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FBI’s Mafia-Style Justice: To Fight Crime, FBI Sponsors 15 Crimes a...

"Over 30 pages relating to Saudi Arabia in the report were blacked out."

Gun shots, rape, and BLM madness

Where are the very people who are interested in looting and rioting communities in Minnesota, California, Oregon, etc.?

It’s like the Hunger Game out here in Atlanta

Didn’t the entire Zionist superstructure beat the average American to death over the George Floyd debacle?

Who gives a damn?

Patrice Cullors: “I read, study, adding Mao, Marx and Lenin to my knowledge and hooks, Lorde and Walker."

#UNRIG Video (53:10) Shaun Attwood Famous Crime Author & Robert Steele...

Shaun Attwood, author of the best book on CIA and Clinton-Bush Crime Families, knocks it out of the park with tough questions to former CIA spy Robert Steele on Maxwell, Mossad, and Everything.

The Civil Rights Movement and the Collapse of the Black Family

The prevailing notion that bad schools are the results of slavery or poverty or even racism is simply historically false. Those who propound these ideas have never heard of Dunbar High School.

Has Wall Street Stolen $100 Trillion from the American Public? Will...

Robert Steele lays out in detail how the US Government can confiscate $100 trillion in assets purchased with funds raised by illegal means.

#UNRIG Video (38:19) Naked Short Selling Interview #2 – Robert Shapiro...

Dr. Robert Shapiro may be the single best informed decision-maker on the breadth and depth of the naked short selling criminal network, and its true cost in lost jobs, destroyed businesses, gutted pension plans, lost life-saving technologies, and more. In this interview he provides a big picture overview of what we now consider a national security threat great than the combined threat of Chinese and Russian economic competition. We have the enemy, he is called Wall Street, and he is us.

#UNRIG Video (39:06) Naked Short Selling Interview #1 – Wes Christian,...

Wes Christian and John O'Quinn (RIP) pioneered judicial discovery of naked short selling -- which is the counterfeiting of stocks that destroy pension funds, lives, companies, and innovation. In this, the first of about 30 interviews we will be offering, he outlines the big picture.