Trumper/Klansman told Undercover FBI Agent it was OK to ‘murder Kikes and Niggers cause they don’t have souls’


RS: After spending 25 years as an undercover FBI agent, a man identified only as “Scott B.” came forward to warn of the domestic terror threat facing America from far-right extremists.

Paul Solotaroff of Rolling Stone spent months interviewing Scott and his former colleagues, and reported the former agent “is haunted by what the people onscreen will do if their movement — and their moment — aren’t thwarted.”

“In the hate groups that he breached, Scott encountered credos that only cracked-out satirists could conceive,” Solotaroff reported. “One night, he sat up drinking bourbon with a Klansman who laid out the dual-seed theory. In the Garden of Eden, it was Adam, Eve, and Abel, and Abel, born of Adam, sired the white race. Then came the snake with forbidden fruit — only, the ‘fruit’ was Eve sleeping with the snake.

The snake, being Satan, fathered Cain and the mud people, starting off with the Jews. Then, you got your Blacks, gays, commies, and Asians: They’re all the seed of Satan, too. Christians can kill them and it ain’t a sin to do so, since they’re hell spawn who don’t have souls.”

Scott had to navigate the far-right world to stay alive.

“The names of the demons changed as Scott roved the racist circuit: lizard people, beasts of the field, short-faced bears. The rules changed, too, even under the same flag. Aryan Nation disciples in the state of Tennessee trafficked dope and guns and pimped their girls on Backpage, often to Black and brown johns. This raised the hackles of the Right Rev. Richard Butler, who’d founded Aryan Nations in the Seventies.”

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  1. I was in La. when David Duke almost beat Edwin Edwards in the gubernatorial race. At the time Edwards was under indictment by the feds for stealing hospital and road funds (millions) and losing them in Vegas. Everything was a scam across the state. The mayor of Alexandria at the time, did not like black children swimming in the city swimming pool, so he shut it down and turned it into a catfish pond. I was living in a vacant old whorehouse at the time (Pink Pussycat) on the “wrong” side of the tracks and the whole neighborhood was tin shacks, many with dirt floors. Florida today, may be worse. It is a nest.

    • Don’t know if Florida is worse, but it sure as hell is nothing like it was 60 years ago. Now it’s one big gated community staffed and served by the poor. Wages have always been crap there, even back in the day. No longer the resort of just the criminal rich, now it is inundated with ‘refugees’ of other states, looking for a new place to live and protect their money. Being invaded for years from those that ruined other states, now they mirror the very places they fled. It is much the same where I live. Property values, political control, service sector jobs instead of production, increased crime…on and on. This changed this from a place to be proud of to just another haven for the moneyed. All from those wonderful new visitors that decided to stay. They loved how you didn’t have to lock your doors, they loved the low taxes, they loved the recreational spots. Today? CofC runs local govs, massive influx of crime and drugs, massive increase in police, increased taxes (huge increase in property values), complete political upheaval, corruption, corporate ass kissing. All those wonderful vacation areas? Closed, to he benefit of all those new motels. Fully 80% of camping and recreation areas are gone or closed. These are the gifts they brought with them. It all started off with, “we didn’t do things this way where we came from”. Now we do.

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