Slam Dunk Proof: Iran threatens missile attack on US bio-weapon labs, Intel Drop (updating)

Yesterday, Chinese diplomats in Africa began personally delivering 10 minute test kits with 98% accuracy (their claim, made publicly)



Two phone calls today, one from the University of Toledo Hospital.  They have no protective gear, no masks, no test kits and the media is lying.  Health care workers are terrified and feel betrayed.

Call two, from a representative of the People’s Liberation Army, whose factories manufacture face masks.  They offered me 20 million, 15 million for immediate shipment at $4 each.  These have a special valve that filters virus.

Yesterday, Chinese diplomats in Africa began personally delivering 10 minute test kits with 98% accuracy (their claim, made publicly).

More sinister reports come from Sigonella, Italy, the massive CIA drone base now hosting an increasing number of Global Hawk aircraft capable of delivering biological weapons developed at the US labs we are exposing here with aid of an investigative journalist.

There is an additional unconfirmed report from a high level intelligence asset that low level Sarin gas has been dropped on Iran, Italy and Spain to mimic CV19.  Sarin can take two weeks to kill and causes death by pneumonia.  It is undetectable.  Long story here to be told later if confirmations come in, a very nasty story.  From a classified source, translated from Russian”

“Sarin gas is classified as a lethal nerve gas, no matter how low its concentration, it causes death by paralyzing the muscles of the lungs (this is the reason for the concentration of deaths in the elderly who suffer from chronic diseases or pneumonia (incubation period of the gas in the air 3 months) , the last month of the epidemic.  A person can walk for two weeks and then die, without knowing that he has this gas (this is a 15-day quarantine reason without using anything except artificial respiration) that has no medical treatment possible when inhaled (the reason for a British statement prepared to die)
This gas was classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.”

Death rates in Italy, Iran and elsewhere seem to confirm the Russian allegations, that if CV19 is real, deaths are “salted” with Sarin to bring numbers up and create panic.

Now for Iran and solid proof the US is using biological weapons and that CV19 is very likely American.

Sputnik/Moscow: With over 17,300 cases and 1,135 deaths to date, Iran has been one of the countries hit hardest by COVID-19, with the virus affecting not only the population at large, but a big portion of the political elite as well. Last week, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said there was evidence that the pandemic may have been a “biological attack.”

A group of 101 Iranian doctors has penned a letter addressed to the leaders of Afghanistan, Georgia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Pakistan to take ‘immediate action’ to destroy “all of the US biological laboratories” in their countries amid fears that the coronavirus pandemic may have been spread deliberately as a form of biological warfare, Press TV has reported, citing the letter.

“We, as a group of Iranian physicians specializing in infectious and pulmonary diseases, asthma and allergy are witnessing that many of our compatriots are infected with the virus, and like all doctors across the world, we are trying day and night to cure and save them,” the letter states.

“But there has been plenty of evidence in both the world’s leading scientific articles and in the media, citing geneticists and biologists and WikiLeaks documents, that reinforces speculation about the COVID-19 manipulation in biological laboratories and a biological attack by the US through the virus against rival countries,” the letter continues.

As evidence, the doctors cite the recent questions asked by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian about the virus’s origins, and speculation that “it might be the US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan.” President Trump dismissed those claims Tuesday, calling them “false” and saying that the US military “didn’t give [COVID-19] to anybody.”

In their letter, Iranian doctors accuse the United States of having a history of using biological weapons, and suggest that given its habit of withdrawing from international agreements and treaties, the US could “defy” international agreements aimed at controlling the development of biological weapons, such as the Geneva Protocol and the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological and Toxin Weapons.

On Wednesday, Iranian Supreme National Security Council chief Ali Shamkhani tweeted that the United States should “respond to international inquiries about America’s role in creating and spreading the coronavirus” instead of “falsely accusing Iran and China.” According to Shamkhani, “blame games” are the “typical US way of escaping accountability.”

Disinfection of Tehran subway wagons against coronavirus
Disinfection of Tehran subway wagons against coronavirus

Earlier, in a press conference on Tuesday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blasted China for spreading “outlandish rumours” about US responsibility for COVID-19 outbreak, and alleged that “the Wuhan virus is a killer and the Iranian regime is an accomplice.” Pompeo’s remarks follow repeated instances of President Trump calling the new coronavirus “the Chinese Virus.”

Suspected US Bioweapons Programme

As a party to the Convention on Bacteriological and Toxin Weapons, the United States is prohibited from the development, production and storage of bioweapons agents. However, the Federation of American Scientists has accused Washington of continuing experimentation with “non-lethal” biological agents. Furthermore, Russia, former officials in Georgia and media have repeatedly expressed suspicions that the Lugar Center for Public Health Research in Tbilisi may contain a secret biological weapons programme run by the US military and private contractors.

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, an independent Bulgarian investigative journalist and Middle East correspondent, has reported extensively on an alleged multi-billion-dollar US military programme said to include Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in over two dozen countries, including ten countries in Africa, six in Southeast Asia and nine in countries surrounding Iran and Russia including Iraq, Jordan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.

‘Immoral’ US Sanctions

The US slapped sanctions on three individuals and nine entities Tuesday over the trade of Iranian oil, a week after the US extended restrictions on the country’s crude exports for another year. The sanctions, including restrictions preventing the import of medical equipment, have put Iran’s coronavirus response under severe strain, with the country facing a shortage of test kits, protective face masks and other equipment.

Iranian officials have slammed Washington for its “adversarial and inhumane” attitude to Iran’s plight. Russia, Uzbekistan, the United Arab Emirates and UNICEF have dispatched aid to the country, while China has called on the US to lift its Iran sanctions “immediately.” Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has stressed that US sanctions “literally kill innocents,” and added that it is “immoral to observe them.”


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  1. Anyone who believes even one word uttered by a representative of the US Gov’t, from the President to the Speaker of the House to the Janitor on Capitol Hill, is nuts.
    These people are studies in psychopathy and deserve nothing more than burial in a deep pit covered over with quicklime.

  2. Serious European countries should seriously consider the chemtrails flu-reinforcing toxic agents such as sarin
    coming down the sky from their network of NATO “allies” military drills. NATO are a corrupt evil corporation, working its way into the eternal oil fields of the Caspian basin, and there is nothing, no religion, tradition, no country, border or alliance or special relationship, no “western set of shared values” that will put a stop to it, unless like I said serious countries start to seriously consider what is happening around them, and forget dead communist ghosts and fairy tales. It is savagery and robbery pure and simple.

  3. Nothing a 10 megaton device wouldnt fix in 30 uS.
    These scientists are evil psycopaths who work on this stuff.

  4. Wiki lists 53 known BSL-4 labs and thousands of BSL-3 labs worldwide. There are likely thousands of clandestine labs, all with “Gain-of-Function” capabilities and easy access to CRISPR gene splicing guns. This is a Frankenscience nightmare beyond imagination.

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