Trump Tried to Appoint Failed Fake Jew Purse Designer to Head World Bank (Did we say that?)

She then appointed Israeli David Malpass to head the bank when she wasn't allowed


Raw Story: According to a report from the Intercept’s Ryan Grim and Max Ufberg, former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was forced to intercede when Donald Trump proposed appointing his daughter Ivanka to head up the World Bank.

The report notes that when the opening came about in January of 2019, Trump saw it as an opportunity to promote his fashion designer daughter.

“As the White House moved to select its new leader, one name very dear to the Trump’s heart kept floating around: his daughter Ivanka Trump,” the reports states while noting that rumors of the appointment had floated about at the time, with Ivanka demurring and telling reporters she was “happy” advising her dad in the White House.

As the Intercept is now reporting, “…two sources, not authorized to speak publicly, tell The Intercept the talk of Ivanka at the helm went far beyond the realm of Beltway chatter: Trump very much wanted Ivanka as World Bank president, and it was Mnuchin who actually blocked her ascent to the leadership role.”

According to Grim and Ufberg, “Mnuchin often placed himself between the president and what the Treasury secretary saw as colossally counterproductive moves. His time as a Hollywood producer — making him a representative of the set whose approval Trump craved — gave him influence that others in the administration lacked.”


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  1. VT has repeatedly said there are many “fake people” in high places.
    Probably the whole shabang in Washington is fake.
    Trump must’ve figured Ivanka was just as fake as everyoneone else.

    • When all the “fakers” in high places get together, they have a grand old time laughing about how they fool all the little peepel over and over again.

    • There is fake and there is fake. She’s fake because just like her daddy the petulant trust fund baby, she got her way by getting daddy roll out a red carpet every time she ventured into something be it with the Saudis or the Emiratis or her brand in China etc.
      She’s not that educated either. Plus she’s ugly as hell.

    • Yes, Newt, I used to not understand how there could be “fake” people in power.
      Then I came to realize how the whole “system” is fake. Since they all take their orders directly, or indirectly from the Talmudists, they are just place holding puppets.
      And everyone knows puppets are fake people.

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