UK Tractor Firm failed to do human rights checks over destruction of Palestinian homes

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JCB, the British tractor firm, has been found by a UK government watchdog to have failed to carry out due diligence human rights checks over the potential use of its equipment to demolish homes in the occupied Palestinian territories (OPT).

The watchdog ruled: “It is unfortunate that JCB, which is a leading British manufacturer of world-class products, did not take any steps to conduct human rights due diligence of any kind despite being aware of alleged adverse human rights impacts and that its products are potentially contributing to those impacts.”

But the watchdog dismissed claims that JCB failed to use its leverage to persuade its exclusive Israeli distributor, Comasco, not to allow its equipment to be used to bulldoze homes. It said there was no conclusive evidence that the JCB equipment used in the bulldozing had been supplied by the distributor, or how JCB could influence the distributor.

The findings were published by the UK National Contact Point (UK NCP), which is charged with assessing whether firms are meeting OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises on human rights. The UK NCP is staffed by officials from the Department for International Trade, and is independent of the OECD.

The case marks an interesting test of the human rights duties of UK firms. It was brought by Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights in December 2019 so has taken nearly two years to reach a judgment point. The lawyers claim they have a record of JCB products being involved in “at least 60 out of the 266 demolitions” in one year.  Read more..


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  1. I generally do not make any distinction between UK and Israel. Right now, we see a feverish effort to place the monarchy in our news daily. Is Harry to be commenting on our internal affairs on a consistent basis ? I find his presence to be insulting to our sovereignty, and as a holder of royal title, it seems he should keep his mouth shut. This implement report, is just another layer of obfuscation and denial in their relentless PR campaign to appear innocent, and relevant. Their other stepchild KSA, is sabotaging our economy in retaliation , and thus displaying all the signs of , “not friend”. Pretty sure Harry is a foreign agent and if here for 6 months must be taxed. What’s up wit dat ?

  2. Of course they didn’t do “due dilligence;”
    that’s only for smucks who aren’t in the “too secret to talk about club;” that bunch who are all down-with-it, and in-on-it, in all of “Israel’s” dirty-work projects.

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