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Tag: Zarif

NEO – What to expect from Iranian-American talks in Vienna

Everyone in Vienna is walking a tightrope on negotiating a deal while Iran is changing administrations.

Press TV’s investigative editorial: Birth and death of ‘a-step-for-a-step’ proposal

Press TV’s information indicates that the US has even changed its mind regarding potential unfreezing of $1 billion in Iranian assets that has been blocked in South Korea.

Iran hails UN court’s rebuff of US objections in sanctions case

Gordon and I have not had as a goal for our VT efforts to be the winner of the fake media contest.

Biden’s US should seize chance to lift bans, rejoin Iran nuclear...

Jim W. Dean - Biden flubbed his JCPOA 'fix' debut by pulling a Trump scam, by effectively wanting to renegotiate the deal, a huge mistake of a tactic.

EU’s Borrell say Iran deserves a fair JCPOA deal

The European Union foreign policy chief, Joseph Borrell, says Iran should reap the economic benefits of the 2015 nuclear deal in exchange for restrictions on its nuclear work.

Are US Air Force pilots now Sanctioned Passenger Airline Terrorists?

This was a disgraceful mistake by the US, whether it was an over zealous commander who thought this would polish his resume as a tough guy by harassing a civilian airliner or someone higher up.

US Unipolarism rejected at UN Security Council on JCPOA

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tells the UN Security Council (UNSC) that the United States is an “outlaw bully” that the world body should not surrender to

FM Zarif: US has brought region to brink

Jim W. Dean - Trump and gang now have on their rap sheet that they pulled this boner and brought a ballistic missile attack down on US based troops with ZERO air defenses.

Zarif: I’m ready to visit Saudi Arabia to settle differences

Iran has been stating it was open to talking to any and all regional neighbors to deescalate tensions, provide their own security for the Persian Gulf, and get foreign forces out of the area.

Rouhani: “Peace Through Resistance”

When Iran's President Rouhani brings a "message of peace" from "a nation of resistance," is that a contradiction?

NEO – Desperation Rules Washington’s Policy on Iran

Desperation stems primarily from the Iranian refusal to accept US terms, and it grows out of Washington’s inability to force Iran into capitulation.

Is the US running scared of Iran?

Is the US push to ban Zarif from social media a last gasp measure? ... from Press TV, Tehran - First published ... August 11, 2019...

Iran Rolls Out ‘Substantial’ offer to Washington in exchange for Lifting...

Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif has offered to immediately ratify the JCPOA Additional Protocol in exchange for the immediate removal of US sanctions. Under the original 2015 JCPOA deal, the Protocol was intended to have been ratified in 2023.

World should confront United States’ use of dollar as weapon: Araqchi

Jim W. Dean - The American people have shown themselves to be totally powerless to rein their government in.

Did Mogherini just drop a bomb on the US over Iran?

Jim W. Dean - There was no more talk of the EU renewing sanctions if Iran leaves the JCPOA, seeming to indicate that Iran did not kill the deal, the US did.

Iran says not doing anything in breach of JCPOA

Zarif was sending a message to the hesitant Europeans that, if they do not deliver the goods, then they will have also broken the JCPOA agreement.

Zionist lobby pushing US under Trump into war with Iran

Kevin Barrett, author and Middle East expert, told Press TV that Washington’s previous wars – such as the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan – turned into “complete debacles” for the US, warning that a war with Iran would even be “vastly more difficult.”