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The Strange Case of Baghdadi, Was He the Jewish Head of a Mossad Run ISIS?

If Baghdadi was who we think he was, he didn't die whimpering but as a hero of Israel with Netanyahu by his side...perhaps in 2015


By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

One might assert that accusing Israel of training agents to infiltrate Arab organizations is “anti-Semitic” with this exception, they admit that not only do they do it all the time, but that this is a primary Mossad purpose.

Israeli operatives fill the ranks of Hamas and Hezbollah, ISIS and al Qaeda.  In some cases dozens have been executed but, as had come to the surface in 2014, one stood out above the rest, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi or as he had been exposed, Shimon Elliot.

VT broke the story on August 4, 2014, based on French reports and an alleged confirmation by Edward Snowden that Baghdadi was the British born son of Jewish parents, trained from early life in a well known Mossad program to place sleeper agents within key Arab nations.

In this case, Shimon Elliott became “al Baghdadi” in Iraq under a fake identity and was laundered through an American prison to be the actor commanding the long proven fake “Islamic State” that appeared from nowhere fighting the battles of Israel and America’s neocon right.

During the years since, reports, some reliable, some not, have had Bagdadi, or Mr. Shimon, which we believe more likely, move in and out of Israel and, according to reports in the Arab media, die in an Israeli hospital in 2017.

Is there more than one al Baghdadi?  Possibly.

What we do know is this, we reported the story over 5 years ago and yet it is removed from our servers, our archives, delisted by Google and this information has been a prime target of Israel counter-intelligence.

This means that it is most likely true.

With reports from Russia, now read and re-reported around the world that the Baghdadi killing of October 27, 2019 was faked, no American planes or helicopters were in the region, the story below becomes more credible.

We must remember that Russia moved an S400 system into Syria after Turkey shot down a Russian plane and Turkish operatives executed the pilot.  This was only miles away from the alleged American either “re-killing of the dead” or fake killing of a Mossad leader of a US backed organization to destroy Syria and Iraq, we are speaking of course of ISIS.  From the Russian media taken from VT reports removed by Israeli intelligence.

The alternative story is that the US recruited Baghdadi from an Iraqi prison.

We might also warn that we believe the story below was also a creation of Israeli intelligence, fed into the Russian media, one purposefully filled with silly language and unnecessary broad accusations of “Jewish plots.”

In fact, after so many years, almost every story of a “Jewish plot” tends to come from people working for organizations funded by an endless stream of fronts under the control of what is now referred to as the “Deep State.”

It seems that smearing anyone who strays from the hilariously fictional narrative of ISIS and the cartoon bad guy, “Baghdadi” who seems to have been written as part of a sitcom…

Is Baghdadi really Elliot Shimon or “Simon Elliot?”  What he certainly isn’t is the leader of an Islamic movement.  This is a man who fights the enemies of Israel only and does so with mercenaries paid for, trained and armed by Israel or Israel’s allies, the US and Saudi Arabia, Turkey as well, someone who has moved terrorists through airport after airport controlled by Israel’s ICTS.

ISIS could only exist with the broad support of the Mossad, with a Mossad leader, with CIA and MI 6 help and tons of Saudi cash.

In addition, there is broad proof that Georgian, Romanian and Ukrainian intelligence support ISIS as well.

In fact, what we lack is any believable narrative that ISIS is anything but Mossad and CIA.  Any other assertion is insane.  A 3rd rate article from the Russian press, all that escaped the Google/Mossad/Jigsaw internet vaccuum.

Addendum I

Meet – “Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi” Mossad operative named Elliot Shimon

Meet - "Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi" Mossad operative named Elliot Shimon

On the way to “Great Israel”: ISIS leader is Mossad’s full-time agent Shimon Elliot ISIS leader, who called himself “Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi”, is a specially trained Mossad’s operative named Elliot Shimon. The more information comes to us, the more the impression is made, that we live in the looking glass. While in the “parallel world” events take place under the influence of forces that the media are “afraid to talk about”. And, all the more, to demand from the national governments of their countries to figure out to eliminate the threat.

So, independent sources in the summer of 2014 reported that the real name of “Caliph Al-Baghdadi” – the head of ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) – Simon Elliot (Eliot Shimon), he was born from two Jewish parents and is an agent of Mossad. Below we present information from three sources that confirm this data. The real name Abu Bakra al-Baghdadi is Simon Elliott, who was recruited by Israeli intelligence Mossad and trained in espionage and psychological warfare against Arab and Islamic communities.
This information was attributed to Edward Snowden and published in newspapers and other websites: the head of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, collaborated with secret services – British, Israeli and the United States to create an organization capable of attracting extremist terrorists from around the world. .
(Source: Radio ajyal.com)
Another source confirmed this statement (EGy-Press website): Based on photo documents: Iranian media discovered the real identity of the “emir of ISIS,” a trained Zionist agent.
Iranian intelligence has discovered the true and complete identity of the “emir of ISIS,” which is known as Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi; his real name is Elliot Shimon. This is an agent of Mossad performing an important and secret task of Zionist espionage under the pseudonym: Ibrahim ibn Awad bin Ibrahim Al Badri Al Aradui Husseini.

Plan: to fall into the military and civilian leadership of countries declared a “threat to Israel” in order to destroy them and, thereby, facilitate their further absorption by the Zionist state throughout the Middle East. In order to create Greater Israel. These are the borders of the Zionist project, “Greater Israel” or “Eretz Yisrael” for short. These facts, published in August 2014, confirm that “Caliph Rolex” is directed by Israel to wreak havoc in neighboring countries of the Zionist entity. Compare the two maps – ISIS and the long-published plan of “Greater Israel”

Al-Baghdadi’s agent implements the old plan to create a “Great Israel”, known by the name of the claimed author Oded Inon, for the first time was published in Hebrew in the journal Kivunim (Ways) (KIVUNIM), – the Journal of Judaism and Zionism ”(A Journal for Judaism and Zionism) in issue No. 14, February 1982. Editor: Joram Beck. Drafting Committee: Eli Eyal, Yoram Beck, Amnon Hadari, Yochanan Manor, Eliezer Schwaid. Published Information Department / World Zionist Organization, Jerusalem (for details see O. Chetverikova, “Great Israel under the Shadow of American Geopolitics”, Institute of High Communitarianism, 02/02/2013). This expert report suggested that “all Arab states should be divided into small pieces by Israel” and “the collapse of Syria and Iraq later into ethnically or religiously unique areas, as in Lebanon,”

All this gives an idea of ​​what ISIS, led by the Mossad agent, had in mind by announcing that he wants to take on the “barbarian Jews,” the Zionists besieging Gaza. Indeed, in fact, the statement about the attack on the “land of Israel” will allow Americans and Israelis to poke a finger at the “bloody terrorists”, and shoot more and more in order to “protect the Zionist state.” They launched the ISIS “full-scale promotion” scheme at least since the beginning of summer, and the project itself was prepared as part of the same “Arab spring” to destabilize Iraq, Sudan, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Mali (among others).

Listen to the words of the famous Zionist provocateur Bernard-Anari Levy (BHL) about the so-called “Arab spring”:


We already wrote about this professional and intellectual terrorist whose mission is to foment tension in potential “hot spots” in order to provoke chaos and civil wars. B.-A. Levy played a crucial role in the Arab revolutions, which represent strategic advantages for Israel.

On his conscience – the support of mercenaries and extremists in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Tunisia, Libya and Syria, as well as the escalation of the situation in Ukraine, where he was brought to put a “bloody mark”.

At the same time, Bernard-Henri Levy is not only a provocateur of the coming blood, but also a characteristic diagnosis. Recall that a couple of years ago at a conference organized by the French Zionist Council of Jewish Organizations (CRIF), B.-A. Levy announced that “as a Jew,” he “took part in a political adventure in Libya.” And he added, “I would not have done this if I had not been a Jew.”

It is this “Bnay Brit favorite” that is one of the ideologists of chaos generated for the construction of “Great Israel”, gathering the most aggressive fanatics from all over the world into the “devil army” – a gang that kills in cold blood without any signs of mercy to its victims. And the filming of their atrocities is posted on social networks to bring horror. AXLE NEST: TECHNOLOGY FOR CREATING A FALSE TERRORISM FLAG The essence of this strategy is to create the general impression that Israel is threatened by an enemy near its borders. At the same time, former Israeli Prime Minister Moshe Charett in his personal diaries very clearly said that the Jewish political and military leadership never believed in any Arab threat to Israel, Ralph Schonman writes. “They sought to maneuver and force the Arab states to engage in military clashes,

Implementation operation. According to the Gulf Daily News in Bahrain, Al-Baghdadi “had been training intensively at Mossad for a year, in addition to courses in theology and art of speech.” In June, a Jordanian official confirmed to Aaron Klein from WorldNetDaily that ISIS members were trained in 2012 by American instructors at a secret base in the Jordanian city of Safavi. During the deployment operation, al-Baghdadi was also placed in the Camp Bucca American Prison, near Um Qasr in Iraq. Former US Air Force security officer and commander of the Camp Bucca prisoner of war camp (2006-2007) James Skylar Gerrond confessed in October that the camp “was a” pressure cooker “of extremism.” “Indirect evidence suggests that Al-Baghdadi’s consciousness may have been controlled,

The destruction of the Arab and Muslim states according to the “Inon plan” will be completed from within, using their internal religious and ethnic contradictions. Therefore, ISIS (fully controlled by Mossad, and under the leadership of Al-Baghdadi / Shimon Eliott) cleans the territory of Syria and Iraq from Arabs. If the plan succeeds, Israel will become fabulously rich in controlling oil and gas flows to Europe. Therefore, Israelis treat Islamist terrorists in their hospitals, transport them across the border between Israel and Syria, feed the terrorists, arm them, and crank up their oil deals through their Zionist banks.

The preparation of death squads for the Arab countries by Zionists has been known since 2011
Thus, they realize the kabbalistic principle – “order through chaos”. To build the New Mordor of “Great Israel” on blood and suffering. Who cuts the heads of prisoners in the name of “Greater Israel” – a Mossad staff member, a mercenary or a deceived Islamist fanatic recruited by the Zionists – most likely we will not know now. But this “rope of crime” will come to an end at a military tribunal, since it is about organizing genocide and crimes against humanity. Which do not have a “statute of limitations.” Everyone should contribute to the detention and neutralization of war criminals – masterminds, organizers, sponsors and performers.

Source: http://communitarian.ru/novosti/politika/na_puti_k_velikomu_izrailyu_glavar_igil_yavlyaetsya_shtatnym_agentom_mossada_saymonom_eliotom_13012015/

Addendum II (Baghdadi’s “first death” as reported in the Arab news)

ISIS Leader Al Baghdadi Dies in Israeli Hospital

Saying goodbye to a comrade in arms
TEHRAN (FNA)- Leader of the ISIL terrorist group Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has died and members of the Takfiri group in Iraq have already sworn allegiance to Abu Ala Afri as his successor, Arab media reports said on Sunday.

According to two Iraqi news agencies, Alghad Press and Al-Youm Al-Thamen (the 8th Day), as well as sources in the Iraqi city of Mosul, Baghdadi died in an Israeli hospital in the occupied Golan Heights where he had been hospitalized for treatment after sustaining severe injuries during a joint attack of the Iraqi army and popular forces.

The sources added that al-Baghdadi has been declared by his Israeli physicians and surgeons as to be now “clinically dead”.

The terrorist leader was targeted in an airstrike in Western Iraq on March 18.

Al-Youm Al-Thamen quoting intelligence sources said ISIL had earlier recorded several videos of its leader months before the March airstrike and after the first time that he escaped lethal injuries around a year ago to prove that he is alive until the group can introduce a universally accepted new leader.

The sources added that the members of the Takfiri group operating in Iraq have already pledged allegiance to a new leader called Abdul Rahman al-Sheijlar, alias Abu Ala Afri, as Baghdadi’s successor.

There are also unconfirmed reports that internal disputes have erupted and gaps among a number of ISIL factions in Syria and Iraq are widening over the appointment of the new leader, as the ISIL branch fighting Syria has rejected Afri’s leadership and are dithering over Baghdadi’s successor.

The Spanish-language Hispan TV television also released a report on April 25 in which it confirmed the death of the ISIL leader.

A report released by the Guardian on March 21 said Baghdadi suffered serious and “life-threatening” injuries during an attack in March.

The report, of course, added that Baghdadi has survived his wounds.

Baghdadi’s wounding led to urgent meetings of ISIL leaders, who initially believed he would die and made plans to name a new leader.

An Iraqi official confirmed that the strike took place on 18 March in the al-Baaj a district of Nineveh, close to the Syrian border. There had been two previous reports in November and December of Baghdadi being wounded, though neither was accurate.

Hisham al-Hashimi, an Iraqi official who advises Baghdad on ISIL, said, “Yes, he was wounded in al-Baaj near the village of Umm al-Rous on 18 March with a group that was with him.”


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  1. Thank you for posting this article. I feel that the whole Al Baghdadi *Simon Elliot’ thing is being ‘memory holed’ as we speak. Please post more on this topic.

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