Pollinator Extraordinaire Vanishing From Eight States


The American Bumblebee Has Vanished From Eight States

by Elizabeth Gamillo/Smithsonianmag.com

The American bumblebee (Bombus pensylvanicus)once abundant and found lazily floating around in grasslands, open prairies, and some urban areas throughout the United States—now face a rapidly declining population.

According to a proposed rule released by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the species’ population has dropped nearly 90 percent and could qualify for protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the Independent’s Graeme Massie reports. Despite dwindling population numbers, the American bumblebee is not protected in any state or by federal law.

American bumblebees are a vital pollinator for wildflowers and crops, and their decline could have severe consequences for the environment. The species has completely vanished from eight states, including Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Idaho, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Oregon, Ben Turner reports for Live Science. The bumblebee species have declined by 99 percent in New York. In the Midwest and Southeast, population numbers have dropped by more than 50 percent.

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  1. I live in Washington state just above Oregon and was shocked to read that the Bumblebee has vanished from this state. We have, in the past few years planted eight Rhododendrons which attract Bumblebees when they bloom. There are other blooming trees and plants on our property which attract other bees and Hummingbirds which aid in the pollination.
    Planting all sorts of flowers that flower can really help these insects survive and keep us in fruits and vegetables, not to mention beautiful flowers!

  2. IMPORTANT information here ! To be pinned on top of VT hall of fame articles…

    Odell’s info is PARAMOUNT also !!!

  3. Counties and states are spraying….. Permethrin. If anyone has an organic farm, it is no longer organic. All that work down the drain. Permethrin is a persistent soil clinger. It cannot be washed off vegetables if it soaks in or is in the soil they grew from. If you don’t like chemical farming, you are labeled a tree hugger.

    It kills mosquitoes. And night crawlers and other worms, fish and beneficial pollinators and etc etc …

    Also we have insecticide routinely sprayed on the fields of nearly all agriculture. The soil and life is dead there. Anyone can test their soil.

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