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Tag: regime change

It’s NO Secret West Trying to Overthrow Russian government – John...

In Ukraine in 2004, National Endowment for Democracy's programs radicalized local youth and funded protest movements, bussed paid demonstrators into Kiev, created opposition media outlets to agitate for upheaval, provided offshore training to activists, and paid local pollsters to publish surveys indicating significant anti-government sentiment.

Leaked docs: Facebook “bot” advisers secretly in pay of US regime...

There are also suspicions the company may have played a role in the mass suppression of Ethiopian voices online supporting the government of Abiy Ahmed, and opposing U.S. attempts to overthrow him.

Ousted Pakistani PM reveals struggle against ‘foreign conspiracy’

According to Imran Khan, Washington wanted him gone for his willingness to carry out an independent foreign policy and due to his visit to Moscow in late February.

Is US Planning to Assassinate Pakistan’s Imran Khan?

A leader of Pakistan’s ruling Justice Movement, Faisal Wawda, reported on an ARY News’ “Off the Record” program that a plot was being hatched to kill Imran Khan over his refusal to “sell the country.”

Escobar: Make Nazism Great Again?

The supreme target is regime change in Russia, Ukraine is just a pawn in the game, or worse, mere cannon fodder.