The “American Knesset”; BDS and Dual Loyalty.


Even during the government shutdown, both parties Republicans and Democrats competed with each other to show which party is more loyal and dedicated to Israel, thus earning the right to rename the American Congress, the “American Knesset”.

This competition between the two parties does not reflect well on the American Jewish leadership and it clearly shows the powers it exercises over the American Congress ops the “American Knesset”.

The two parties will not initiate such action without being ordered by the powerful AIPAC and instructions from the Israeli Embassy and the Israeli government. If any, it’s shows that it is not Russia but Israel that has the toxic powers and influence over America’s elected legislative bodies, domestic and international politics.

It is so ironic that it is not the American people’s security or health that is priority for the “American Knesset” but Israel. The government shut down has dire consequences for America’s national security; safety and security of our national transportation system and funding the FAA to impact on the Food and Drug agency, to the much needed social security checks of tens of millions of Americans. Our “American Knesset” made sure these are not the priorities but Israel and the BDS movement.

And then Senator Marc Rubio of Florida, an “Israeli First” dare to question the newly elected Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib when she tweeted “remember the country you represent”

This statement caused Senator Rubio to go ballistic accusing Congresswoman Tlaib of being Anti-Semitic, the accusation Zionist used when they have no good valid and reasonable argument to defend Israel and its Fifth Column in the US fails.

Not so sure if “Israeli First” members of Congress who tried and failed to push for a senate bill that would have penalized companies and individuals from advocating or boycotting colonial and settler’s Israel remember the Boston Tea Party which triggered the Revolutionary War and the independence of the US?

Just a reminder “the Boston Tea Party was a political and mercantile protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston” strongly opposed to the tax levied by Colonial Britain in violation of their rights and in what is known as the Townshend Act. The Boston Tea Party culminated in the birth of a free and United of States of America.

As such the Palestinians initiated BDS movement is as American as the Apple Pie. It is intended to end the colonial and settlers rule of Occupied Palestine, with primary objective to boycott businesses operating in the illegal and criminal Israeli settlements. Frankly why not a One State for All of its citizens. The merging of Israel and Palestine into one State.

Senator Marc Rubio an “Israeli First” together with other “Israeli First” senators like Chuck Schumer introduced the first senate bill for 2019 to criminalize the BSD movement by overriding the US Constitutions and First Amendment rights.

Senator Rubio quick to draw the gun of “Anti-Semitic” tweeted “this dual loyalty canard is a typical Anti-Semitic and BDS issue is not about freedom & equality but about destroying Israel”.

The America public must be reminded of the words of the late President George Bush “One lonely little guy” who decided to face the powers of the American Jewish leaders and AIPAC when he asked Congress to delays the $ 10 billion loan guarantees Israel asked to cover the costs and expenses of expatriating over one million Russian Jews in 1991 and putting conditions of settlement freeze.

Thomas Dine, the Executive Director of AIPAC referred this day as “A day of infamy for the American Pro-Israeli Community” of course the president “lonely little guy” back down and Israel got what it wants and it confirmed that our Congress is an American Knesset.

If there are questions about “Dual Loyalty” one must raise the issue of the decisions by many candidates seeking national office in the US with the mandatory first visit to Israel to show their commitment and loyalty to Israel and the American Jewish leadership and its money. And this goes for the first international trip newly elected members of the American Knesset must make to Israel. Just think of the billions of dollars voted by the “American Knesset” without even 5 minutes’ debate.

Potential presidential candidates even senatorial or gubernatorial candidates to do not make it a point to visit ruined Detroit or Gary but they travel thousands of miles away to a foreign country to seek its blessings and pledge loyalty of life time service to Israel and its agenda. Now that is a Dual Loyalty. Yes, Senator Rubio there are issues of “Dual Loyalty” and it is time to bring out into the open and let the American public see what is going on and the power and influence Israel and its lobbies exercise over our government institutions?


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