NY Times, Time-Life cover 9/11 truth

Don't be the last one on your block to wake up to the false flag paradigm shift! Get ANOTHER French False Flag? Bloody Tracks from Paris to San Bernardino

By Kevin Barrett, VT Editor

In my recent article noting a “false flag paradigm shift” I pointed out that two of the biggest voices in popular culture, Dan Brown and X Files, are now taking false flags seriously. The new X Files series outright tells us that “9/11 was a false flag.”

Some have argued that despite their huge audiences, Dan Brown and X files represent a “conspiratorial” type of pop culture that is not going to help promote serious consideration of the false flag meme.

Maybe, maybe not. But now get this: The two biggest and most venerable pillars of American mainstream print media, TIME-Life and the New York Times, are jumping on the bandwagon.

The new issue of TIME-Life includes an article on “Modern-Day Conspiracy Theories.” Martin Hill explains:

They presented a chart describing 5 or so theories regarding 9/11. The top was that the U.S. government had advance knowledge of the 9/11 attacks and did nothing to prevent it. The last theory listed was that Israel did 9/11 to justify wars and Israel’s agenda….They did not present it (the “Israel did it” theory”) in a disparaging manner.

Don’t be the last one on your block to wake up to the false flag paradigm shift! Get ANOTHER French False Flag? Bloody Tracks from Paris to San Bernardino

The New York Times has also gotten into the act. During the past two weeks they have published not one but TWO articles prominently referencing 9/11 truth.

Unfortunately the NY Times IS somewhat disparaging. Its January 22nd op-ed ‘The X-Files’ in the Age of Truthers lashes out at Chris Carter’s new Fox-TV mini-series:

…watching TV heroes embrace conspiracy theories isn’t much fun when presidential candidates foster gun-confiscation paranoia and a 9/11 truther is campaigning for Donald Trump in Iowa.”

Methinks the Times is worried. I’m sure it “isn’t much fun” watching 9/11 truth creeping up on you after you’ve spent the past decade-and-a-half suppressing it—making yourself party to high treason, mass murder and crimes against humanity.

The other recent NY Times reference to 9/11 truth is even less complimentary: It’s a key part of the Times’ hit piece on Donald Trump’s Iowa campaign. The author of this poison-pen screed, Trip Gabriel, attacks Trump’s campaign by portraying it as inexperienced, ineffective, and featuring – gasp – an actual 9/11 truther!

That would be my friend Rick Shaddock of the Association for 9/11 Truth Awareness (ANETA). Rick splits his time between Fairfield, Iowa and Washington, DC. Normally he does most of his extensive 9/11 truth lobbying in DC. He explained:

I have been talking to presidential candidates from Bernie to Trump (about 9/11) as they go near Fairfield and get to see them in person better than on Capitol Hill in DC.”

He adds: “Although Trip tripped me up, making the Trump campaign look bad, I am happy he mentioned 9/11 Truth, and even a hypothetical situation, that I would have stood up to say that remote control of the ATALS explains the planes flying into the WTC better than the story of Muslim hijackers.”

Does Rick really think a President Trump would expose the truth about 9/11 and prosecute the perpetrators?

To find out, you’ll have to wait till I interview him (Rick, not Trump) on Truth Jihad Radio. The show should available to subscribers by Tuesday evening, and will be broadcast Wednesday 10-11 a.m. Central on NoLiesRadio.org.


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