Tag: Viktor Mikhin
NEO – Iran’s Politics in the Turbulent Middle East
“Iran has come to understand that the enemy of the enemy is not your friend, and the Taliban is a more complex problem than the Americans,” said Mohammad Hossein Emadi, a former Ambassador of Iran who worked extensively in Afghanistan.
NEO – Iran: Is there still Hope for the Future of...
Jim W. Dean - The idea that Iran can make a few nuclear warheads to put on missiles as a deterrent is a fantasy.
NEO – Afghanistan: The USA’s Illusory Achievements
Jim W. Dean - Here we are again playing 'Pin the Tail on the Donkey' children's blame game on a 20 year war with three presidents, where the Trumpers' goal is to stick Biden with the turd sandwich.
NEO – Lebanon: Trouble and Misery keep on piling up
Jim W. Dean - Iran cannot ship fuel via the land bridge through Syria because the US and its jihadi buddies can light up Iranian fuel trucks via RPG target practice.
NEO – What to expect from Iranian-American talks in Vienna
Everyone in Vienna is walking a tightrope on negotiating a deal while Iran is changing administrations.
NEO – Erdogan continues to pursue an old, failed course
Erdogan's latest actions and statements concerning the crisis around Nagorno-Karabakh clearly demonstrate that he continues to handle his blunders and Turkey’s problems from a position of strength and foolhardiness.