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Tag: espionage

LPR Security Ministry: OSCE Employee Confesses to Espionage

The suspect, Mikhail Petrov allegedly passed secret information related to the defense sphere to foreign special services.

Book Review: Spies, Lies, and Algorithms: The History and Future of...

In Spies, Lies, and Algorithms, Amy Zegart separates fact from fiction as she offers an engaging and enlightening account of the past, present, and future of American espionage as it faces a revolution driven by digital technology.

The Monster Assange: Wikileaks, the Zionist Hydra that Won’t Die

The Hydra is a mythical multi-headed beast that regenerates a head (two heads at a time in certain instances) whenever one is severed. Israel’s Wikileaks intelligence operation is the physical embodiment of this slimy, slithery, fictional creature.

Professor Robert Dover and Former Spy Robert Steele on Intelligence (Spying)...

Robert Steele, former spy, and Professor Rob Dover, a top scholar on spying, discuss the craft of intelligence and whether it should have ethics.