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Top Gun: Maverick is military propaganda, says official documents

Anti-war productions need not apply and therefore are rejected out of hand by the majority of production companies, who do not want to lose such a powerful ally.

BLM, Hollywood celebrities and Jussie Smollet

Black Lives Matter has nothing to do with truth. It is a wicked ideology that seeks to manipulate the naïve and those who don’t really know what is really going on.

Angelina Jolie was scared to expose pedophiles in Hollywood

"The bright lights of Hollywood are blinding, and the sanctity of childhood is easily trumped by the deafening drumbeat of fame.”

Ben Affleck: A CIA double agent

"Agencies of the U.S. government have long employed entertainment liaison officers to improve their public image in the mass media."

Top 10 Hollywood Movie Actresses of All-Time

This past week we saw the 93rd Academy Awards give the Best Actress Award to Frances McDormand, again, for the 3rd time in her career. This is just one behind the record holder, Katherine Hepburn, who has 4 Oscars. But are these two the greatest of all time?

Kate Winslet: Woody Allen and Roman Polanski “f—ing disgraceful”

Is Kate Winslet really sorry for working with people like Allen and Polanski? Hardly.