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NEO – US and NATO Increasing Pressure on Turkey

“I like to joke that I’m known as Joe Bidenopoulos in the Greek-American community in Delaware,” the US President said.

Christoforou: Putin says Economic Blitzkrieg failed. Where is war reporter Gonzalo...

Putin reported that foreign cash is returning to Russia's banking system, and the volume of deposits by citizens is growing. Retail demand has returned to normal in the consumer market.

Romania and Bulgaria did not let plane with batch of Bayraktar...

Apparently, neither Romania nor Bulgaria is willing to provide any assistance to Ukraine anymore, which complicates the process of supplying weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

US Abandons Greece to Kiss Turkish Ass Over New Pipeline

SF: The US informed Greece, Cyprus and Israel that it no longer supports the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Pipeline (EastMed) project for both ecological and financial reasons, in addition to the excuse that the project causes tensions in the region.

Turkey and Greece Experience Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake on 10/30

The region has experienced 29 earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.0 or higher in the last 100 years

NEO – The Confrontation in the Eastern Mediterranean is not subsiding

Jim W. Dean - Turkey's Erdogan is playing the EU for a fool now, as it knows it is under Covid stress and the Brexit battle showdown is coming to an end, where it might get stiffed by Boris Johnson.

Turkey and Greece agree to ‘deconfliction’ talks at NATO

Jim W. Dean - The good news is the 'live fire' drills, another Erdogan showmanship ploy, will probably not go on and save its military from wasting ammunition.

NEO: Turkey’s Mediterranean confrontational policy

The Turkish leader needs an economic windfall or a war, or he’s going to be ousted.

Frontex deploys additional 100 border guards at Greece’s land border

Frontex has deployed an additional 100 border guards at the Greek land border as part of a rapid border intervention following a request by Greece.

Greek PM Vows to Keep Border Tightly Closed as Erdogan Refuses...

By Tasos Kokkinidis, GreekReporter.com Greece will allow no one to illegally cross onto its territory, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis vowed on Tuesday as he toured...

Nato supports Turkey which attacks Greece-EU with migrant jihadists

Now the Turkish sultan is really scary. Not only because it has the seventh military power in the world but because, as demonstrated extensively in Syria with the Olive Branch operations in Afrin and Peace Spring in Rojava, it does not put the slightest brake on the ferocity of the Islamic jihadists which it uses as mercenaries, in blatant contrast of the various UN resolutions, to commit human rights violations and infamous war crimes, such as the killing of cold-blooded children and the rape with subsequent stoning of Christian women.

Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras, CIA and State Dept: New Unclassified Documents

2020 began with the visit of Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to the US and will be marked by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’s historic visit to America.