April11 Closing Report: 401 Deaths UKR/30 Rus, Total Thus Far 32,334 UKR Deaths, 3,398 Rus


FULL DISCLOSURE: Sourced from Russian State-Controlled Media

VT estimates that these figures are much more accurate than those given by Ukraine 85% as opposed to TMU (Totally made up)

Special operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and events in Ukraine on April 11, day

Briefing by the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Igor Konashenkov April 11, 2022, day:

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to conduct a special military operation in Ukraine.

– On Sunday, April 10, Caliber high-precision sea-based missiles on the southern outskirts of the city of DNEPROPETROVSK destroyed equipment of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile division, which was supplied to the Kiev regime of one of the European countries, hidden in a hangar.

4 S-300 launchers and up to 25 personnel of the Ukrainian armed forces were hit, among other things.

– During the night, high-precision air-launched missiles in the area of ​​the settlement VELIKA NOVOSELOVKA destroyed the base for the repair of weapons and military equipment of the Ukrainian air defense forces, including the Buk-M1 and OSA-AKM anti-aircraft missile systems.

– Also, in the areas of settlements NIKOLAEV and ZHOVTNEVOE, two ammunition depots were destroyed, and in the area of ​​USPENOVKA – a radar for illumination and guidance of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system.

– As a result of high-precision strikes in the areas of the settlements VODVIZHENKA-2 and IVANOVKA of the Donetsk region, 9 tanks, 5 self-propelled artillery mounts 2S3 “Acacia”, 5 multiple launch rocket systems BM-21 “Grad” and more than 60 nationalists were destroyed.

– Russian air defense systems shot down two Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft in the air near the IZYUM settlement.

In addition, 3 unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed in the BALAKLEYA districts of the Kharkiv region, GULAI POLE and VOLNOVAHA, as well as an unmanned aerial vehicle of the Valkyrie type in the area of ​​​​the KALININSKOE settlement of the Nikolaev region.

– In the area of ​​​​the settlement of POSAD-POKROVSKOE, Kherson region, a Ukrainian military helicopter Mi-24 was shot down in the air by concentrated fire from small arms.

– Operational-tactical aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit 78 military facilities of Ukraine. Among them: 3 command posts, a radar for illumination and guidance, 3 positions for short-range anti-aircraft missile systems, 4 ammunition depots, as well as 58 strongholds and areas of concentration of Ukrainian military equipment.

– In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed:

  • 129 planes and 99 helicopters,
  • 243 anti-aircraft missile systems S-300, Buk-M1, Osa AKM,
  • 441 unmanned aerial vehicles,
  • 2079 tanks and other armored fighting vehicles,
  • 239 multiple launch rocket systems,
  • 909 field artillery pieces and mortars,
  • 2003 units of special military vehicles.

Losses of the Ukrainian side as a result of a special military operation of the RF Armed Forces on April 11, 2022 – RYBAR.

Important clarification: all these data are predictable. That is, the Ukrainian side in its own internal reports and summaries does not have the exact number of losses for each category.

There is no communication with some units, and they are listed as missing, some equipment can be restored after the strike. Therefore, in internal reports, the tendency is always to underestimate the real number of losses.

The 36th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine told the Ukrainian people that “it’s a pity that help did not come, reinforcements were not sent …”.

“… Without a b / c, not being able to defend themselves, the enemy gradually pushed us back to the Azovmash plant, surrounded us, bound us with fire, and now he is trying to destroy us. There was an option to bring reserves to us in order to strengthen and continue the defense. There were options for the brigade to make a breakthrough and go out to their troops. We reported this to OTU “Vostok” and they began to plan the operation. Sodol, Delyatitsky tried to do something, but their senior staff turned away. We reported this to the OOS, and they said “hold on, we are working,” they promised a helicopter, which never arrived. We talked with the commander in chief, who promised to deblockade.

We spoke with the Guarantor, who guaranteed us either a political or military solution to the situation. For more than a month, the Marines fought without replenishment of ammunition, without food, without water, almost slurping from a puddle, and dying in packs. The mountain of the wounded makes up almost half of the brigade. Those who do not have their limbs torn off and can walk are returned to duty. The infantry was all killed, and artillerymen, anti-aircraft gunners, signalmen, drivers, and cooks are conducting rifle battles. Even the orchestra. We are gradually ending … “.

Nothing, the guarantor, who guaranteed, will award everyone posthumously. And helicopters flew in, but not for the marines, but for important foreigners and the leaders of “Azov”. They are more important for ukroreikh than the marines. And certainly more important than the remaining cooks, drivers, and musicians.

The fate of the 36th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the fate of all military personnel fighting for the Ukrainian regime, for the guarantor and his guarantees. Only those who are of value to the owners of Ukraine will be saved. Marines are not one of them.

The sooner the Armed Forces understand this, the sooner the war will end.

The enemy put our identification marks on the equipment, formed a column, and tried to break out of Mariupol at night. In total, about thirty military vehicles, including self-propelled guns, reached out to meet us, not realizing that from the moment the column was formed, we had already controlled all its movements from the air. As a result, the equipment was abandoned, the enemy scattered around the district, and ours caught him.

He is still struggling, but his situation is getting more and more hopeless, and such desperate attempts to escape are clear evidence of this. Apparently, it’s time to throw agitation on the territory under his control with the terms of surrender – there is information that many would like to raise their hands, but do not know how – Alexander Khodakovsky writes about the attempted night breakout from MARIUPOL.

The military-civilian administration of the Kherson region opened a food supply channel for the Ukrainian army, writes Z-Tavria.

Apparently, part of what was found in the warehouse was intended, among other things, for the needs of sabotage and reconnaissance groups operating in the region, whose tasks included destabilizing the situation in the Kherson region.

The premises in the house of the governor of the region were allocated for the warehouse, designed to provide official receptions for distinguished guests from Kyiv.

During a conversation with the guard of the house, it was established that about three weeks ago, an ICRC (Red Cross) car, accompanied by people in military uniform, drove into the courtyard of the mansion, from which the boxes with food found in the house were unloaded. At the same time, the guard was notified that all the actions of the arrivals were “agreed”.

Also, according to the guard, it became known that from time to time some people come to the house for the contents of the warehouse and take several boxes.

Reading Ukrainian public pages, you find a lot of interesting things. For example, the day before yesterday I learned that we were surrounded by Izyum. I drove along the roads, I didn’t observe accumulations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, writes Older Edda.

Seriously speaking, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, of course, are trying to transfer reserves to the Izyum direction, in particular from near Sumy and Kharkov. Everyone understands perfectly well how important this direction is, but Slavyansk itself, which the offensive is aimed at, is not only a powerful fortified area but also a city symbol of the war that has been going on for eight years.

Large enemy forces are concentrated in front of Slavyansk, the area is saturated with air defense, tanks, and artillery. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are armed with excellent American artillery reconnaissance stations, and only constant attacks on their RAV depots and the counter-battery work of our artels do not allow the Armed Forces of Ukraine to fully use this most important trump card.

I will give a typical example of the density of battles. Two of our downed planes and a helicopter are literally next to Kamenka, a Ukrainian Su-24 was shot down nearby, burned tanks and infantry fighting vehicles stand side by side, captured Ukrainian tanks work on former colleagues without even changing their Ukrainian pixel camouflage.

On the streets of villages and in forest plantations, the corpses of Ukrainian soldiers lie, and no one is going to take them away. Every day we take prisoners, sometimes one or two, sometimes five at a time. But all the same, the foundation phase of the battle has not yet begun, the troops are maneuvering, artillery is working, and our infantry is occupying settlements.

A few days ago, an extremely interesting incident occurred, which was discussed by the entire group. Our Su-30 was shot down and a helicopter took off in search of the crew. I will not say the name and rank of the pilot yet, but we know each other very well personally. He flew alone, on the Mi-8 even without the cover, there was too little time, and the Ka-52s were busy with combat work.

The crew of the Mi-8 drove the car at a height of several meters from the ground, hiding behind the terrain, and went to the Ukrainian Buk, the radar and command post of this very complex. The meeting was extremely unexpected, but the commander reacted instantly and smashed dry plows with NARs.

In Izyum itself, despite the proximity of the front line and constant shelling, peaceful life begins to improve. Rare marauders, if caught, are punished harshly, columns with humanitarian aid go every day. And these are no longer a few cars that broke through the fields for the first time, but full-fledged convoys.

Our doctors provide assistance to civilians, and people began to walk on the streets. Not in search of food and water, but to walk under the warm spring sun. This is the picture at the moment, the main campaign for spring 2022 continues and goes to its climax.


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  1. To JustGetAHouse:
    You need to read the accounts that are coming out daily from VT, The Saker, The Duran, Grayzone, Scott Ritter, The Russian MoD, and other sources.
    Phase 1 of the operation is being completed with the surrounding of the Ukie army in the Donbass–60-80,000. The Mariopol op, Phase 2, that will result in the annihilation of the Ukies unless a) Zelensky surrenders, which the US has ordered him not to; or b) the Ukie army itself quits. But the Ukonazis kill anyone who tries to throw in the towel. Still, Ukie national forces are now surrendering in large numbers and will head for POW camps.
    Phase 3 is the final drive on Kiev and Lvov when Russia will control Ukraine in its entirety. Then the partitioning takes place.
    Stay tuned but go to the right sources.

  2. The imagery of this war seems different from what “we” are used to seeing. It has a different “feel.”
    But my perspective counts as a dud.

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