US just hit 40,000 dead as Trump secret orders move death tally backwards (Updated)


Trump, being Trump, has rigged stats by stopping testing as of 3 days ago, in order to flatten the curve and bring the markets up 3 percent on Friday, entering the weekend with the DOW above 24000, just a hare’s breath above “dismal.”

So, both sets of figures, deaths, which the CDC sets at 13,000 while all other sourcess are between 33000 and 41000 and infections, which if testing increased, stats would fly off the scale, are fake.

Trump is both playing a clever game and two other games, one of which may well be intended to protect the very wealthy but gut America’s working class, both with financial ruin but also numbers as well.

His other moves may well be dementia, believing the fake Fox/Oprah doctors and sending out the Proud Boys to rant about Jews and Catholics.

In order to artificially flatten the infection curve, which is the one Wall Street is responding to, Trump has ordered testing to be stopped.  20 percent of Americans test positive for CV19 though those figures are not a real indicator, they are too high.  From The Atlantic:

“According to the Tracking Project’s figures, nearly one in five people who get tested for the coronavirus in the United States is found to have it. In other words, the country has what is called a “test-positivity rate” of nearly 20 percent.

That is “very high,” Jason Andrews, an infectious-disease professor at Stanford, told us. Such a high test-positivity rate almost certainly means that the U.S. is not testing everyone who has been infected with the pathogen, because it implies that doctors are testing only people with a very high probability of having the infection. People with milder symptoms, to say nothing of those with none at all, are going undercounted. Countries that test broadly should encounter far more people who are not infected than people who are, so their test-positivity rate should be lower.  

The positivity rate is not the same as the proportion of COVID-19 cases in the American population at large, a metric called “prevalence.”* Nobody knows the true number of Americans who have been exposed to or infected with the coronavirus, though attempts to produce much sharper estimates of that figure through blood testing are under way. Prevalence is a crucial number for epidemiologists, in part because it lets them calculate a pathogen’s true infection-fatality rate: the number of people who die after becoming infected.”

Source: The UK Telegraph and this count is 2000 low based on today’s total, but something even stranger is going on as Trump has ordered the CDC to move the death count to 13,000, suddenly bringing 27000 dead back to live. Not even Jerry Falwell can do that as we all know very well as his father sits at the left hand of Satan even now.


This is an excerpt from the UK Telegraph, pure MSM.  Why are British newspapers coming up with different figures for US deaths and infection rates?  When the US hit 4800 deaths per day on Thursday and began to climb dramatically, doubling every 4 and then 3 days,  Trump ordered a lockdown on the US press which pretends to oppose him in a fake Kabuki Theatre with Deep State controlled CNN in reality Trump’s biggest backer, far more controlled that Fox News.

The CDC has now moved the death total down to 13,130 as of Friday:

Wikipedia has moved deaths down to 33,000:

Source: Google Corporation April 18, 2020 at 1:23PM EST

And World-O-Meter shows 38,200 as of April 17:

And the Guardian shows 37,000 which was reached by moving the daily deaths from over 4000 to 311:


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  1. To Ian: I should add that assuming that the observations and reported figures within SA are accurate, then there is in fact a significant difference between Gauteng and the Western Cape province for example. I strongly suspect that the difference is attributable to the elevation and good weather that we get here in Joburg. Johannesburg is a sprawling city on a plateau that varies between about 5,000 ft and 6,000 ft above sea level, and just based on my own experience and perceptions I think we get about 300 days a year of bright blue skies and sunshine. The average daily high temperatures range from about 25 degrees C to 32 degrees C (about 75 F to 90 F) and people seem to spend a great deal of daylight hours outdoors. We probably get more average exposure to sunlight than just about anywhere else in the world and that may well explain the relatively low death rates compared to Cape Town which experiences much more cloud cover on average.

  2. To Ian: The most immediate problem is a lack of good faith. We don’t even know with certainty whether the alleged virus is natural or a hybrid from a laboratory. If it is truly natural then it would follow statistically predicable patterns of infection and have relatively consistent infection to death rates etc.

    A more specific problem is that what is called the “standard deviation” or “average variance” based on observations from different countries appears to be greater than the average itself – which indicates some kind on non-natural origin (or general outside factors that render the statistical analysis near meaningless). If the US for example has 40,000 deaths from a population of 320 million, then that would translate to an expected death rate in SA of about 8,000 deaths – but that is in fact well over twice the recorded bare infection figures (3300) and vastly more than the observed or recorded deaths at 58. Going the other way, based on the SA figures the US should have no more than about 400 deaths attributed to the coronavirus.

    The figures from both NZ and Mexico appear to be more or less consistent with those of SA with respect to the average infection to death rates (within the normal limits of standard deviation). And of course the likewise very-large variance from both Iran and Italy raise very significant “red flags” against a natural (i.e., non-political) phenomenon. Tim.

  3. To qfrealist

    I have been living in Johannesburg is South Africa for about three of the past four years. Joburg is very large with a population of about 10 million if you include the whole Johannesburg-Pretoria metroplex and the surrounding suburbs. We have been in lockdown for 33 days and the official total is 1170 confirmed cases and 7 deaths from the coronavirus (for all of Gautang Province which includes Joburg). The total for the whole country of about 60 million people is 3300 confirmed cases and 58 deaths. At the end of the first 21 days of lockdown it was 18 deaths. Just as a frame of reference, prior to the lockdown the average number of people killed on the highways in SA was 40 per day.

    Four days before the lockdown started I returned from a one-week trip to Swaziland (about a five hour drive) and returned the rental car to O.R. Tambo International Airport and then had about a two hour wait for a ride back into the city. While waiting (from about 2 pm to 4 pm) I walked around the airport which was relatively packed with travellers and only spotted two people wearing masks (both of whom appeared to be Asian).

    So I find it difficult to understand the discrepancy between SA and the US (I have extensive training in statistics and statistical analysis). Hope it helps.

    • Hello Timothy, as a trained stat guy, you might have some useful things to say about some of the death rates such as NZ having just 14 deaths out of a pop. of 4 millions (a 16.5x lower rate than the UK) and Mexico with a huge pop. having just 686 deaths in stark contrast to the US.

  4. Those who bring you perpetual wars, lies, torture, suffering, death and destruction are going to tell you the truth about something else they gain power and wealth from? Dream on if you believe them.

  5. Those that died at home not in hospital are also not on list of those who died from covid19/SARS2
    Insider info to Trump it was a ethnic targeted flu virus that wont blow back into USA, it doesn’t really kill children and it will freeze Chinese economy and it did all this but the ethnic targetting didn’t stick since lab manufactured virus very unstable . Not only Trump responsible for being irresponsible during January and February, he and Pompeo and those in Congress privy to military intelligence all responsible for worldwide pandemic. Two cards left to play, blame China and falsify numbers.

  6. Who is actually dieing? What ages , demographics, races, health states? wheres the data, any kids? etc. c’mon, who? Where I am its only over 70 and in rest homes. Is the virus in the Us a differnt pathogen. Not impossible.

  7. OMG! People, protect your life! It is only you to take care, not the government. My condolences to all good people of the USA. The numbers are terrible… 😥

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