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One Nation Under Greed

If there is an absolute maxim by which the American government seems to operate, it is that the taxpayer always gets ripped off.

The Rise of a Technological New World Order

"We all know that Pinterest users don't really crave actual breathing social contact – they prefer to sit alone, waiting for death, in a room that smells of guinea pig bedding, pinning endless photos of Audrey Hepburn to a virtual scrapbook."

Slate: War and Coup? Trump Making a serious attempt to hold...

This was done at the insistence of the White House, over the objections of the NSA director, Gen. Paul Nakasone, who preferred to promote a professional staffer instead.

#UNRIG Video (1:37:06) Steele On Edge of Wonder: NSA, CIA and...

In a 90 minute interview with Edge of Wonder duo, Robert Steele discusses Ed Snowden as a CIA op for Barack Obama intended to shut down NSA, and much more.

#UNRIG Video (10:39) Treason Coming For Cheney, Brennan, Comey, Obama and...

Robert David Steele, former CIA spy and co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, reflects on contradictory stories breaking about John Brennan, and John Brennan's history warranting his indictment for treason.

#UNRIG Video (11:39) IT Guru and Former Spy Discuss Israeli Software...

IT Guru Stephen E. Arnold interviews former spy Robert Steele on CIA, NSA, Mossad, Israel commercial IT companies, and Edward Snowden.

The MAGA Squeeze – $200 Trillion for MAGA via Civil &...

This is a new cartoons funded by Robert Steele in the campaign to confiscate $200 trillion in assets purchased by Wall Street with money stolen from Main Street or laundered for those trafficking in children and drugs.

Israel perfecting surveillance technology

Phil Giraldi - The hidden story behind the “war on the coronavirus” is that Israel is itself one of the most advanced states in developing and testing biological weapons at its lab at Nes Tziona.

Release: President Trump Urged to Create DoD-DoJ Task Force on Financial...

Robert Steele, long the champion of 9/11 and Epstein-pedophilia truth, has taken on the long-standing problem of naked short selling and money laundering by Wall Street, with the protection of the US Government.

VIDEO (39:34) Winn Schwartau high guru of electronic Pearl Harbor information...

Robert Steele former spy interviews Winn Schwartau, the original hacker ambassador and cyber-security geek.

Putting Big Brother in the Driver’s Seat

Israeli scholar Avner Cohen: “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation.”