us. We are able to squeeze them back.

We have such favors “banked”, as we have niches where we know more than most all those on the inside, much of that due to the information stove-piping instituted after 9-11. We are asked frequently to brief on what really happened back on this or that issue, by top officials or staff who know what they are being fed is bullshit. The honest civil servants that are left, the smart ones, know there are efforts to control what they do by feeding them bogus information to steer them in a particular direction. 

That is how we got Nana out of a Turkish prison within 24 hours of her getting tagged with a bogus terrorism charge, done to shut VT’s reporting things about Turkey it did not like. We “doubled down” on them, sending a message of what we could do that would make having our correspondent talking to some opposition people in Turkey look like child’s play.

We have enemies, but also friends, in high places.

The key to doing that was a short list of topics that they would prefer not to see the light of day, and the choice of the two entities we had pass the message along to them.

The perpetrators of Fake News, something we have been writing about for five years, are throwing out a smokescreen now accusing others of fake news, thinking they can pass themselves off as our protectors. That will fail.

To date, none of them have ever agreed to do a two-day symposium on all these nasty issues, all of it videotaped and immediately available to the public, with equal time for both sides and no editing.

If anyone ever does agree to do that, they will be the first, and you will hear about it quickly here. So as we wind down 2018, we take a moment to thank all our readers for hanging in there with us, as a lot of hurdles were thrown in our way this year, social media bans, our “best of” archived articles being de-listed on Google, etc.

We soldier on. It is just what we do, and we never expected it would be easy. When we look around the world from our perch, what we see is a vast powerful network of international criminals, operating from behind a large variety of causes and fronts they are using as buffers and cannon fodder.

Gordon will describe below their organized media effort to smear us this year as Russian trolls, that we shot down in flames, and actually made some converts in the process.

None of the Deep State thugs have a single ideological cause. They are doing it purely to accumulate more wealth and power, a vice that has been with humanity since the beginning. Thus ends my cheery missive for todayJim W. Dean ]

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VT treads where few dare to go

– First published … December 20, 2018

The New York Times, in early December 2018, ran a 5000-word article outlining how Russian propaganda, supported by independent media, has destroyed America’s understanding of what is real and true. This time I wasn’t cited personally as last year when Newsweek, the Washington Post, Politico and The Hill named me as a Russian agent.

Endless hours with Federal investigators began to recreate a sense of reality. They genuinely began to understand that they are the ones who have been the victims, fed a narrative of lies for years. It was heartening.

In particular, the Times went after the downing of MH17, the Skripal poisoning, or whatever it was, various gas attacks, the alleged election rigging, blaming Russia for making it hard for them to get their version out and believed.

For my part, I rely on my experience not just as a journalist or diplomat, but in over three decades in the intelligence community.

Let’s take MH17. I was personally involved in negotiations with the Malaysian government to set up a task force to independently investigate. The Dutch investigators were, according to Malaysia, predetermined to blame Russia. A team was assembled, including me and former FBI, a top DC law firm and others at VT; but Malaysia was threatened by the US that if they began this effort, the United States would economically retaliate.

I have all the documents and correspondence – it’s not like this kind of thing doesn’t happen every day. We always ask, who benefits? The answer was easy, the extremists who had taken power in Ukraine and rogue members of military organizations with facilities in Azerbaijan and elsewhere.

Intelligence had long since sited a conspiracy behind the downing of MH17, and the Malaysian government was the primary victim, but had been extorted, threatened and cowed into backing down from seeking justice.

Let’s now look at al-Qaeda. It isn’t just an assertion that there is no such thing as al Qaeda. Osama bin Laden’s American handler is a close friend. I know the top Pakistani intelligence and military officials from the time and went over this with them as well, including ISI Director General Hamid Gul, an editor at VT for nearly a decade.

It was always the same, the CIA formed al Qaeda and there never was a worldwide terror group that broke away and began targeting the United States. Take, for instance, al Qaeda in Yemen.

There were meetings, years ago, on how to justify more American involvement in the region. The decision was made to name some tribes in Yemen “al Qaeda,” tribes randomly picked. Then the GWOT (Global War on Terror) could pour funds into Yemen and aid Saudi interference in their affairs, something going on to this day.

As a side note, it was 18 months ago that VT asserted that the US was arming and fueling Saudi planes bombing civilians in Yemen. Only a few days ago, it was announced, finally, that the US had been doing it illegally with American funding “off the books.” Imagine, who deserves money less than Saudi Arabia, particularly in their efforts to murder civilians using their American weapons?

We can move on to the Syrian gas attacks. Russian media was accused of making up wild conspiracy theories to justify their aiding Syria in randomly gassing Syrian citizens, even in areas under government control, for no reason whatsoever, other than “this is what Russians do.”

How do you fight logic like that, particularly when it is presented with absolutely no evidence whatsoever?

This is the New York Times, but it is also the Trump administration. Do note that the Obama administration had never attacked the Damascus government.

We could move on to the Skripal “event.” It is easy to see why it would be in the American news. Imagine the most potent poison imaginable, VX gas, something the US and Israel had produced for years and still store away, according to our sources, in Romania, Georgia and Southern Libya.

However, when a former Russian “spy” named Skripal and his daughter became ill, and I suggest food poisoning or something similar, it had to be Russia and it had to be “Novachuk,” the Russian chemical agent made famous in Call of Duty video games.

Problem is, the Skripals survived and, in fact, there is no evidence they were ever ill in the first place. There are no records of medical care, nothing presented anywhere, no chemical analysis; and then there is the other “fact,” as it were, that VX kills in less than 3 seconds, 100% of the time.

Both Skripals are alive and well.

Then there is the curious fact that dragging on this story took the Saudi/Trump involvement in the strangling and dismemberment of a Washington Post correspondent named Khashoggi out of the media. Even the CIA says Saudi Arabia did it and their intercepts say it was on the direct order of the Saudi crown prince, commonly known as MBS.

Then again, it is the Trump regime paying for fueling Saudi planes bombing Yemen, and the Trump family with a recent $800 million contract in Saudi Arabia for projects that don’t seem to involve anything more than money going to Jared Kushner for doing nothing. Nothing is to be built or managed, only a contract for Saudi Arabia to pay the Trumps almost a billion dollars for unnamed services.

Is Trump being paid to gas up Saudi planes terrorizing Yemen?

What we have are accusations and assertions by a press organization, one of many that seem to act “on demand” to maintain a fake narrative.

The press never asks “why.” They don’t care. They report what they are told to report, make up sources, never complain about lack of proof and now cry like babies when nobody believes them.

For those who actually sit in the meetings, who looked at the documents, the radar tracking and interviewed witnesses on MH17 and other events, the press suffers a shameful lack of interest in reality.

For instance, only a few days ago it turned out that one district in North Carolina had actually counted votes prior to an election, not just early ballots, but came up with totals prior to voting. That story was removed from the mainstream media only hours after it was reported.

It was Trump’s party that was involved but news organizations supposedly opposed to Trump covered it up, as they always do. Is the whole thing, the war on the press, all fake or mostly fake? It is certainly fake – the only question is how fake?

Then again, there is this unpleasant reality. Those who govern, those who report, those who make war, those who profit, those who bleed the world dry on behalf of the mischief makers are people seldom burdened with issues of morality or values.

We say “seldom,” not “never.”

Each issue can be understood easy enough. There are facts, there are motives, there is evidence. None of these are ever referred to or discussed, only “belief” and “opinion.”

Belief and opinion are so very subject to manipulation and control, and with that the debasement of humanity and the cycle of entropy, war, poverty, starvation and fear. In the end, one question lives above all others, who profits? It will never be asked.

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of  VT, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”


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  1. Hey !

    I never was a Soldier but thanks a lot for your engagement for peace, you gave me a better view on many of the unpunished big crimes and I hope I could do so for some Germans. Interesting, what you write about mh-17. Malaysia was a victim as well, I was in Malaysia before, very friendly Islamic country with Italian burka design, I flew that route many times, and I’m happy, that ‘Dr M’ is Prime Minister again.

    ciao till next year

  2. Thank You Gordon,

    Over the past five years of my semi-retirement, I have read so many sources of fake everything… In my opinion, it plays into our very deficient public educational system up and down the latter of the intelligentsia status quo!… It takes reams of time to research and undo contemporary conditioning… The day we are born it starts… from indoctrinated parents filling the mind with some fictitious belief , the school of pier conformity, teacher bias, opinions and media propaganda, the religious sector of belief systems, the main stream media….. It’s a wonder any of us can propagate one iota of truth from the consolidation of “Mind Conditioned” misinformation, disinformation, fantasy, and any mental creation the brain can devise. Here the freedom to think becomes the giant gorilla lumbering over us as humanity… CONDITIONING and propaganda go hand in hand…, almost like a sales marketing “Ponzi Scheme”, laboring over and over again in the mind of confusion and the subsequent evolutionary search for “TRUTH”… so help me, whatever god I chose to worship…! Not a fact in sight, but the propagated notion of some false history. as David Icke says, “The truth will set you free”.
    Once again, Thank you for your journalistic forum here on VT.

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