How Much Does the US Owe in Reparations for the COVID-19 Bio-Attack?

Among So Many Other Crimes...


One of the themes of this week’s False Flag Weekly News is “follow the money.” My Georgia Guidestones satire, for example, plays on the eerie similarity of the Guidestones “explosions and demolition” images and the more grandiose “explosions and demolition” images from 9/11.* Could Larry Silverstein, the notorious overinsured World Trade Center landlord who made a fortune on the demolition of his own buildings, be up to his old tricks?

Probably not. But it’s an amusing thought.

As I recall, Larry Silverstein wound up with a 9/11 insurance settlement of less than $5 billion, which was considerably less than what he asked for—and even more considerably less than what is at stake in the various scenarios under which the US would pay reparations for the crimes of its national security state, including (but not limited to) the war crimes stemming from the 9/11 false flag.

The reparations bill for the destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and Syria, and the hobbling of Iran through sanctions and terrorism, would be considerable. But even such a sum, undoubtedly reaching the double-digit trillions, would be chump change compared to what the US is going to owe the world when the truth finally emerges about where COVID-19 really came from.

The likely truth, as described in Ron Unz’s new book ( read the free online version) and our video COVID-19 Bio-Attack Smoking Gun, took a few more baby steps toward the light of day this week. First, the Daily Mail covered Jeffrey Sachs’ claim that COVID came from “US lab biotechnology.” Though the Mail isn’t exactly The New York Times in terms of influence on the educated classes, it has a huge online readership, so its coverage of Sachs’ statement represents a huge leak in the media’s attempt to hermetically seal off and smother the story.

Almost simultaneously RT covered an explosive assertion from Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the Russian State Duma. According to Volodin, the US may owe the world colossal compensation if Sachs’ surmise turns out to be true:

‘The US must compensate the damage to all nations affected,’ he demanded.”

“All nations affected” is a very long list. And since the world has suffered more than $4 trillion per year of lost economic output due to COVID, a figure that doesn’t include reparations for the deaths of 15 to 20 million people and the suffering of countless millions of others, the COVID reparations bill, like the 9/11 wars bill, will easily reach the double-digit trillions.

Double-digit trillions here, double-digit trillions there…pretty soon you’re talking real money. It’s a good thing the US has the “exorbitant privilege” of printing as much money as it wants and forcing the rest of the world to take it or we’d be in real trouble.

They’d better rev up those printing presses and stock up on green ink.

Other “US owes compensation” issues (discussion begins at 33’ above) include:

Normally nations don’t have to pay reparations until they badly lose a war. And that seems to be exactly what America’s strategic geniuses are bent on doing—repeatedly, in spades, as if they are doing everything possible to go from bad to worse to even worse than that in pursuit of the mother of all defeats. After setting up a nasty loss in Iraq, a worse one in Syria, and a complete fiasco in Afghanistan, the neocons have chosen to wage an equally unwinnable and vastly more catastrophic war in Ukraine—a prelude to the final debacle in the Taiwan Straits?

The takeaway: If you think inflation is bad now, just wait till they try to print enough dollars to cover the reparations bill. If Weimar Republic citizens needed wheelbarrows to buy bread, we’re going to need dump trucks.

*The relationship between the 9/11 footage and the Guidestones footage is reminiscent of “life-sized Stonehenge” versus “dwarf Stonehenge” in This Is Spinal Tap.


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  1. Part I
    It is certain that USA is responsible for all the destruction in the article. However.
    If Sachs’ hypothesis turns out to be true.
    The following are facts, not hypotheses. The Covid Pandemic has never been declared by WHO. The only act that can be found is a Briefing of March 11, 2020 (note: it is from March 11 that governments talk about the Epidemic and in Italy I say it with certainty because I have documented it with their legal acts. But before that date in Italy and in the world there had been thousands of deaths). Of this Briefing the Ethiopian priced does not even say where it was held and which journalists had participated. So much so that it is not wrong to say that such a briefing never took place. This also speaks of the arrogance and certainty of impunity of power—11-march-2020.
    If the Pandemic has not been declared, it is a sign that the “virus” has not been, and still is, never isolated. But also because the virus is laboratory engineering and biological weapon that should not be talked about. And I am sure that the WHO and many Western governments have become aware of this. The US is involved in it for the simple fact that the WHO and the IMF are based in the USA and are conditioned by US powers.

    • Part II
      But I remember that in May 2020 Trump froze funding to WHO (which Biden promptly restored). In May 2020 in Italy there is the case of Dr. Giannatti who performs 3000 autopsies and discovers that the three thousand dead had died not from Covid but from Thrombi who clogged the lungs entirely. From these autopsies, anticoagulant therapy were adopted These therapies (at very low cost), however, were known before and by those who remembered Covid 2003. Trump also promoted such therapies.
      In the Western world (certainty in Italy) the death of elderly and fragile people has served to sow terror: only the vaccine will save you and in the West the rip-off is the mRNA vaccine.
      The suspicion is that in the so-called “rogue states” they could not do as in the domesticated West and the virus was more virulent to do as much damage as possible. In fact, the Western “Greasers” knew that they would not turn to the West and the mRNA vaccine but either provide or lean on the “rogue” Russia.
      Last but not least.
      what said Bush: we make history and you study it. While you study we make other history (eg current war in UKR) … .
      I have been writing these things since 2020 on the basis that the pandemic has never been declared. I hope that can serve to better define the hypotheses.

  2. What is Russia doing right now Mr. Armavir? Several days ago they took Lysychansk. Since then not a single advance. In the meantime, dozens of Russian ammo depots and storage facilities have been targeted in precision strikes with MLRS Himars Joe Biden gave to Ukraine.

    Just today a Russian military base in Myrne was blown to pieces, and Russian ammo depots are going up all over Luhansk and likely soon in Russia. Yesterday 14 Russian officers were declared killed in a precision strike. I’ve seen no activity from Russia lately. Did they run out of ammo, and new tanks, or what are they doing besides watching the U.S. supplied MLRS Himars with Excalibur rounds blow up all their key facilities?

    • This problem is going on for a week, Mihail. It is a serious question to the MoD and Kremlin. Military correspondent Sladkov have raised this topic.
      But i was saying about domestic problems of the USA. And you know about them better than me.

    • ***

    • A little bit.

      Most of my interest is in the galactic war going on. A war, which basically everyone on here except Preston James (actually a pen name) doesn’t give two shits about. That’s why I initially came on this site a couple of years ago and spent every week arguing with Mr. Duff until he fell off the radar last month. Try to expand Duff’s irrational crusade against Trump into the reality of what is happening. I like to argue, and unlike some people, I do eat crow. I hate eating crow, but when I’m wrong, at least I admit it.

      What about America Mr. Armavir? Kevin here is a devout Muslim. With his kufi and prayer rug, he makes a really good imam. Many of his posts obviously will be about the CIA targeting Muslims and how unjust it is. He does have a point.

      However, the real problem here is the milabs, the pedovores, and the total apathy of the American population. Start exposing all the damn pedovores in DC and milab at Langley please.

    • I suggest both of you research “ devolution “ and the various drops by the Q group NSA at Q alerts. As far as America’s part in releasing a bioweapon just prior to the Presidential election that with the inclusion of unsecured drop boxes made it so easy to rig. Ask yourself cui bono? And you will find the Party responsible for the bioattack. It starts with a D.

  3. The USA is already on the way of self-punish. And everything will be worser and worser. It is a moral compass loss – the way to the abyss of decay and insanity… Unfortunately.

    • Don’t let Mihail psyop you Andrew 13.07.22⚡️Russian Defence Ministry report / briefing on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine

      ▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine. The enemy suffers significant losses in all directions.

      💥High-precision air-based missiles destroyed over 350 AFU soldiers and 20 units of military equipment of Kakhovka task force reserve at a shipyard in Nikolaev city.

      💥As a result of high-precision weapons strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces on a temporary deployment point of artillery battalion of 59th Motorized Infantry Brigade in the eastern Nikolaev city, up to 70 servicemen of AFU artillery units, 10 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzers and over 10 units of vehicles and special equipment were destroyed.

      💥Sabotage and reconnaissance group of 242nd battalion of 241st Territorial Defence Brigade transferred from Kiev has been eliminated near Dementiyevka, Kharkov region. 5 militants killed on the spot and 10 more Ukrainian servicemen captured.

      💥Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed 2 command posts near Bereznevatoye in Nikolaev region, 1 ammunition depot near Seversk, as well as 7 armoured vehicles of 60th Mechanized Brigade of AFU near Bilogor’e, Zaporozhye region.

      💥As part of counter-battery fighting, 1 platoon of Uragan multiple rocket launchers have been destroyed at firing positions near Kostantinovka in Donetsk People’s Republic.

    • 💥Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery have neutralized 11 command posts, 102 areas of artillery units at firing positions, as well as 123 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration.

      ✈️💥Russian fighters have shot down 3 aircraft of Ukrainian air force in the air: 1 Su-25 and 1 Su-24 near Novoukrainka and Barvenkovo in Donetsk People’s Republic, as well as 1 MiG-29 near Bashtanka in Nikolaev region.

      💥Russian air defence means have shot down another Su-25 of Ukrainian air force near Shirokoye, Nikolaev region.

      💥Also, air defence means have shot down 9 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Dibrovnoye, Glubokoye, Luk’yantsy, Brazhkovka, Liptsy, Peschanoye in Kharkov region, Snegirevka in Nikolaev region and Karpovka in Donetsk People’s Republic.

      ▫️5 Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missiles have been intercepted over Veselaya Tarasovka, Pokrovskoye, Konstantinovka, Lisichansk in Lugansk People’s Republic and Kostyrka in Kherson region. (cont)

    • ▫️18 Uragan multiple-launch rocket launchers have been shot down in the air near Topolskoye, Dolgen’koye, Suligovka in Kharkov region, Khartsyzsk, Avdeevka, Karpovka in Donetsk People’s Republic, Rodakovo, Smeloye, Zimogor’e, Lotikovo in Lugansk People’s Republic and Lugansk city.

      📊 In total, 247 Ukrainian airplanes and 137 helicopters, 1,522 unmanned aerial vehicles, 354 anti-aircraft missile systems, 4,050 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 744 multiple launch rocket systems, 3,145 field artillery and mortars, as well as 4,192 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

      Lt-Gen Igor Konashenkov

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