Netanyahu rules out resignation if indicted

    Criminal leader for a criminal "state"


    “A criminal leader for a criminal ‘state.’ How appropriate.”

    Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, VT Editor

    Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he will not step down even if the regime’s attorney general seeks to indict him for corruption.

    “No, I don’t intend to resign,” he told a news conference in Rio de Janeiro in response to a question whether he would take the decision if Attorney General Avichai Mandeblit acted on the police’s recommendation that the premier be indicted.

    Netanyahu faces three corruption cases.

    In Case 1000, he is suspected of receiving gifts from businessmen overseas. He is also being investigated in Case 2000 for an alleged media bribery scheme to help Yediot Aharonot newspaper against its competitor Yisrael Hayom in return for favorable coverage. Case 3000 surrounds Israel’s $2-billion purchase of Dolphin-class nuclear-arms-capable submarines from German shipbuilding company ThyssenKrupp.

    Netanyahu, who always denies committing any corrupt practices, said he was convinced that the three cases against him will yield “nothing.”

    “Imagine if ultimately the case was closed, and a prime minister had been ousted. That would be ‘a terrible blow to democracy,” he said.

    “Israeli law does not require that a prime minister resign during the process of a hearing,” he said, and noted, “The hearing doesn’t end until my side is heard.”

    Last Monday, Netanyahu’s coalition announced snap polls after his ruling Likud party failed to garner the necessary support to pass a controversial legislation aimed at drafting ultra-Orthodox Jews into the military.

    PressTV-Israel to dissolve parliament, hold snap elections

    The coalition of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced the dissolution of parliament, calling for snap general elections as soon as April.

    However, with opinion polls showing that Likud could easily win the April 9 vote, originally scheduled for November, observers say the party has called early elections to give a fresh mandate to Netanyahu to help him sustain the corruption drama.


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    1. Bibi is the #1 ‘Baby Killer’ on this planet, today! He should be put on trial for ‘Crimes Against Humanity.’ How many Palestinian children were murdered by the, ‘Terrorist Thugs’ of the IDF, since became the, ‘Fuhrer’, of the Judeo-Nazi Apartheid Theocracy of the terror State of Israel? SHALOM!

    2. Every time I see a picture of Netanyahu, I see Alfred E. Neuman. Anyone else see the resemblance?
      In the recent past he was doing his version of spy vs spy with his ticking time bomb expose.

    3. Don’t forget that Chicago mobster responsible for all those deaths, and all they could get to stick was evading income taxes.

    4. Zionism vs. a pseudo De-MOCK-cracy just more Rothschild Masonic hypocrisy. No different than IsRAHell’s Nuclear program while pretending to be a UN member in good faith. All part of the rigged paradigm CONstruct. Roman Janus circus still in town.

    5. Lying Lawyer Pompeo should tell the American People how Israel is blackmailing him to support this gangster country which shafts the Palestinians every day and treats them inhumanely and steals their lands like common trespassers and refuses to sign the non proliferation treaty and allow international inspections of their illegal nukes. Traitor Pompeo has sold out America and every member of our military by supporting the criminals in Israel. He should be ashamed of himself. No one should join our totally corrupt military traitors who sold us out on 9/11/01 and escaped punishment. Pompeo loves secrecy in government protected and enforced by armed military force just like any garden variety dictatorship or totalitarian government of the dark ages we have returned to in America today. Shame, shame, shame on the worthless piece of garbage Pompeo from California.


        Watch this important video documentation of the San Antonio Police gang rape the Constitutional rights of a citizen and illegally detain him and ask him illegal questions and threaten him; when their supervisor arrives the citizen is not detained. This is the shameful disgrace that the Israeli model has led America into. Let’s require judges to be present with all police to insure they follow the law at all times. Let’s end illegal bullying by police bullies as they learned from thugs in Israel. These are a prelude of the dark ages America has degenerated to.

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