…by Jonas E. Alexis
Let’s get the cat right out of the bag. Danish journalist Iben Thranholm and I are obviously saying the same thing, but she would be a really bad cop precisely because she doesn’t want to unpack the political substratum and find out what’s really going on.
If Thranholm would brace herself and look into the political microscope, she would certainly see bizarre and incoherent things. Once she is done examining things at the microscopic level, she would realize that the vocabulary which polite people of this world have forced upon the West is existentially worthless.
First of all, let us lay out our points of agreement. Thranholm argues quite rightly that:
“Feminism has programmed women to see men as the enemy. As a result, males have been made redundant in post-modern Western culture. Women no longer need men as a provider, protector or father of her children; an anonymous semen donor can do the job of creating a baby if a woman so chooses.
“Since the 1960s, modern mothers have raised their sons to be women, soaking them in feminine values like accepting responsibility for household chores, being caring, understanding and attentive, and bend to every wish of the woman. This has produced a generation of soft, insecure men, who are out of touch with their masculine nature, identity and strength.
“Today, many boys also grow up with no father in the home and have no male role models. The average modern Western male has been feminized, with no knowledge or habit of manly virtues like courage, resolve, self-sacrifice, justice, temperance, self-reliance, self-discipline and honour.
“He has no sense of true expression of manliness. Feminism despises and rejects these virtues, and this has had a profoundly detrimental impact on a European culture, the “battered wife” of a feeble continent.”[1]
Thranholm moves on to argue that Angela Merkel is a by-product of feminist ideology:
“The massive feminization of culture has had a major impact on politics. The prevailing ideology of Western liberal democracy is secular humanism, which is particularly feminine in character. Policy, especially as applied to immigrants, is a motherly embrace of goodness and overbearing indulgence. One could also interpret it as naivety, weakness and accommodation.
“As the refugee crisis erupted and overwhelmed Europe, its political leaders – spearheaded by German Chancellor Angela Merkel – acted like timid mother hens, not as strong men responsible for guarding their country from an invasion.”[2]
As we have seen earlier, Jim W. Dean would have agreed completely with Thranholm here as well. Perhaps it is pertinent to quote him again:
“The EU needs a Putin, and not a Merkel, and by that I do not mean a sex change operation for her. They need someone who is not a graduate of Fantasyland University, and who can deal with real geopolitics and be straight with their constituency, rather than acting like an occupational force mandarin, totally disconnected from the people.”
Thranholm quotes feminist academic Camille Paglia saying, “The last western society to worship female powers was Minoan Crete. And significantly, that fell and did not rise again.”[3]
One cannot listen to Camille Paglia or read her books without coming face to face with blatant contradictions and impressively incoherent statementsOne ought to be cautious in quoting Paglia without a single qualification, for she has produced contradictory statements over the years. Paglia has been a lesbian and a flaming feminist throughout her academic year at Yale. Her Ph.D. dissertation, which was supervised by people like Harold Bloom, was about empowering feminism in an indirect way. Her dissertation was later published as a book, in which we find the following assertion:
“Pornography cannot be separated from art; the two interpenetrate each other, far more than humanistic criticism has admitted. Geoffrey Hartman rightly says, ‘Great art is always flanked by its dark sisters, blasphemy and pornography.’”[4]
Paglia admitted that had it not been for Bloom, the book would probably not have been published. Paglia, in a widely viewed interview, also admitted that she was “pro-pornography, pro-prostitution on libertarian ground.”
Here Paglia dropped the political bomb by indirectly arguing that pornography, prostitution and libertarianism are concentric circles. We will come back to that issue later this year.
When asked the question, “For you, what is the essence of feminism?,” Paglia responded:
“I’m an equal opportunity feminist. I believe that all barriers to women’s advance in the social and political realm must be removed. However, I do not feel that gender is sufficient to explain all of human life.”
One cannot listen to Paglia or read her books without coming face to face with blatant contradictions and impressively incoherent statements. In fact, contradictions are at the core of the feminist movement.
If “all barriers to women’s advance in the social and political realm must be removed,” then Paglia cannot consistently or morally say that “There’s no room for anything manly now.”[5]
Paglia cannot logically argue that Katy Perry is a “manic cyborg cheerleader” when Paglia’s own weltanschauung implicitly asks that cyborg cheerleaders be flourished in the social and political landscape. In fact, if they cannot flourish, then it would be a barrier “to women’s advance.” Paglia cannot intellectually say that Lady Gaga is “stripped of genuine eroticism.”[6]
Finally, Paglia cannot logically argue that “Schoolgirls as young as 14 ‘should be told to start thinking about when they want a baby’”[7] precisely because that principle is against her own feminist ideology.
Paglia is missing two key elements in her feminist project: morality and practical reason. She could never address those elements because they are counter-productive to the feminist movement itself. She does assert quite rightly that Marxism has been a disaster and that “Catholic theology of the Middle Ages address” the deep questions about nature and the natural law “far more profoundly than Marxism ever has.”
Thranholm is right in line with rational thought in saying that feminism has produced no good fruits, as its children hoped it would.
But Thranholm undermines her own mines by bringing in Roosevelt, de Gaulle and Churchill into the equation and by extoling them as great leaders of the past.
As we have seen in previous articles, Churchill in particular mercilessly starved millions of German civilians to death and bragged about it. He was working for the Dreadful Few and worshipped Mamon. Moreover, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin were concentric circles.
As I will argue next month or in March, Roosevelt relied heavily on Henry Morgenthau and Harry Dexter White, two Jewish revolutionaries who were basically enemies of the West, most particularly America. White in particular was a Soviet agent. The Soviet regime literally used White to provoke an unnecessary conflict with Japan, which led to the Pearl Harbor disaster, and which eventually dragged America to World War II.[8]
So, Thranholm wrong here. But that is not all. We said earlier that Thranholm would be a bad cop for good reason. She is not willing to tell us that feminism, which has spread its ideological wings in Asian countries like Japan (and in Ukraine through Inna Shevchenko), is a Jewish subversive movement.[9] Some of its leading proponents in the West were none other than Betty Friedan (real name Betty Naomi Goldstein), Eve Ensler, Gloria Steinem, Alexandra Kollontai, Rosa Luxemburg, Andrea Brofman, etc. Ensler’s The Vagina Monologue ended up subverting the morals of Catholic institutions such as the University of Notre Dame.[10]
Revolutionaries such as Ensler and others always give the impression that they intend to help women, but in reality their ideological substratum always suppress and enslave women and strip them of their true womanhood. Friedan in particular was a closet Communist and a Stalinist up until her mid-thirties.[11] But throughout The Feminist Mystique and her subversive career, she never mentioned this dark side.
If Friedan and the feminist movement are really in the business of helping women, wouldn’t they be boycotting films such as The People vs. Larry Flynt?There is more. When former actress Linda Boreman testified in 1986 that she was
“being kicked and beaten during the filming of Deep Throat in Miami as well as being held in bondage by Chuck Traynor as a prostitute…
“[Betty] Friedan, who made a career out of portraying herself as sensitive to the needs of women, not only ignored the testimony of women like Linda Boreman, who were tortured for the nation’s sexual titillation, but actually blamed them as traitors to their sex by collaborating with the Reagan administration in general…
“In fact, Friedan, ignoring the testimony of women who were both degraded and physically injured as a result of pornography-inspired sexual experimentation, outdid herself by claiming that ‘suppressing pornography is extremely dangerous to women.’”[12]
Boreman later declared that pornography is “legalized rape,” but that is permissible under libertarian principles, which always get the so-called “Right” into trouble.
Think about this for a moment. If Friedan and the feminist movement are really in the business of helping women, wouldn’t they be boycotting films such as The Hateful Eight, The People vs. Larry Flynt, Death Proof, I Spit on Your Grave, Hostel II, Eastern Promises, American Psycho, Deep Throat, Boogie Nights, Basic Instincts, Antichrist, Irreversible, The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover?
If these people are serious, wouldn’t they be telling people like Madonna, Nicky Minaj, Lady Gaga, among others, to stop prostituting themselves and degrade women? Shouldn’t they be saying that sexual titillation can lead to rape?
Can anyone seriously say that watching women almost kill themselves in cages, as in the recent case of Ronda Rousey and Holly Holm, true freedom? Can freedom exist without morality? If the answer is yes, then E. Michael Jones was right on target again when he said:
“What we have now is a duplicitous zombie state, whose soul is the will to power, run amok, lost in its own internal self-contradictions, proclaiming freedom but imposing bondage in its name, whose claims are accepted at face value by myopic clerics whose minds are imprisoned by the obsolete categories of a by-gone era.”[13]
Thranholm argues: “The shortage of masculine virtues is the underlying cause of the immigration problems.”[14]
Completely false. In fact, it was “masculine virtues” which gave us the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Syria. The last time I checked, Bush and Blair and Obama and Cameron were still men. The Neo-Conservatives (hereafter Neo-Bolsheviks) literally used them as puppets to bludgeon England and America in the Middle East. The Neo-Bolshevik movement itself is “in complete contrast…to the general cast of the American temperament as embodied by the Declaration of Independence.”[15]
Neo-Bolshevik Richard Perle, commonly known as “Prince of Darkness,”[16] told Vanity Fair in 2006 that Bush “did not make decisions, in part because the machinery of government that he nominally ran was actually running him.”[17]
Thranholm needs to address those issues before she can start talking about “masculine virtues.” This brings us to another essential point: the underlying cause of the so-called immigration problems is perpetual wars in the Middle East. To my knowledge, Thranholm hasn’t addressed this vital issue at all.
Furthermore, Thranholm cannot seriously say that countries like Sweden, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Austria, and even Hungary, lack “masculine virtues.”
If Thranholm is interested in pursuing this issue further, perhaps she needs to give people like Daniel Pipes a call. She also needs to call the mad man in Tel Aviv, who has been coaching and abetting terrorist groups in Israeli hospitals.[18]
So, if Thranholm is prepared to understand the deep forces that post beneath the Neo-Bolshevik ideology, she has to do a little homework. She has to ask the C.I.A. why they are taking money from terrorist regimes such as Saudi Arabia to support the Syrian rebels/terrorists.[19]
Saudi Arabia performed 84 beheadings by May 2015 alone,[20] and the U.S. remained silent throughout that period. British journalist Robert Fisk of the Independent declared way back in 1995 that: “Secret Saudi executions shame the West.”[21]
There is more. British officials “have decided to drop investigations into almost 60 claims of unlawful killings by soldiers who served in Iraq.”[22] These allegations include
“claims of murder, abuse and torture during the Iraq war… Earlier this month, nearly 300 Britons who served in Iraq were contacted by investigators looking into allegations of war crimes, with some being interrogated on their doorsteps… Last week, David Cameron ordered ministers to clamp down on lawyers pursuing claims against Iraq veterans.”[23]
These are not “spurious claims,” as David Cameron has declared. “The documents have been sent by the Iraq Historic Allegations Team (IHAT), a unit led by Mark Warwick, a former senior police detective, and set up after claims of systemic brutal treatment of Iraqi detainees.”[24]
These documents have all been dismissed by the powers that be in England. But the same political prostitutes and whores would like to see Putin’s head on a silver platter because they claim that he is responsible for the death of Aleksandr Litvinenko.
If Putin “killed” one man, it is an unpardonable sin. If the same political whores killed more than 1,000 and destroyed an entire country, it is democracy and freedom.
What planet do these people come from? Who are they really fooling?
[1] Iben Thranholm, “Europe’s tragedy: Too much Angela Merkel, too little masculinity,” Russia Today, January 17, 2016.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Camille Paglia, Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2001), 34.
[5] ‘There’s no room for anything manly now’: Feminist writer Camille Paglia speaks out AGAINST the loss of masculine virtues and its negative impact on society,” Daily Mail, December 29, 2013.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Meghan Keneally, “Schoolgirls as young as 14 ‘should be told to start thinking about when they want a baby’, claims Camille Paglia as she calls for overhaul of sex education,” Daily Mail, March 14, 2014.
[8] Thanks to Mark Dankof for making me aware of John Koster’s Operation Snow: How a Soviet Mole in FDR’s White House Triggered Pearl Harbor. This led me to other accounts, such as Thomas Fleming’s The New Dealers’ War: FDR and the War Within World War II and Robert Stinnett’s Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor.
[9] See for example Jonathan Frankel, Jews and Gender: The Challenge to Hierarchy (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000); Maren Tova Linett, Modernism, Feminism, and Jewishness (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007); Marla Brettschneider, The Family Flamboyant: Race Politics, Queer Families, Jewish Lives (New York: State University of New York, 2012); Laura Levitt, Jews and Feminism: The Ambivalent Search for Home (New York: Routledge, 1997); Elyse Goldstein, ed., New Jewish Feminism: Probing the Past, Forging the Future (Woodstock, VT: Jewish Lights Publishing, 2008); Lisa E. Bloom, Jewish Identities in American Feminist Art: Ghosts of Ethnicity (New York: Routledge, 2013).
[10] See E. Michael Jones, Is Notre Dame Still Catholic? (South Bend: Fidelity Press, 2009), 325-337.
[11] See Daniel Horowitz, Betty Friedan and the Making of Feminine Mystique (Cambridge: University of Massachusetts Press, 1998).
[12] E. Michael Jones, Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control (South Bend: Fidelity Press, 2000), 577.
[13] E. Michael Jones, “The Zombie State and Its Enablers,” Culture Wars, January 2016.
[14] Thranholm, “Europe’s tragedy: Too much Angela Merkel, too little masculinity,” Russia Today, January 17, 2016.
[15] Stefan Halper and Jonathan Clarke, America Alone: The Neo-Conservatives and the Global Order (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 10.
[16] Alan Weisman, Prince of Darkness: Richard Perle—The Kingdom, the Power & the End of Empire in America (New York: Union Square Press, 2007).
[17] David Rose, “Neo Culpa,” Vanity Fair, November 3, 2006.
[18] “Saving their sworn enemy: Heartstopping footage shows Israeli commandos rescuing wounded men from Syrian warzone – but WHY are they risking their lives for Islamic militants?,” Daily Mail, December 9 2015.
[19] Mark Mazzetti and Matt Apuzzo, “U.S. Relies Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Rebels,” NY Times, January 23, 2016.
[20] “Saudi Arabia performs 84th beheading in 2015,” Russia Today, May 17, 2015; for similar sources, see “The Ultimate Punishment: Saudi Arabia ramps up beheadings in the Kingdom,” Amnesty International, April 6, 2015.
[21] Robert Fisk, “Secret Saudi executions shame the West,” Independent, October 9, 1995.
[22] Mark Tran, “Officials drop 58 inquiries into alleged unlawful killings by Iraq veterans,” Guardian, January 24, 2016.
[23] Ibid.
[24] Richard Norton-Taylor, “How many Iraqis were killed or abused by British soldiers? We may never know,” Guardian, January 13, 2016.

Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the book, Kevin MacDonald’s Metaphysical Failure: A Philosophical, Historical, and Moral Critique of Evolutionary Psychology, Sociobiology, and Identity Politics. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.
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