The Los Angeles police shootings: Too likely a political false flag

Whenever we see a video in resolution that a 20 year old flip phone could beat, we know something is wrong. 


…by the Senior Editor

The first take on this is that the shooter is theatrically dressed in a ball cap and hip hop trousers to resemble a gang member in an initiation ceremony like is shown on television.

We ask questions such as:

  • Why were the officers there?  Was this predictable and who knew they were there?  The easy answer, the police knew they were there, and we are learning what that means.
  • These are very junior personnel, what does this tell us, with no strong connections to the “blue underworld” that runs Los Angeles.
  • Why now?  Is there an incident tied to this? (no)
  • Who benefits? (Trump/Kosher Nostra/police/militias/military contracts/certain Israeli groups as in the killing of Michael Hastings)
  • What has been the response?

Whenever we see a video in resolution that a 20 year old flip phone could beat, we know something is wrong.  Nothing below 1080P exists.  Los Angeles set up its first system between 2011 and 2013 which has been updated twice and is the most extensive in the US.

The ACLU has been at war with LA over the system which has facial recognition, low light capability and is joy stick controllable.

Now we learn that with the massive price tag, the camera’s cost 80 cents each, or so we are being asked to believe.

If this is as we suspect, the police sacrificing two junior transportation officers in order to interfere in an election and boost their own funding, then this will play out with a patsy and, of course, lots of rhetoric.

We will also have a Qanon statement about it.  That will seal the deal.


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  1. The shooter looks like a dwarf! What is the camera that captured it? Why is it positioned there? Quite convenient. This footage leaves more questions that are not answered.

  2. This conjures up the raw black & white images of the U.S. Navy released video purportedly showing an Iranian vessel removing an unexploded mine that had been attached to one of the tankers in the Persian Golf. Trump blamed Iran for attaching the explosives almost immediately. The other odd thing is the timing of the recording as if the cameraman had a prior knowledge of the shooting as he zooms in when the fires are shot.

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