Vaccine Shell Game, Trump ‘Disappeared’ 65 million doses , $2bn to bail out his Flagging Empire

Most states have no inventory at all and none is being shipped. Governors, like Michigan's Whitmer, are offering state funds to Pfizer to buy 100,000 doses to cover highest risk. 


The Senior Editor

We know our vaccines went to Israel.  We know some went to Britain.  What we don’t know is where the rest are and what we have to do to find out.  Vaccine production levels and inventories simply don’t match, not close, not remotely close.

Between 70 and 100 million doses may have already been produced. Moderna claims production issues and will only produce 20 million in January. But they produced all through December as well.

Moderna, with a much smaller capacity than Pfizer, projected 500 million doses for 2021, then raised that to 600,000. But when vaccines began to disappear, they lowered that to 20 million a month, though their NASDAQ MRNA report says otherwise, from Forbes:

Moderna (NASDAQ: MRNA) provided updates on the manufacturing of its Covid-19 vaccine, noting that it was increasing the baseline production estimate for this year to 600 million doses, 100 million more than it had initially projected. The company also said that it was continuing to invest and add staff to potentially produce as much as 1 billion doses for the full year. This is positive news, considering that Moderna has no real manufacturing track record and has never produced or sold a commercial drug prior to the Covid-19 shot. Moreover, the mRNA technology that Moderna (and Pfizer) are using requires specialized manufacturing equipment.

Then they claimed 400,000 doses were spoiled but where are the rest?

Pfizer produced multiple millions per day but the Trump administration is refusing to take delivery and has blamed the Army for screwing up.  This, however, was a month ago and no correction has been made.  From Pfizer:

“Pfizer is not having any production issues with our COVID-19 vaccine, and no shipments containing the vaccine are on hold or delayed. This week, we successfully shipped all 2.9 million doses that we were asked to ship by the U.S. Government to the locations specified by them. We have millions more doses sitting in our warehouse but, as of now, we have not received any shipment instructions for additional doses.”

To summarize: Minimally, 80 million doses were produced for US distribution and a little over 10% of these have been shipped. The rest, however, aren’t in inventory anywhere.

Where are they?  Current vaccination levels, entirely  constrained by lack of inventory, entirely limited by shipments from the US Army, have drawn out the time for the US to reach an immunity level to 30 years.  Trump promised 20 million vaccinations during the last two weeks of December, something easily possible as an initial stage of a ramp up.

There are 10 million licensed medical professionals in the US capable of giving the vaccine. If half participated and did 3 shots a day, do the math.

Producers can deliver that amount easily. We have planes galore, trucks and freezers. But where is the vaccine?

One man controls it, Donald Trump, a lifelong grifter with a bankrupt empire and a family facing ruin and prison.

Killing Nancy or Raping AOC for a Parler audience, was this really Trump’s plan, put together by a former 3 star general?

Trump knew that as soon as New York State landed charges, his empire was done, banks would call in loans and end credit lines. He simply accelerated it by a couple of weeks, no more.

The real issue is vaccine. There is no vaccine left in the US. Total vaccinations, if you can believe any source, run from a low of 2.7 million to 9 million, under 3% of population.

Most states have no inventory at all and none is being shipped. Governors, like Michigan’s Whitmer, are offering state funds to Pfizer to buy 100,000 doses to cover highest risk.  Pfizer hasn’t responded.  Why?

This is a shell game. What we know?  Vaccines were in full production from Pfizer in late November with inventory by year end, between Pfizer and Moderna hitting around 50 million.

Worst case figures may even go above 100,000,000 already produced.


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  1. Nothing about this administrations pandemic response makes cents.
    Dollars for sure.
    Some congresswomen said “it’s about the Benjamin’s”. She caught a lot of grief for that. It referred to something else but not someone else.

  2. During a medical emergency, the lucrative nature of “a cure” is way too much of a temptation for people like Trump, and giving him executive power over the designation is perhaps the worst idea I can think of. He would in fact, be nearly last on the list of people to trust in this regard, out of the planets 7 billion people.

    • Well no, he would say hey, {what a great guy am I ? I am here doing it for you}, and then he would proceed to position himself as a receiver of profits. very simple.
      That is exactly what he did. Nobody with a common sense is surprised.

      The big secret is, everyone who knows this, doesn’t call the followers stupid in public. But that is what they are, stupid. The dumb ones fell for Trump. You are welcome.

    • Well, David, I would not do assert so emphatically that “all” followers are stupid ones, I have spoken with smart ones but they only don’t care one than other occasional “slip” from Trump…. 🙂

  3. Unlikely to be sent to the f(UK) except perhaps in transit through a black ops friendly airport.

    The arithmetic of doses said to be shipped, distribution or numbers actually vaxxed here in f(UK) do not add up.

    This math from one of the systems that log patient vaccinations for the nhs is a joke
    though this is only till dec 16 they stopped updating that fact afterwards and claimed technical problems lol

    It seems that vaccines are rarer than manure from a kids rocking horse right now here on airstrip 1.

    f = former

  4. Chinese vaccine has proven have only 50% effectiveness. Who can have cash in hand to pay in silent way and also want to have for themself a working vaccine as insurance??

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