Blockbuster: Verified Kremlin Leak Confirms, Trump Blackmailed, Works for Russia to Destroy America

A document believed to be from the Kremlin cryptically refers to “certain events” that happened during Trump’s “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory.”


VT: When Trump had the DOJ target VT as Russian agents back in November, while we were actively not only working against Russia’s media blitz but advising the FBI as well, the long war on the real independent press became clear. 

Even the WaPo was targeted, but reporting the targeting of VT for its opposition to now PROVEN Russian spy, Donald Trump is our proof.

When Glenn Greenwald came out this morning, trying to kill this story, he not only knew it was true….we knew the Russian’s didn’t care who knew it was true.

Hell…look at our Wikpedia.  The Kosher Nostra has run Wikipedia from day one…But today…and every day…begin to notice the deep partnership between Russian intelligence and Tucker Carlson…

But we also think Russia got to others, many others, not just Carlson or Trump but most of those of the House and Senate who helped plan January 6…the planned Russian either takeover or takedown…

Then we noted that 3 organizations censored this story, RT, Sputnik and the New York Times….OMG

Now the reporting on this very real blockbuster…

Daily Beast: For years, there have been whispers that the Russian government holds compromising materials on Donald Trump. Now, a leak from the heart of the Kremlin appears to show them boasting about kompromat.

The supposed leak obtained by The Guardian reportedly states that President Vladimir Putin personally approved a nefarious plan to throw Russia’s support behind Trump’s 2016 campaign. The document states that Putin, his spy chiefs, and top ministers agreed that a victory for a “mentally unstable” Trump would permanently weaken the United States.

The document also reportedly states that the Kremlin has so-called kompromat on Trump. It cryptically refers to “certain events” that happened during “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory.” The purported leak doesn’t explain what those events involved—only referring to an appendix that wasn’t attached the obtained document.

Trump is known to have visited Moscow on multiple occasions in the decades before he was elected as president. One memorable section of the Steele dossier threw up some extraordinary but unsubstantiated claims about the former president and some Russian prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room when he jetted into Russia for the 2013 Miss Universe pageant.

The document allegedly offers more detail on what Kremlin leaders thought of Trump before he became president and why they wanted him to win. It reportedly describes the future president as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex,” and, therefore, the “most promising candidate.”

The Guardian reports that the papers—which appear to be signed off on by Putin himself—state that a Kremlin plan to back Trump was agreed at a meeting of the national security council on Jan. 22, 2016. It reportedly recommends that the Kremlin uses “all possible force” to push Trump to victory and help him sow “social turmoil” in the United States.

The document reportedly predicts that a Trump win “will definitely lead to the destabilization of the U.S.’s sociopolitical system,” and a “social explosion.” The papers threaten to insert “media viruses” into American systems to help exacerbate the chaos of a Trump presidency. (read more… and from The Guardian:

Vladimir Putin personally authorised a secret spy agency operation to support a “mentally unstable” Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential election during a closed session of Russia’s national security council, according to what are assessed to be leaked Kremlin documents.

The key meeting took place on 22 January 2016, the papers suggest, with the Russian president, his spy chiefs and senior ministers all present.

They agreed a Trump White House would help secure Moscow’s strategic objectives, among them “social turmoil” in the US and a weakening of the American president’s negotiating position.

By this point Trump was the frontrunner in the Republican party’s nomination race. A report prepared by Putin’s expert department recommended Moscow use “all possible force” to ensure a Trump victory.

Western intelligence agencies are understood to have been aware of the documents for some months and to have carefully examined them. The papers, seen by the Guardian, seem to represent a serious and highly unusual leak from within the Kremlin.

The Guardian has shown the documents to independent experts who say they appear to be genuine. Incidental details come across as accurate. The overall tone and thrust is said to be consistent with Kremlin security thinking.

Vladimir Putin holds a meeting with permanent members of the security council on 22 January 2016 at the Kremlin
Vladimir Putin holds a meeting with permanent members of the security council on 22 January 2016 at the Kremlin. Photograph: Alexei Nikolsky/Russian presidential press service/TASS

The report – “No 32-04 \ vd” – is classified as secret. It says Trump is the “most promising candidate” from the Kremlin’s point of view. The word in Russian is perspektivny.

There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.

There is also apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possesses kompromat, or potentially compromising material, on the future president, collected – the document says – from Trump’s earlier “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory”.

The paper refers to “certain events” that happened during Trump’s trips to Moscow. Security council members are invited to find details in appendix five, at paragraph five, the document states. It is unclear what the appendix contains.

“It is acutely necessary to use all possible force to facilitate his [Trump’s] election to the post of US president,” the paper says.

This extract from a secret Kremlin document gives details of the Russian operation to help an impulsive and ‘mentally unstable’ Donald Trump to become US president
This extract from a secret Kremlin document gives details of the Russian operation to help an impulsive and ‘mentally unstable’ Donald Trump to become US president

This would help bring about Russia’s favoured “theoretical political scenario”. A Trump win “will definitely lead to the destabilisation of the US’s sociopolitical system” and see hidden discontent burst into the open, it predicts.

The Kremlin summit

There is no doubt that the meeting in January 2016 took place – and that it was convened inside the Kremlin.

An official photo of the occasion shows Putin at the head of the table, seated beneath a Russian Federation flag and a two-headed golden eagle. Russia’s then prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, attended, together with the veteran foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov.

Also present were Sergei Shoigu, the defence minister in charge of the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence agency; Mikhail Fradkov, the then chief of Russia’s SVR foreign intelligence service; and Alexander Bortnikov, the boss of the FSB spy agency.Nikolai Patrushev, the FSB’s former director, attended too as security council secretary.

According to a press release, the discussion covered the economy and Moldova.

The document seen by the Guardian suggests the security council’s real, covert purpose was to discuss the confidential proposals drawn up by the president’s analytical service in response to US sanctions against Moscow.

Donald Trump addresses a press conference following his victory in the Florida state primary in West Palm Beach, Florida, in March 2016
Donald Trump after winning the Florida state primary in West Palm Beach, Florida, in March 2016. A report prepared by Putin’s expert department recommended Moscow use ‘all possible force’ to ensure a Trump presidential victory. Photograph: Rhona Wise/AFP/Getty Images

The author appears to be Vladimir Symonenko, the senior official in charge of the Kremlin’s expert department – which provides Putin with analytical material and reports, some of them based on foreign intelligence.

The papers indicate that on 14 January 2016 Symonenko circulated a three-page executive summary of his team’s conclusions and recommendations.

In a signed order two days later, Putin instructed the then chief of his foreign policy directorate, Alexander Manzhosin, to convene a closed briefing of the national security council.

Its purpose was to further study the document, the order says. Manzhosin was given a deadline of five days to make arrangements.

What was said inside the second-floor Kremlin senate building room is unknown. But the president and his intelligence officials appear to have signed off on a multi-agency plan to interfere in US democracy, framed in terms of justified self-defence.

Various measures are cited that the Kremlin might adopt in response to what it sees as hostile acts from Washington. The paper lays out several American weaknesses. These include a “deepening political gulf between left and right”, the US’s “media-information” space, and an anti-establishment mood under President Barack Obama.

The ‘special part’ of a secret Kremlin document setting out measures to cause turmoil and division in America
The ‘special part’ of a secret Kremlin document setting out measures to cause turmoil and division in America

The paper does not name Hillary Clinton, Trump’s 2016 rival. It does suggest employing media resources to undermine leading US political figures.

There are paragraphs on how Russia might insert “media viruses” into American public life, which could become self-sustaining and self-replicating. These would alter mass consciousness, especially in certain groups, it says.

After the meeting, according to a separate leaked document, Putin issued a decree setting up a new and secret interdepartmental commission. Its urgent task was to realise the goals set out in the “special part” of document No 32-04 \ vd.

Members of the new working body were stated to include Shoigu, Fradkov and Bortnikov. Shoigu was named commission chair. The decree – ukaz in Russian – said the group should take practical steps against the US as soon as possible. These were justified on national security grounds and in accordance with a 2010 federal law, 390-FZ, which allows the council to formulate state policy on security matters.

According to the document, each spy agency was given a role. The defence minister was instructed to coordinate the work of subdivisions and services. Shoigu was also responsible for collecting and systematising necessary information and for “preparing measures to act on the information environment of the object” – a command, it seems, to hack sensitive American cyber-targets identified by the SVR.

Vladimir Putin in 2016.
Vladimir Putin in 2016. The Russian president has repeatedly denied accusations of interfering in western democracy Photograph: Sputnik/Reuters



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  1. Hi Gordon again
    OK I get it; way I see it is propaganda is everywhere since the truth is impossible to believe so try that zio kool aid they give you instead and feel good about it.

    People want to believe in what they want to believe (since they already believe it!) and on internet they usually choose to hear and read just what it is they believe in to reinforce their beliefs.

    The Russians are clever fuckers, they know the truth and will get to the bottom of it, but know the truth-known can sometimes hurt the welfare of their people or influence them to behave consumed by vodka soaked anger (lets nuke those fucking nazis in DC before they nuke us) so they are careful what is released to their info agents, (double and triple) so what is blockbuster info coming from a reliable Russian source will usually be whatever card-of-influence it is the KGB has decided to show.

    • …here’s the ticket….spent 99 percent of your time trying to figure out who and why you receive the information you get.

      I get nothing believable from the internet or emails. OK, here’s today’s crap around here. I have a friend currently in prison in Sudan. I can’t talk about who he is or what this is about but other friends, upon learning it…are interceding…

      Eventually every word I write or speak about this to anyone, including this, will become part of a CIA/State Department investigation….

      Last week, an African government came to me for vaccines through another friend….yet getting them vaccine is a nightmare even if you have contracts, agreements…and endless Saudi cash.

      Why is withholding vaccine a new form of warfare while idiots here pretend the vaccines aren’t absolutely vital to keep us alive…when the really bad variant comes out. It’s there…wait for it…it will likely hit you like a truck and you will be another one of those assholes whose last works were…”Tucker Carlson murdered me”

  2. Yeah Tommy, but “no one” did take Trump from his adoring Republican worshipers. No one showed up, too many and too much no ones… Trump lost because he failed the big test of his presidency by NOT taking the covid threat seriously enough. 600,000 and still counting…

  3. Trump sure was my choice to win. Hillary’s platform had “Confront Putin”!!! Not about women’s rights or the color if snow, no…. Just a general confrontation, one on one Hillary vs Vladamir political Wrestle mania mud match. Just what zI always wanna see, we’ll unless it goes kinetic. I would like to see my children live a respirator free life without no go zones where radiation is like Chernoble. Don’t want any demented leaders willing to do anything to look tough that could lead to nuclear war with Russia & probably China too. It woulf be very likely end the chances of everyone alive on this planet for a happy healthy life. Probably not see the sun for several years. Where the living would envy the departed from the hell that would be wroght. Give me anything else, but not nuclear winter and insane leaders.

  4. Okay, so Alan “I kept my underpants on” Dershowitz was on Hannity, and admitted that Biden had indeed won the 2020 presidential election (eight months later, and coincidental to this Kremlin intelligence document purporting that Putin said Trump is unstable). Sounds like Trump has become too much of an embarrassment, if that’s possible, and perhaps this is the KN cutting him loose?

  5. Hi Gordon
    What is the zio koolaid?
    Zionist propaganda double reverse brainfuck so one doesn’t know what is real but if it sounds good believe in it?
    Just wondering…

    • You are quite susceptible to propaganda as you seek any information that makes you feel “better”…usually bringing out undeserved rage and feelings of persecution. This is “zio”

  6. I think that we have to handle with tweezers anything that came from british media because of the only one thing you can be sure is MI6 always is behind….

    • Hi Padre
      Is this directed at mr konehead?
      Can’t tell
      If so don’t worry about it I have no clue but what I read in the papers (and VT) like everyone else

  7. Remember the choice in 2016 was lunatic murdering bitch (read Clinton chronicles) willing to.go to war with Russia over Syria by establishing a no fly zone … and previous democratic administration under Obama had just engineered and sponsored a Russian ethnic cleansing campaign in eastern and western Ukraine.
    Opponent is pedophile failed casino owner fake billionaire and TV reality star. Yes, he will ruin the USA and he did.
    Putin chose the mafia kid-fucker over the war with Russia bitch.
    Not that his choice matters just as when the voters I USA went to vote in 2016 either, as it was already rigged to have Trump win because Israel hates Hillary too for trying to give Palestine some rights for their own state while sec if state.
    What Hillary did to Libya another strong point to “choose” Trump over Hillary, again not that anyone’s choice mattered all the state voting machines rigged already as proven be exit polls in 2016.

    • Thanks for a daily dose of the Zio kool aid.

      Read the story…they were aiming at you and hit their target.

    • Gordon, cut out support Hillary, you know she’s sold herself to the big pharma and health insurance industry in 1993 and since then just got worse…

    • Your world is upside down…Hillary was fought tooth and nail by big pharma…and she has hated them and worked against them all her life. You are very poorly informed.

  8. Assuming this “leak” is no accident, have to wonder as to the purpose and timing of its surfacing?

    • The timing of this leak was significant in that it’s apparent by now that no minds will be changed by anything that Trump did or didn’t do! Like Trump said, he could murder someone and his crazy base would still vote for him. Christian Zionism is the heart and soul of Trump’s base and they already believe that the Earth was created exactly 6025 years ago and the Sun is its planet. It isn’t much of a stretch at all for them to believe that Trump is their ticket to the Rapture. Like Steve Pearce, chairman of the Republican Party of New Mexico said after the 2020 election, “[Trump] is our president FOREVER and no one can take that away from us.”

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