Monthly Archives: January 2016
The Secret Global Reset Agreement
You are not allowed to know about this secret international Financial Reset Agreement.
Putin Beaten Senseless by Teenage Russian Girl (video)
Enter the Putin: Russian President Demonstrates His Judo Skills
Russia’s president took part in a training session with the national judo team.
Never the one to shy...
Dutch Pushed Not to Block Ukraine’s EU Hopes
The Dutch vote on Ukraine's association agreement with the European Union threatens a "continental crisis," the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker told the Netherlands' NRC Hanelsblad newspaper.
VAOIG Report: Veterans Affairs Lies About Backlog, Hid Claims Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
You only have to read the report, not all of it, just a couple of paragraphs. Read all of it...
Are SATANISTS behind Paris, San Bernardino, and other false flags?
Is that a bloody "satanic heart" smeared all over the floor of the Bataclan?
Lessons for 2016: China Can Destroy the World
China's stock market collapse and imposition of currency controls threaten to further destabilize the world markets, as analysts predict an end to China's perpetual growth
No One Wants Shares in Saudis’ Secretive, Overvalued & Corrupt Oil Company
Saudi officials contemplate whether or not to sell shares in their massive energy company – Aramco, some experts suggest that Riyadh may have underestimated Western investors' concerns about the company's secrecy, corruption, and the global oil glut.
Russia Today: Syrian Oil Fields Recaptured by YPG from Turkish Backed ISIS
The problem the Kurds have is that they are limited in their refining capacity and capability. They cannot make complicated petroleum products, only low quality diesels and petrol.
Busted: Turkey’s Claims of Attack By ISIS Refuted, ISIS Is Turkish Ally in...
Gordon Duff - If Turkey or even the "rope-a-dope" Kurds wanted to gut ISIS, they could simply do nothing, as opposed to what they are doing now, working 24 hours a day transiting stolen oil into Turkey.
Your Radiation This Week No 38
Good luck on keeping your friends or kids out of the Rad snow. Have them check out #RadSnow and #DodgeRadsNow it might help.
Turkish military guilty of killing family of 9, blamed on PKK for 20 years
On their way back from the fight that day, the soldiers assembled everyone in the village center and said 'Tonight your village will be burned', testified Aysel Ogut.
Deadly Gifts from the United States a Threat to Humanity
A recent article in The Wall Street Journal, which stated that in preparations for the NATO exercises in Europe an American Hellfire missile was mistakenly delivered to Cuba in 2014, can hardly surprise anyone.
NEO – The Secret Oil War Has Begun
We have seen it before, more often than we can guess, manipulated events, phony confrontations, false flag terrorism, staged mass killings and a cast of characters, financial “titans,” sleazy Washington types along with admirals and generals festooned and bespeckled with phony decorations for imaginary chair bound bravery.
Russia Develops Advanced Ratnik-3 Combat Gear
The development of the third generation Ratnik infantry combat system is already under way in Russia, according to the country's Land Forces commander Col....
Artificial Smartphone ‘Pancreas’ Automatically Controls Type 1 Diabetes
TEHRAN (FNA)- An artificial pancreas may soon be as close as your smartphone, as researches prepare to begin final clinical tests for a device...
Speaking Truth To Empire: Interview with Kevin Barrett
Host Dan Yaseen goes deep into the issues with VT's Kevin Barrett
Brains Over Brawn: Russian Armed Forces More Powerful Than NATO
Jim W. Dean - While Russia may have some weapons that can out fight its NATO contemporaries, bigger numbers do count in a drawn out attrition conflict, as high-tech modern weapons cannot be rushed to the battlefield simply by adding an extra shift.
TRUTH JIHAD: Gilad Atzmon reflects on the false flag paradigm shift
Are we too quick to jump to conclusions about apparent false flags? Gilad Atzmon sounds a cautionary note.
Saudi cluster bombs use in Yemen may amount to war crime: UN
Jim W. Dean - This is the first time I have heard the words "war crime" come out of Mr. Moon's mouth toward a major target, and a big funder of the UN. What has caused the change?
Trump destroyed Jeb Bush candidacy over his role in 9/11
Whatever you think of Trump, his 9/11 blurt-outs killed Jeb's candidacy.
Ukraine Falls Victim to US Neocons’ ‘Regime Change’ Experiment
The Ukraine crisis represents just another failure of neocon-driven "regime change," strikingly similar to those orchestrated by Washington in the Middle East and North...
Too Much Alex Jones? Man Drove Truck Full of Weapons Across US to Kidnap...
A heavily armed man was arrested on Wednesday in Washington, DC, on his way to the White House to kidnap one of President Barack...
Turkish Life Jackets Designed to Drown Refugees
A Turkish company was caught trying to sell to refugees faulty life vests made of material that becomes heavier when soaked and that would...
Who Is Responsible for Sexual Violence in Europe?
Gordon Duff: “Today’s refugee crisis is staged, intended to destroy Europe. The question as always: ‘Who benefits?’”
Official Report: US Backed Groups Proven to Use Sarin Gas in Syria from...
OPCW: American Backed Groups Use Chemical Weapons in Syria Not Gov't Forces
TEHRAN (FNA) - The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has...
US Presidential Candidates Want a Sunni Arab Coalition to Fight ISIS. They Need a...
Several US presidential candidates from both parties share a bullet point in their plans to fight the Islamic State group while limiting American ground troops’ involvement: Build a coalition of Sunni Arab nations to help shoulder the effort.
Hungary would block EU sanctions on Poland: Orban
As the European Union piles pressure on Poland's new conservative government over concern of a democratic backslide, Warsaw found support from Hungary, whose leader Viktor Orban has long been a thorn in Brussels' side.
Hellfire for Cuba, Another Half Story Coverup
An inert US Hellfire missile sent to Europe for a training exercise was wrongly shipped on to Cuba, the Wall Street Journal reports.
Busted: Oregon Militia Thugs Caught Falsely Posing As Marine Veterans
Yes, we already knew that the militia thugs who have seized the Malheur Wildlife Refuge are a bunch of wannabe tough guys who think they have valid reasons for being such monumental asshats
US Ambassador to Iraq, Military Chief Meet With Iraqi PM in Baghdad
Jim W. Dean - We will certainly be digging around to learn if there is a policy shift in play or is the US just trying to keep a lid on the current Iraq situation to not leave the back door open for the Russians, if not right now then later when Syria winds down
NEO – Where is McCain’s phantom Arab Army to invade Western Iraq?
The actions of erstwhile madmen seem to be dragging the United States back into a Mid East war, reminiscent of 2011.
The UK Michael Shrimpton case
Jim W. Dean - VT covered the case all the way through and was never officially challenged. It seems everyone was keeping their heads down in a case which many think should have been front page news around the world.
Phone line provides access to resources for veterans
Clara Reynolds, president and CEO of the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, noticed a trend in the calls the center’s 2-1-1 contact phone line was receiving.
Busted! US Helicopters Aiding ISIS in Iraq
Representative of Iraq's State of Law Coalition at the parliament Awatif Naima revealed that the recent US heliborne operations in Huweija, Kirkuk province, was a plot to help the ISIL terrorists.
US-made cluster bombs used by Saudi-led coalition in Yemen attacks – HRW
Cluster munitions sold to Saudi Arabia by the US were used in attacks on residential neighborhoods in Yemen's capital of Sanaa, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said, calling for an international inquiry into the alleged war crime.
Facebook echo chamber makes people more narrow-minded – study
Facebook allows users to browse information from across the globe – but instead of making people worldlier, the social media site is actually making them more narrow-minded.
ANOTHER French False Flag published on Charlie Hebdo anniversary
Today is first anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo attacks. To observe the occasion, I just published ANOTHER French False Flag?
Erdogan Claim’s Anti-Saudi Protests Led by Evil Mastermind
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday that Saudi Arabia’s execution of 47 convicts, including a prominent Shiite cleric, was an “internal legal matter” of the kingdom.
Sputnik News Suckered on Hillary Indictment Hoax
Sputnik News has politically savvy American staffers and should know better. The article cited is another case where organizations like Press TV, Russia Today and Sputnik, among the last remaining potential real news organizations, are pushed into idiocy by incompetence.
Saudi warplanes attack Iranian embassy in Yemen (updated)
Iran has accused Saudi Arabia of using warplanes to attack the Iranian embassy in the Yemeni capital Sana'a.