Kirschner: Prosecutors Should Now Explore Cooperation with Ghislaine Maxwell

The worldwide elites' participation in this sordid business is long known and protected via the game of, 'if you tell on me, then I will tell on you'


Better Late than Never

… from Glenn Kirschner

[ Editor’s Note: Kirschner was quick to jump on the Feds’ potential to have Ghislaine flip on some of celebrity teen molesters to try to get some of the 40 years in prison that she is looking at off her plate.

But that would require two meteor strike events, that the Maxwell family would be game for that, having one of their own help take down some the other big rich family people. And then it would require the attorney and prosecutors involved to be OK over what bad things might happen to them to set an example to others in the future that this would not be a good track to take.

As an example, we have here in the US the Federal prosecutor that did that god awful agreement to let Epstein leave jail every day to go to work, and he was never pressured to turn state’s evidence on anybody as part of that sweetheart deal.

Bill Clinton was already exposed as having been in that circle, and Prince Andrew, so there was a strong stench in the air that the Federal government might have participated in protecting felonious child molesters ‘for the good of the country’ and international relations.

The worldwide elites’ participation in this sordid business is long known and protected via the game of, ‘if you tell on me, then I will tell on you,’ which results in a mutual protection racket, where a prosecutor trying to do the right thing not only puts his or her life on the line, but their families.

As Gordon does so love to say, “Welcome to how the world really works”. Thus ends my cheery missive for today, but I do hope that someone has the balls to go after more of the dirtbags. It’s been wonderful watching some of them go down, despite being cheated out of Epstein’s trial… Jim W. Dean ]

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We still do not have an Epstein video tape YouTube yet. What’s up wid dat?

First aired December 30, 2021

As a former career prosecutor, if I believed a defendant could give up bigger criminal fish, I generally tried to convince them to plead guilty and cooperate by providing truthful information about others who committed crimes.

However, I wasn’t always successful in securing cooperation from defendants. Some defendants wanted their trial, and I was always happy to give it to them.

However, in the event of conviction, I generally stepped back to the defendant, though their counsel, and made one final run at cooperation in exchange for a somewhat reduced sentence. How many influential, connected individuals can Maxwell give up?

Only one way to find out – prosecutors should begin debriefing her with a view toward post-verdict cooperation.


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  1. OK, enough with this farce. Let me make a prediction or two. There will be no one exposed that is currently in office. There will be no mention of Israel, whatsoever. The little black book will never see the light of day, as far as the public is concerned. Any ‘outing’ will be deliberate and useless, those no longer useful or not enthusiastic in support of Israel, will be sacrificed. Maxwell will take the bullet, the memory of her dad being ever present. When we hear about R Cohn, Trump and his buddy Soros and the casino money laundering Mossad operations…well then I will be convinced. From the immigrant caravans, to BLM, to Jan 6…it’s all a sham designed to divide us. The thing in Kazakhstan is following the same MO as Ukraine. It’s the same tactic world over…just tweaked differently. Our enemies are both sides, which are one, controlled by who?

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