VT has carefully examined video in Detroit, Atlanta and Minneapolis and has found members of organizations, Pentagon contracting firms, present at each protest, handing fire bombs, throwing large rocks, and leading the violence.
The israeli occupation terrorists mastering knee techniques used by the Minneapolis Police Department that killed #GeorgeFloyd. American police officers are receiving the same exact training by the illegal & murderous israeli occupation. End the Gestapo training! Free Palestine! pic.twitter.com/7v5Qi7tETJ
— Abbas Hamideh (@Resistance48) May 28, 2020
"During training sessions in Israel, U.S. law enforcement delegations meet with Israeli military, police, and intelligence agencies. They are given “opportunities” to learn about what Israel calls counter-terrorism, but is in fact no more than refining methods of racial profiling pic.twitter.com/fq4XgCuI4k
— Constituent 🌺 🍀 (@808constituent) May 30, 2020
Minneapolis is “ground zero” for a very powerful child sex ring that services political and business/military/police leaders at a bevy of exclusive resorts, some run by the Trump organization, some by groups like St. Hubertus and the Bilderbergers, long tied to the Epstein-Maxwell-Mogeleivich cabal.
The background began in 1946 when Zionist leaders, mistrustful of Washington’s notorious anti-Semites, mostly GOP and Southern Democrats, began a program of “burning” members of congress and senior staffers through sexual blackmail. That effort is now managed, in part, through the US Army, at one time through the Presidio and now through Fort Huachuca, the “dark heart” of the Deep State in America.
For the past 20 years, a coalition has been built between the US Army at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, where drone assassinations are run and the internet is “managed,” and a bizarre mix of police “death squads,” drug gangs like MS13 and radical Zionist groups, now heavily reinforced by White Supremacists, a resurgent Klan and old line neo-Nazis.
This is the real “Trump base,” one organized by the Defense Intelligence Agency, secretly starting during the Obama presidency, one working to bring the US to a civil war, starting with a race war.
Evidence is now becoming overwhelming that this group is COVID 19:
In an historic move, the Minnesota governor is fully mobilizing the state's national guard to stop the groups of determined criminals who have hijacked peaceful protests.
Authorities are now also reportedly investigating white supremacists suspected of stoking violence. pic.twitter.com/diqDYqyxGN
— Josh Campbell (@joshscampbell) May 30, 2020
We have confirmation from our personnel in Minneapolis, who have their own sources in the police and local FBI.
Working with these contracting firms is a sub-group within the departments, “intelligence” and “counter-terrorism” units, who do surveillance and who were, in every department we looked at, both trained in Israel and overseen on a daily basis by “handlers” either from an Israeli consulate or from the ADL/JDL/JINSA or similar group representing Shin Bet.
As with the anti-lockdown protests, and moves toward race war by Trump and his Kosher Nostra sponsors (AKA “Deep State”), we now surmise that the COVID outbreak, worldwide, is very likely engineered by those who are actively accusing soft targets, George Soros, Bill Gates or “vaccines.”
Happening every day in occupied Palestine! pic.twitter.com/mQwx7Tr0vA
— mohamedGaza🇵🇸✌🏻 (@mohamedGaza23) May 29, 2020
What happened to #GeorgeFloyd happens every single minute, of every single day, to Palestinians occupied by #Israel.
Israel specifically trains many U.S. police departments to be vicious and inhumane towards minority groups.https://t.co/y0bqOzZmFA
— Hannibal Khoury ⏳ (@The_Cyrenian) May 30, 2020
The same Israeli owned Mossad contracting firms (some include VT associates) that were used in 2016 to stage Pizzagate and handle Israeli agent Julian Assange.
Not that American racist police system needs help, but Israeli occupation militias have been training hundreds of American police officers on brutal techniques Israel uses to massacre thousands of native Palestinians. #BlackLivesMatter #JusticeForGeorge#BLACK_LIVES_MATTER pic.twitter.com/8VADGZ9LLH
— Palestine Info Center (@palinfoen) May 30, 2020
In Minneapolis, the police, back in 2012, turned control of all “higher functions” to a cabal of FBI and Mossad, FBI from the Washington Field Office (not local, they are OK) and the Israeli consulate in Chicago. This began in 2012.
Pedophile Terrorism is Running Rampant in America

by Preston James
Sometimes Minnesota nice isn’t as nice as you might think. Right now there is a local and high level cover-up of major sex trafficking of minors in Minnesota.
Some of the young girls are being sold for as little as $200.00 USD. Many have been taken out of state for purposes of prostitution, obvious White Slavery crimes which are federal felonies, kept in bondage with induced drug addictions and serious threats.
About 90% of the sex trafficking that starts in Minnesota is associated with Black Pimps. Political Correctness and recent concern with the George Soros’ secretly-backed “Black Lives Matter” (which is actually led by Intel assets) tends to motivate local LE to want to avoid any energetic investigations.
White USG officials at moderately high to very high levels run the actual deployment of these compromise ops, while the black pimps do most of the procurement.
In past years when Gary McGaughey was head of Vice at the Minneapolis Police Department, he and Detective Rothstein worked the case now known as the “Minnesota Connection“. Through their efforts and some honest, standup FBI agents like themselves, they were able to arrest and gain convictions with long jail sentences for 11 of the 12 top human trafficking pimps in America.
Detective Gary McGaughey had an impeccable record and, after he and Detective Rothstein assembled the case against Hubert Humphrey for taking illegal payments from the Milk Industry, the Secret Shadow Government deployed numerous means that destroyed Detective McGaughey and his family.
This incredible hero died a broken man, never to be honored for his amazing Law Enforcement achievements for the community, or for what a standup, honorable and honest police officer he was. His career was a gift to the whole community of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Detective McGaughey was known for frequently making the following claim about how human compromise operations were accomplished:
“I know enough about vice to know that everybody has a chink in their armor”.
To effectively human compromise someone all Intel has to do is find it and exploit it by providing the proper custom designed temptation.
I am presenting this difficult truth here because, like many in LE, good black people are very frustrated that white America is like a giant with feet of clay that refuses to go after the real criminals at every level, including the black gangs, the black pimps, the white CIA drug traffickers and warmongers within the USG, Intel and the Pentagon.
The majority of middle aged blacks are pro law-and-order, and desire whites to get over their guilt and take on these criminal black pimps that prey on their young girls and boys, as well as they want them to prosecute all the black and white crooks in DC (and there are a lot that need to be prosecuted).
Most adult blacks are just like middle class whites, they want law and order in their communities. Most of the High level pedophile Honey traps are run by this Satanic pedophile network with the help of the Mossad, the CIA and all covered up by the FBI.
Some of the young sex-trafficked victims are used as Intel honey traps to set a snare from which numerous Members of Congressman and high Military and Corporate Officials can be blackmailed and controlled.
Some end up used exclusively in Satanic pedophile networks for Honey Traps used by Intel such as was described in the Book The Franklin Cover Up by Attorney John DeCamp, a personal friend of former CIA Director William Colby who was murdered after he retired.
These Intel related “Honey Trap” human compromise operations are the specialty of the CIA, MI-5&6 and the Mossad.
Naturally the FBI’s top managers at the Washington Field Office (WFO) are charged with keeping all these operations covered up FOREVER by using any means necessary, and this is of course authorized under so-called “national security”.

Any good FBI agent who starts investigating these crimes finds the investigation is immediately taken over by the WFO, and he is pulled out of it.
Local Law Enforcement who get too inquisitive or try to do their jobs get stepped on in various ways to the degree necessary and are told that the investigation is now being handled by the Feds and they are no longer needed.
Like with so many other USG and Intel linked RICO crime, the FBI refuses to fully investigate Intel-linked sex-trafficking and Honey Trap human compromise operations at any level.

Make no mistake about it, this sex trafficking in Minnesota (as well as most other sex trafficking in America) is linked to a very large worldwide, satanic-linked, organized crime pedophile network, which hides in the shadows and in secret societies.
This satanic pedophile network uses Intel agencies, specifically the FBI, to keep it covered up under so-called “national security”, which is invoked to prevent exposure and public outrage.
When you get right down to it, whenever national security is invoked these days, it is not referring to protecting the security of the USA, but is actually all about protecting the security, power and standing of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and their appointed Doofuses and Cutouts in high positions of Authority.
This story of sex trafficking is the “tip of the iceberg” and involves law enforcement at all levels, failing to act for fear of retaliation and because of high level interference.
It also involves Minnesota State Legislators who are refusing to take action despite numerous individuals, including one retired Law Enforcement expert, contacting them with evidence of these major crimes against children and adolescent minors.

US Congressman Erik Paulsen–Doing the best he can with limited knowledge of “human compromise operations” by the various Intel agencies which are used to control politicians and USG and Corporate officials.
Erik Paulsen a good man and a very well-meaning Minnesota Member of the US Congress. He has done his best, and has made an effort to fight sex-trafficking legislatively. Actually, Congressman Paulsen is one of the few good guys in Congress, who has been trying to stop this horrendous crime of sex trafficking.
It is like trying to swim up a waterfall because the “fix is in” at the highest levels of government, the Pentagon and Intel with those Select few that sit at the top of the Establishment Hierarchy (EH). Sadly despite his consultations with an honest Minneapolis Vice Detective who nears retirement, he appears to not understand the way this problem must be approached to be effective in greatly reducing it and even stopping it.
I sent Congressman Paulsen a request that he meet with America’s top expert of sex trafficking, prostitution and pedophilia, retired LE Detective James Rothstein (NYCPD Gold Shield Retired), and offered to facilitate the meeting.
I knew such a consultation would be necessary for him to be adequately briefed on the extent of this problem of sex trafficking in Minnesota and nationwide; and without help, his actions would be doomed. And that seems to have been the case. Representative Paulson never contacted or met with Detective Rothstein. Maybe his staff screened out my request and he never got it, who knows what happened?
Congressman Paulsen went on to propose legislation in the US House of Representatives entitled, “Stop Exploitation through Sex Trafficking (HR 159). This was passed in the House and sent to the Senate as (S166) where it was sent to the Judicial Committee, where it sits inactive now.
Sadly, I must report that, even if passed in the US Senate as S166, HR159 is a lightweight effort with no chance of success in stopping the now rampant sex trafficking, which is a very big deal in Minnesota, as well as many other states too. Detective Rothstein has authored a draft resolution that, if adopted as law in the states, would deal a direct blow to sex trafficking by attacking the root cause of the cover up.
According to a Congressional rating services, this Bill HR159/S166 has a probability of becoming passed and signed into law of about 26%, not very promising. And if passed it could never be effective anyway.
Proposed Solution
Detective Rothstein has an excellent solution to this problem of human sex trafficking, which should be enacted into all State Laws.
As Mayor his city passed a Resolution that is designed to serve as model legislation for every State of the Union. This would have real teeth if passed and implemented as State law.
He has been fighting to expose all this for many years, and especially since he retired from the NYCPD, where he was a Gold Shield Detective assigned to “15 man special projects team” that also worked for the NY State Crime Commission on very sensitive matters, such as this subject.
After retirement from the NYCPD as a Gold Shield Detective, Detective Rothstein eventually moved back to his home town in Minnesota and became mayor. In an effort to set a new standard for fighting Sex Trafficking, his city passed the first adequate solution to human sex trafficking — a resolution that needs to become law in every state.
RESOLUTION 2014 08 ResolutionOnHumanTrafficking by yanira on Scribd
Detective Rothstein’s background

Detective Rothstein’s background in LE involved operating at a very high level with involvement in numerous highly sensitive national security related and covered up crimes, including the international satanic and Intel linked sex Trafficking and pedophile network.
During this time, the detective made numerous trips to Minnesota investigating the Minnesota Pipeline to NYC for sex trafficking and prostitution with Gary McGaughey and other ethical, stand up detectives in the Minneapolis Police Department.
After retirement, Detective Rothstein moved back to his Minnesota home town to become the Mayor. He exposed the pedophile priests at St. John’s Abbey, and has continued his fight to expose the whole human sex trafficking pedophile network.
Detective James Rothstein is a totally standup man, has served the NYCPD, the State of New York and all of America with great distinction. His accomplishments in LE and Police Intel would fill a book.
In fact, Rothstein has a book that is pretty much complete and will be published in the not too distant future. I have read the first drafts, and I can tell you it is spellbinding to say the least.
It is not an exaggeration to state that Detective Rothstein is by far the top expert on sex trafficking, organized pedophilia and drug trafficking in America.
Detective Rothstein’s favorite phrase based on witnessing many years of cover ups and unwillingness for the authorities to deal with all the crimes of human compromise of politicians, and USG and corporate officials:
“In our politically correct, feel-good society, there is no place for truth or for honesty.”
Rothstein, a German Catholic served the NY State Crime Commission under Governor Hugh Carey as part of a special anti-corruption squad that traveled all over America investigating and arresting pedophiles. At one time, as many as 100 NYCPD Detectives were assigned to this squad.
What Detective Rothstein found out was that many of these children sex trafficked from Minnesota and other locations ended up under the control of a powerful satanic linked pedophile network linked to Intel, the Establishment Hierarchy (EH), and the Secret Shadow Government (SSG).
It turns out many of these sex traffickers were actually pedophiles who were either working with the CIA or serving as their “protected informants”.
And most of these offenders are protected because they played an important part in setting up “honey traps” to human-compromise corporate leaders, and elected or appointed USG and high state officials.
Most of their work was intended to compromise weak, perverted DC politicians, and this should be no surprise to many who know how DC really works.
Detective Rothstein’s career at the NYCPD was illustrious, with many national security related situations, some of which became publicized, such as the time he saved Marita Lorenz’s life and arrested Frank Sturgiss, aka Frank Fiorini, the notorious Watergate Burglar and JFK Assassination Op40 trigger-man at Dealey Plaza that terrible day 11-22-63.
Detective Rothstein has continued investigating corruption since his retirement from the NYCPD and has done everything he can to expose the pedophile Priest crimes of St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota.
St. John’s University is a separate institution and should in no way be blamed for these incredibly serious crimes of St. John’s Abbey. St. John’s Abbey should be sued into bankruptcy, with all its proceeds given to past victims and their surviving families. So far they have been protected by the local police, the FBI and the CIA.
The term surviving families is appropriate here because there have been un-prosecuted murders associated with St. John’s Abbey due to police inaction.
There are many secret victims of this St. John’s Abbey Pedophilia who have never come forward, and numerous suicides of victims who tried to tell, but no one would believe them.
Most parents who have been told years later by their child about being abused by a St. Johns Abbey Priest have had great difficulty fathoming that their own Priest could be so two-faced and evil inside, when trusted to be alone with parish children, but then to harm them and betray their trust so seriously.
Personally I would like to see St. John’s Abbey bankrupted for what they have done, completely remodeled or even torn down, and transformed into a wellness and healing center for the victims and surviving families of these Pedophile Priests of St. Johns Abbey.
Even though some have died of old age and were never exposed, there are still those who have skated for their crimes against young children, and some of these still at St. John’s Abbey un-confronted, un-prosecuted and not publicly identified.

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully InformedIn fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.
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Aug 16, 2001 > Minneapolis FBI agents Harry Sammit and Coleen Rowley arrest hijacker #20, who had 56 hours of dual time, never soloed a Cessna, enrolling for Boeing 747 simulator time, ordered to stand down.
Sept 04, 2001 > Robert Mueller sworn in as FBI coverup man for 9/11, never an investigation into crimes or duplicity
Appears the El Nuevo Rodeo was a counterfeit, trafficking front and Floyd had pinched some funny money.
Jade Helm was an exercise to see who would fire upon American citizens – Army, Marine or National Guard.
No more covid19?
That’s their cue to launch Jade Helm.
Manufactured synthetic soldiers, not the real thing. Apparently Army, Marine and National Guard just would not shoot Americans.
I used to be able to “copy/paste” the address of VT articles like this into Facebook, but no more. The Cabal is now catching and rejecting it.
According to reporter Timothy Charles Holmseth’s blog, the 10,000 Marine Pentagon Pedophile Task Force, and possible others, have been removing enslaved children from underground tunnels and bunkers for months. Over 35,000 to date.
These tunnels went all over the world. Remember the electrical blackouts in California last October? Holmseth reports those were done so military sensors could detect the power lines in the tunnels and bunkers to map them. Over 2,000 enslaved children were rescued in that one operation.
See https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/seals-and-marines-rescue-2100-children-from-california-underground-bunkers/
One objective of the op could very well be to officially declare Antifa a terrorist org, which would allow for expanded powers in a partisan direction, and provide cover for shutting down “selected” demonstrations, which has been done consistently anyway, but this would give legal teeth.
I guess the “good people on both sides” argument only works when Trump is pleased.
Luckily, the modern protestor has become quite savvy about these things. Let’s see how MSM looks in few weeks.
This knee immobilization technique is TOO dangerous to be allowed in police forces (n special forces). It should be *forbidden* !
Correction; Kosher Nostra…….
BDS 2020
that guy in the picture is in AIT for the new MOS FU2, Moral Compromise Specialist.
Young men on active duty look much fitter than most millennials, except for the motocrossers I know.
As the saying goes, never let a good disaster go unexploited. Notice how Trump has exited the Covid news now that we are over 100K dead. Within a week he goes from an outreach program to get a few percentages more of the black vote in key swing states to offering to ram US troops into states before the governors ask for them, and these are Democratic governors. Imagine that! What a coincidence. And even in DC we have a Democratic mayor who was out in the streets with the protesters keeping an eye on things.
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