Scalia, the Illuminati, the Jesuits and the Vatican



…by Katherine Frisk

Opus Dei Influence Rises to the Top in the Vatican by Betty Clermont is a long and informative article that connects many dots and is worth bookmarking for future reference.

What is important throughout, is the overriding theme of the suppression of the exposure of the international pedophile network and the Roman Catholic priests involved coupled with a misogynist aversion to equal rights for women.

The list includes support for all Right Wing corporate fascist political parties and governments; the connection to the Illuminati which was founded by the Jesuit Johann Adam Weishaupt, which leads us to Judge Scalia and Bohemian Grove and child sex abuse; into the heart of the Vatican itself, and what is more, the Mocking Bird Murdoch Media propaganda machine.

Thrown into this mix is the prospect of WWIII and the Christian Zionists who are literally hell-bent on destroying the oldest Orthodox Christian communities in the Middle East.

Hence we have their de facto CIA mercenaries and Knights of Malta supporting ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and the Orthodox Christian Church in Eastern Europe and Russia terrorized by a combination of Ukrainian Nazis funded by Jewish Zionists and supported by Muslim Brotherhood insurgents to wipe them off the face of the earth.

Scalia funeral

Here are some key points, keeping in mind that the Vatican is the biggest pedophile all boys club on the planet, that the Illuminati was founded by a Jesuit, and that the P2 lodge is one of the most powerful Illuminati Lodges and Mafia central:

1. “Their goal is the same as other plutocrats – unbridled power – except they use the influence of the Catholic Church and its worldwide network of institutions exempt from both taxes and financial reporting requirements to advance rightwing parties and governments.” 

This explains the Nun, the Jesuit from Poland and Clive Derby-Lewis who killed Chris Hani, a favourite of Nelson Mandela who wanted Hani to succeed him. The list of names that the Nun gave to Derby-Lewis also included Mandela to be assassinated.

It also goes a long way to explaining Robert Mugabe, a Jesuit with close ties to the Vatican and all the right-wing dictators in South America, Argentina being first and foremost as the Jesuit Pope Francis comes from that country. It also puts a huge question mark over the head of Julius Malema and his “Red Berets” who has close ties with Robert Mugabe and ZANU PF. Who is really paying for and steering his controversial anti-ANC stance?

LaRouche is a Jesuit with close ties to the South African Nationalist Apartheid government, who through the Roman Catholic Church and their world wide intelligence helped the Apartheid Regime track down Mandela and put him in goal for 25 years. LaRouche’s father was a Jesuit who infiltrated the Quakers until they found him out and threw him out. He had his hand in every right-wing dictatorship in South America and in Africa where he has been a major influence on Robert Mugabe.

King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands is married to Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti born in Argentina to Jorge Zorreguieta who was the Agricultural minister under fascist dictator General Videla at the same time that Pope Francis was Bishop. Willem-Alexander is the grandson of Prince Bernhardt, who was a Nazi fascist supporter and founder of the Bilderberg group. He was also a supporter of the Apartheid Nationalist Regime and today Nobel Peace Prize winner De Klerk lives on a very lucrative farm in Argentina along with his fascist friends.

By 2016 Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier of Durban South Africa was appointed by Pope Francis as a Cardinal Member of the newly established Council for Economic Affairs. He participated in the cardinal conclave that elected both Ratzinger, a known Nazi sympathizer with links to child sex abuse and the papal conclave that elected Bergoglio who has a cloud hanging over has head for presumed support of the fascist regime in Argentina.

Also of  concern is that along with DiNardo of Houston and  Norberto Rivera Carrera of Mexico “As with so many of the pope’s other appointments, three of the cardinals have “words and deeds regarding clergy sex crimes and cover ups” which are “deeply troubling.”

2. ” “Supernumeraries” are married and live independently but are still required to make large contributions and send their children to Opus Dei schools if available. At all levels, the names of the lay members are secret unless self-disclosed. Opus Dei also has an order of publicly identified priests and prelates.”

These are the men in government, the military , the law courts with people like Scalia and banking. The newly named Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA) which replaces the Institute for Religious Works was overseen and took advice from none other than Peter Sutherland of Goldman Sachs, a long time consultant of the Vatican. Keep in mind that it was Goldman Sachs that played a major role in the economic meltdown in Greece, a predominately Orthodox Christian country which should raise eyebrows!

3. “Robert Hutchison, a Canadian financial journalist, traces the growth of Opus Dei financial power “by all available means” – deception, dirty tricks, even “physical muscle” like poisonings which mimic heart attacks.

So many heart attacks you start losing count. Scalia died from a “heart attack,” as have many others who have become a problem.

4“It’s widely known that Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas belong to Opus Dei – and that Chief Justice John Roberts may also be a member,” stated Matthew Fox, a former priest, progressive theologian and author of more than 23 books.”

And there you have it! Scalia was Opus Dei. But there is more…

5. “These organizations will support whichever Republican candidate has the best chance of winning regardless of his religious affiliation. That’s why the endorsement by five former U.S. ambassadors to the Vatican of Mitt Romney in early January 2012 before the primaries signaled that “big money” had already chosen the GOP presidential nominee. “

Well now, look who we have here! Our old friend Mr “Just Too Weird” Romney. This also explains Ronald Reagan and one of the major changes he made whilst in office and which went against the Founding Fathers resolution not to allow a Papal Embassy due to their policy of separation between church and state.

In 1984 Reagan gave the Vatican permission for an ambassador whereas formally they were only represented by an apostolic delegate. And think about last year, the Pope addressing the US Congress for the first time.

And a Jesuit Pope at that! This contrary event was supported by none other than Joe Biden and John Boehner, who wept tears of triumph as did Marco Rubio. Mission accomplished. Considering that the Pope misguidedly believes that he owns the planet, all bodies on the planet and all souls, did the USA think for one minute that they are any different?

6. ” In the U.S. Catholics are roughly 22-24 percent of the population. The latest poll conducted in Feb. 2014 by the Public Religion Research Institute showed that the percentage of Catholics who are non-Hispanic white is down to 60 percent.

Solution? Open the borders and let a floodgate of Hispanic Roman Catholics into the country and level the playing fields. On the 18th of February 2016 Pope Francis accused Donald Trump of not being a Christian because of his policies towards immigrants. My personal opinion on this subject and it apples to all countries, religion aside, is that any country that is in debt to the tune of trillions, has high levels of unemployment and homeless people should take care of its own back yard before inviting in the starving unemployed from other countries. Once your own people have a roof over their heads and are gainfully employed and are able to support themselves without depleting the coffers even further by more social security, then you can gladly open the doors to others less fortunate. Ask the neglected Veterans, ask the people living in Chicago. I had a friend who lost his job because Whirlpool who he had worked for moved to Mexico where the wages were cheaper. So the jobs have been sent to Mexico and now the US must take in more from across the border? Am I missing something here? Perhaps Pope Francis should have been more specific. That Donald Trump is not a Roman Catholic? Trumps values show a concern for American Christians the large majority of whom are not Roman Catholic.

But it gets even better!

7. “Days before Pope Bergoglio appointed Pell on April 13, 2013, to his “G8” group of cardinals who would advise the pope on “governing the Church,” Pell attended a “Gala Dinner” celebrating the Melbourne-based Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) an “ultraconservative think tank.” Rupert Murdoch was guest of honor and Abbott the keynote speaker. (Murdoch was awarded a papal knighthood by Pope John Paul II for “promoting the interests of society, the Church and the Holy See.”

So, Mocking Bird Murdoch Media is sanctioned by the Vatican and Murdoch has a “knighthood”no less for propaganda and disinformation. What is more, as of 29th February 2016 his pal,  George Pell, ” is being called on to give evidence about his time in the Ballarat and Melbourne diocese… During his time there, several paedophile priests were operating, including at St Alipius school in Ballarat where children were subject to abuse from Gerald Ridsdale, Australia’s most prolific paedophile who described himself as “out of control” at a hearing last year.”

Seems to me this merry bunch of men have been out of control for over 1,000 years. But… it gets worse, if that is at all possible. This is one of those green moments when you need a barf bag and mumble to the person closest to you, “Can you please pass be the paper packet?” But first the good news, from March 1st 2016: US bishops hid sex abuse of hundreds of children: US court

“The US Catholic Church is already facing severe financial difficulties over settlement payments to victims and other costs totaling around $3 billion, forcing it to sell off assets and cut costs.

A dozen dioceses have filed for bankruptcy in the face of extensive lawsuits, claiming they do not have the resources to pay them.”

If they close shop and ship out back to the hive in Rome, this is good news for Americans. Here is the part that makes you want to vomit! A pay out chart?

“Two Roman Catholic bishops, at the helm of a church in the US state of Pennsylvania, have helped cover up the sexual abuse of hundreds of children, molested by some 50 priests over a span of four decades, an official report says….

The report said Adamec had created a “payout chart” to help guide how much victims would receive from the church in return for their sexual services..

Based on the chart, between $10,000 and $25,000 would be paid to victims fondled over their clothes, between $15,000 and $40,000 to those fondled under their clothes or subjected to masturbation, from $25,000 to $75,000 to those subjected to forced oral sex, and between $50,000 and $175,000 to those subjected to forced sodomy or intercourse.

Kane further noted that none of the criminal acts detailed in the report can be prosecuted because alleged abusers have died, victims are too traumatized to testify and the statute of limitations on prosecuting cases has expired.”


The Opus Dei Influence Rises to the Top in the Vatican answers so many questions and connects so many dots that it is mind blowing. Here is a brief extract but there is so much more to explore!


Stopping the predator?
Stopping the predator?

Opus Dei, an official institution of the Catholic Church, at the top is a secret society of international bankers, financiers, businessmen and their supporters.

Their goal is the same as other plutocrats – unbridled power – except they use the influence of the Catholic Church and its worldwide network of institutions exempt from both taxes and financial reporting requirements to advance rightwing parties and governments.

A year after Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s elevation as head of the Church and his many appointments, the dust has settled. Three cardinals have emerged as the most powerful in this papacy; all have close ties to Opus Dei. Two now control all Vatican finance.

Still the most exhaustively researched book written about “The Work” as it is referred to by its members, Their Kingdom Come (1997, 2006) by Robert Hutchison, a Canadian financial journalist, traces the growth of Opus Dei financial power “by all available means” – deception, dirty tricks, even “physical muscle” like poisonings which mimic heart attacks.

“What gives Opus Dei its importance is the influence it wields and also that it deploys its immense financial resources…Opus Dei knows very well that money rules the world,” Javier Sainz Moreno, professor of Law at Madrid University, told Hutchison. One of their goals was to control the Vatican’s wealth, now closer than ever to being realized.

Like many religious cults, the members at the bottom are sincere believers that Opus Dei is the path for personal holiness. Many are “numeraries,” men and women vowed to celibacy who live in communal residences and hand over their earnings to the organization. This creates workers totally dedicated to their assigned tasks, assures a steady stream of revenue and makes it difficult for members to leave. “Supernumeraries” are married and live independently but are still required to make large contributions and send their children to Opus Dei schools if available. At all levels, the names of the lay members are secret unless self-disclosed. Opus Dei also has an order of publicly identified priests and prelates.

Opus Dei’s only “charity” is founding schools, mostly business schools and student centers at the world’s leading universities to train and recruit a continuous supply of professionals dedicated to Opus Dei/Catholic goals. Opus Dei is “significantly connected to 479 universities and high schools,” according to journalist Michael Walsh based on a confidential report submitted to the Vatican in 1979.

Opus Dei’s flagship university is in Navarre, Spain. Its graduate business school, IESE, founded in 1958, “has growing alliances in key areas such as Latin America, China and Eastern Europe, campuses in Barcelona, Madrid, and New York City and teaching facilities in Munich and Sao Paulo,” according to a 2012 report in the Economist. They also operate aglobal network of MBA schools per Bloomberg.

Probably Opus Dei’s largest financial institution is Banco Santander S.A., “the largest bank in the Eurozone by market value and one of the largest banks in the world in terms of market capitalization.” Santander funds Opus Dei schools. “Santander’s interest in higher education is a deep interest, long term, because we understand that at the university are studying the leaders who will run the country in the future,” explained a company official.

“Opus Dei pursues the Vatican’s agenda through the presence of its members in secular governments and institutions and through a vast array of academic, medical, and grassroots pursuits. Its constant effort to increase its presence in civil institutions of power is supported by growth in the organization as a whole….Their work in the public sphere breaches the church-state division that is fundamental to modern democracy,” wrote Gordon Urquhart author of ThePope’s Armada: Unlocking the Secrets of Mysterious and Powerful New Sects in the Church (1995).

“It’s widely known that Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas belong to Opus Dei – and that Chief Justice John Roberts may also be a member,” stated Matthew Fox, a former priest, progressive theologian and author of more than 23 books.

“They’re in the CIA, the FBI,” said Fox. “Daniel Ellsberg recently told me that some of the ranking commanders of our military are also Opus Dei,” Fox stated in another interview. Veteran investigative reporter Seymour Hersh made a similar observation.

“Hersh stated that Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Vice Admiral William McRaven and others in the Joint Special Operations Command (the group responsible for the assassination of Osama Bin Laden) were members of the Knights of Malta and Opus Dei. ‘They see themselves as protecting [Christians] from the Muslims….And this is their function.’ Hersh added that members of these societies have developed a secret set of insignias that represent ‘the whole notion that this is a culture war between religions.’”

The New York Times noted in 2012 that an Opus Dei boy’s prep school “has become the popular school for a small clique of Washingtonians”: Rick Santorum; lobbyist and former U.S. Senator (R-FL), Mel Martinez; Sect. of Defense Chuck Hagel; the infamous FBI spy and Opus Dei member Robert Hanssen’s boss, former FBI director Louis J. Freeh; NOM founder Maggie Gallagher and National Review editor Kate O’Beirne.

Fox said that both Santorum and Newt Gingrich are members but that doesn’t guarantee Opus Dei/Catholic Church backing. These organizations will support whichever Republican candidate has the best chance of winning regardless of his religious affiliation. That’s why the endorsement by five former U.S. ambassadors to the Vatican of Mitt Romeny in early January 2012 before the primaries signaled that “big money” had already chosen the GOP presidential nominee.

Read More…. Opus Dei Influence Rises to the Top in the Vatican



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