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Tag: UK Government

How UK Cheats International Law to Protect Favored War Criminals

VT's attache in the UK Stuart Littlewood reports on the ICC and how it only goes after Western political enemies and not the real war criminals

Palestine-Israel: We tell the same old lies, time after time

VT's Stuart Littlewood digs deep into the new Israeli government assault on its indigenous peoples in another attempt to erase them from the state

UK Foreign Office Rapped for Failing to Punish Israel’s Defiance of...

VT's Stuart Littlewood goes off on UK Policy against Humanity

Interference in Ukraine Turns into Nightmare for West

The decision to slap Russia with sanctions and effectively declare economic war on this key supplier of energy, foodstuffs, precious metals, etc, then provide weapons and know-how to Russia's enemy without a proper explanation or even a vote in Parliament, has spectacularly backfired in the UK

UK Government dismisses Israeli apartheid, “doesn’t agree with the terminology”

"There’s nothing quite so deplorable as trying to defend the indefensible."

Six Years: The price Nazanin paid for 110 years of bad...

While this young woman – the mother of a young child – was languishing for 6 years in the filth of an Iranian jail three prime ministers and five foreign secretaries played silly buggers before doing the decent thing and paying up.

Boris’ bully-boys go to work – Will Johnson get the boot?

NO CONFIDENCE LETTER submitted for Boris Johnson. Stuart Littlewood reports on developments in Britain.

Now Boris Johnson crazies want to outlaw BDS (Boycott, Divestments and...

Holders of public office “must avoid placing themselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence their work”.

Naughty boy Hancock had to go

Hancock was caught on camera embracing and kissing his aide Gina Coladangelo in his office with his hand clasping her bum.

Sanctions against Israel, anyone? (Part 2)

...by Stuart Littlewood, Britain First published ... June 12, 2021 So Westminster has had its debate following a 385,000-strong petiton and the friends and admirers of...

Sanctions against Israel, anyone?

385,225 signed an online petition which said: “The Government should introduce sanctions against Israel, including blocking all trade, and in particular arms. Its disproportionate treatment of Palestinians and settlements that are regarded by the international community as illegal are an affront to civilised society.”

After the slaughter, Raab tells Netanyahu: “You can always count on...

...by Stuart Littlewood, Britain First published ... June 05, 2021 When UK foreign secretary Dominic Raab visited Israel immediately after the 11-day onslaught against Gaza which...

Gaza: UK is all words, no action

Let's be clear. Israel's crimes are not 'first offences' - they've been committing them for decades.

Bully-boy minister’s Christmas threat to UK universities….

“We recommend universities do all they can to tackle anti-Semitism, including considering the IHRA definition, whilst also recognising their duty to promote freedom of speech within the law.”

How UK Government provides cover for Israel’s crimes

Stuart Littlewood - BDS is under relentless Zionist attack and is fiercely opposed by the servile UK Government

UK Government evasive about sanctions if Israel annexes West Bank

Stuart Littlewood - Ministers insist on being ‘friends and allies’ of the racist regime regardless of its horrendous crimes.

Do Palestinians’ lives matter?

... Stuart Littlewood, Britain Lately, anti-racism activists and their fellow-travellers have been vandalising statues in the UK, including a memorial to Winston Churchill. Even Nelson...

Minister won’t discuss country returning to work

by Stuart Littlewood “I will not comment on individual questions of why are we doing this and why aren’t we doing that,” says a cabinet...

Coronavirus: Is this the Mother of all Mixed Messages?

Boris failed to close our borders 2 months ago when he should have. And he still hasn’t done it.