A Funny thing happened on the way to the operating room – Updated



[ Update.

Americans are a set of herds. The RKM (royal khazarian mafia) mold the herds’ opinions like a baker kneading bread dough, first right, then left, then take half turn and roll it right and left again; let it rise; then bake it. Right now, some of our fellow citizens are rising in support of their favorite issues and others are baked. Do you agree?

It is true that authorities have subverted approved channels of counting deaths from Covid, as we’ve read the letters to the editor from ethical coroners who protested the subversion of their regulations months ago. Reading that protesting letter and now looking back on the psyop, I feel like the lifeguard standing on shore, hearing only one lonely voice, a small peep for help from an intelligent university community who idealistically believed in speaking truth to power, as the surrounding commonwealth was poised to drown in a sea of lies.

Admitted: County Coroners strongly protested in a letter to the editor being kept out of the loop.

Regardless of the statistical hoaxes, the existence of biowarfare on American shores is not a hoax, and has been a real shitshow for over 60 years. Whenever the RKM would encounter a protesting genius biologist who believed in Truth and the American Way, they would just throw the offending geek off the nearest roof, or worse.

From an area in Arizona with a large COVID outbreak, we see the news article from Phoenix, Arizona, Phoenix mayor: Abrazo Health, Maricopa County morgues seeking backup, the Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego told ABC15 News that the problem of not enough morgue space at Abrazo Health is “specific to one area” and that the county is looking at what can be done, saying that the Maricopa County Unified Command Center reported that the county medical examiner office’s morgue is at 97% capacity and is working to secure a contract for refrigerator trucks.

Admitted: “Lack of morgue space is specific to one area”

Despite Gallego’s statement, Abrazo Health issued its own statement earlier in the day saying it had sufficient capacity.

“Abrazo hospitals currently have adequate morgue space,” the statement said. “The state has requested that hospitals implement their emergency plans.”

Admitted: State political authorities are overseeing the trained hospital administrating experts.

They continue: “Part of activating our plan includes the ability to handle overflow morgue capacity if needed. Abrazo has taken a proactive approach by ordering refrigerated storage in the event it may be needed during a surge of COVID patients. At this point it is not needed. We do agree with the Mayor’s points around promoting awareness around masking, continuing to practice social distancing and seeking medical care in the event of an emergency need.”

Admitted: The hospital is still within its normal cadaver storage capacity.

Maricopa County Communications Director Fields Mosely told the Business Journal on Friday afternoon that the Office of the Medical Examiner has a normal capacity of 150 decedents and is currently nearing that capacity at about 96%. The office can expand that capacity to about 200 cases and will do so if needed, he said.”This is a situation that occurs almost every summer because of heat-related deaths and is further complicated by the current pandemic,” Mosely said in an email. “This year, it allows time to implement the plan for adding more cooler space. The Unified Command is in in contact with vendors of portable cooler space and will take appropriate steps in order to be prepared for possible needs.”

Admitted: Additional refrigeration is routinely needed in the summer.

Admitted: Unlike chickens with their heads cut off, there is a Unified Command that follows risk management procedures.

Conclusion: covert war is being waged against our bodies with a preconceived cluster of pandemics, concurrent with a psyop to divide Americans as much as possible into warring factions due to embedded inconsistencies, outright lies and diversionary tactics. In other words, situation normal. But being a farmer’s daughter, I recognize manure spreaders when I smell them.

If you haven’t been able to resolve these conflicting data points, then it is likely that you weren’t a farmer or your public or private education has failed you in more than this instance, and that’s another looming aligator in the pond that many don’t want to acknowedge.

But people, we can put on our thinking caps, and we can overcome the RKM’s lemming conditioning and refrain from choosing a side and following its platform, we can calmly write down the data points, avoid leaps of faith, be clinical. Erica, JWD  ]

“Surgeons operate with masks all day. If you believe masks are harmful, then next time you have surgery, tell your surgeon not to wear a mask because they may fall asleep on the operating table.”

Update: 11Alive reports on “COVID PARTIES” among America’s youth, who believe it is a hoax.

Emory University doctor busts Myths on COVID-19, says COVID-19 a crisis situation in Georgia

First published July 9, 2020
By Kaitlyn Ross

ATLANTA — With COVID cases surging in Georgia, Emory Dr. Carlos del Rio is doing his best to fight the misinformation that’s spreading just as fast as the pandemic – the untrue articles that get shared thousands of times on social media and are causing real harm to the way people think about COVID-19.

Dr. del Rio said Georgia is close to a breaking point, predicting that ICUs and emergency rooms will be overrun with COVID-19 patients by next week. He said now is the time to stop the spread of the virus.

“Surgeons operate with masks all day,” he pushed back. “If you believe [masks are harmful], next time you have surgery, tell your surgeon not to wear a mask because they may fall asleep on the operating table or do something wrong as a result of this. This is a made up science, it’s not a reality.”

Del Rio said wearing a mask and social distancing are the two best things you can do to protect your family.

“If we don’t stop transmission of the virus, we are never getting back to normal,” he said pointedly. “So, forget your conspiracy theories. Do the right thing, so we can stop transmission of the virus.”

“Number one, you don’t need to confront this virus, you can actually avoid it,” he said. “It’s not going to come up and assault your house. It’s going to come up because you’re close to somebody who’s infected.”

Georgia set a new record in hospitalizations Thursday, with 2,322 people logged as receiving treatment.

Del Rio warned that Georgia is just a few days behind Texas and Florida for hospitalization rates, and by next week the state could be in real trouble. 

“When you go to the hospital and the hospitals are full and they can’t take care of you, don’t complain. Just realize that you’re part of the problem,” he said.

Read more


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  1. DJC, This just in: The mayor of Phoenix said on Friday an Abrazo health location may be getting refrigerated trucks because its morgue is at capacity, according to an ABC15 report. In addition, the Maricopa County Medical Examiner’s office is near capacity as Arizona continues to cope with a surge of Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths. – The “It’s just a hoax mavens have been with us since Trump led the charge, purely trying to keep the stock markets up. He has only had one goal in this…to get reelected.

  2. They were overrun in New York and other places. What the hospitals did is dump that ones with no health insurance off into nursing homes where they died. That created an empty ICU bed for an insured patient. Not all did this. Hospitals are reaching capacity now with this surge, but now we know ventilators kill old folks that have lung issues. The blood oxygenaters are going to the younger people as they recover better.

  3. Isn’t it obvious yet!!?
    There IS a cure for stupidity!

    It is called COVID-19.

    If there would be a list of rule avoiders, I would be probably on the first page.
    What the fuck has freedom to do with protecting your health and that of others?

    Remember the “……… Lives Matter” movements?
    Wear a bloody mask.

    Even if you are suicidal, i am not. But keep on being criminally stupid and I might get to it!

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