Another ‘Young Trumper’ may face prison in racist incident

The parents of Keyon Harrold Jr. and I are calling on the Manhattan District Attorney to bring charges of assault and battery against this woman


Daily Beast: The woman filmed in a viral video accusing Grammy-winning jazz musician Keyon Harrold’s son of stealing her iPhone has doubled down on her actions, claiming she was actually assaulted.

Harrold was staying at SoHo’s Arlo Hotel when the irate 22-year-old woman from Staten Island, who had checked out days earlier, tackled the teen in the lobby and tried to search his pockets, according to the trumpeter. Her phone was later found in an Uber.

The woman, who was not identified by CNN, said she’d first demanded to see the New York hotel’s CCTV and asked someone else in the lobby to “empty their pocket” before confronting Harrold’s son. She claimed the video didn’t reflect who she was.

“I actually… try very hard to make sure that I am always doing the right thing,” she said. But, when pressed for evidence that she was assaulted, she stopped answering CNN’s calls. The NYPD said they’re considering charging her with assault and grand larceny or attempted robbery.

Justice for Keyon Harrold Jr.

Renowned Jazz musician Keyon Harrold and his 14-year-old son were assaulted at Arlo SoHo, an upscale New York City hotel, by an unidentified woman on December 26, 2020. They came down from their hotel room to get breakfast when the woman accused the teenage boy of stealing her cellphone.

She kept insisting that he show her his phone, alleging that it belongs to her and saying that “he’s not leaving” until they prove that they didn’t steal her phone. This incident continued for more than five minutes, with the woman scratching Mr. Harrold, and grabbing and tackling Harrold’s son.

Additionally, Arlo SoHo’s hotel manager immediately sided with the woman — who wasn’t even a hotel guest — and empowered her assault of Mr. Harrold and his son, who both were staying at the hotel. Her cell phone was later found in an Uber.

If you haven’t seen the video of this incident, take a moment to watch and share it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Now I ask you, what would the hotel manager and security guards have done had they witnessed a Black man tackle a white teenager in furious pursuit of a missing cell phone? This is the double-standard that exists in America today!

Keyon Harrold Jr. will live with this trauma for life, the weight of racism on the shoulders of another generation. He deserves better than this treatment!

The parents of Keyon Harrold Jr. and I are calling on the Manhattan District Attorney to bring charges of assault and battery against this woman, but we need your help!

EMAIL the Manhattan District Attorney and help us achieve JUSTICE for the Harrold family.


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  1. A new Sidney Powell in the making:

    “After she agreed to provide evidence that could help confirm her claim that she was assaulted, she stopped responding to CNN’s phone calls and text messages.”

  2. What else could a psychotic not too bright hispanic out of control racist trigger happy accusing the first black kid be, a Biden supporter ?

  3. Hey in 2018, 16% of white victims were killed by black offenders, while 8% of black victims were killed by white offenders. And the year before in 2017, 16% of white victims were killed by black offenders, while 9% of black victims were killed by white offenders.

    Maybe in your (((vast))) experience with stats the difference of 8 percentage point is (((Vastly))) exceeding but on this planet these margins are not (((VAST))).

  4. An elderly friend of mine in Florida often complained to me that her black acquaintances were becoming racist towards her. This suggests that this problem has never gone anywhere in your country. It’s just that before the blacks did not have as many rights as they do now. As soon as the slightest spark appears, the fire of racism comes out. Revanchism of blacks will not lead to anything good. You have to sit down and talk. We are all human beings on this planet and no race or country has absolutely no right to engage in racism and Nazism towards others. Live in peace, my friends.

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