TTIP to Bring No Advantages to People as Economic Promises Baseless
… from Sputnik News, Moscow

[ Editor’s Note: The postmortem on this “un-deal” has already begun, with the Germans and the French shoveling dirt on the still warm TTIP corpse. The US public has generally been asleep at the wheel on it all, as it has to do with “Ferriners”, and most can’t be bothered, or you have the sports crowd rooting that the US team out-schnookers the Euros.
But it is not a game. It is international “conspiracy to defraud” crime on a grand scale, and will make it all legal to do so. That is what it has come to now. They want to have the whole enchilada, which is big enough to cut in the political people to grease the skids.
But the Europeans don’t seem to be buying, and Obama will not have a trade deal to be a cherry on top of the finale of his administration. I can’t help but remember that the Israelis tested him quickly at the beginning, bombing the crap out of Gaza while he was waiting to be sworn in, and Obama never made a public statement about it.
That said, he has pushed harder on the Zios than most before him… doing things like pulling the two Aegis destroyers from their coastal position, where they were supposed to perform the key radar part of Israel’s over-hyped iron dome. And he also canceled flights into Ben Gurion airport during the Gaza 2014 lawn-mowing incident. George Bush would never have done that… Jim W. Dean ]

– First published … September 02, 2016 –
The US-EU TTIP deal will not bring any advantages to people as all the promised economic benefits do not rely on real state of affairs, Klaus Ernst, a member of the German parliament’s Committee on Economic Affairs and Energy from the opposition Die Linke party told Sputnik on Wednesday.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — On Wednesday, Austrian Vice-Chancellor Reinhold Mitterlehner said TTIP talks should be halted, echoing similar suggestion by French Trade Minister Matthias Fekl, who on Tuesday promised to request a halt to TTIP talks at next month’s EU trade ministers’ meeting in Bratislava.
The skepticism regarding TTIP was fully shared by German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel, who declared over the weekend that the talks were “de facto dead.”
“Die LINKE doesn’t see any advantages in TTIP for the majority of the people: All the promises concerning economic growth or more jobs do not base on any reliable facts,” Ernst said.
He added that the TTIP implementation would likely lead to investor claims, a limited regulation right by the elected governments and further deregulation at the expense of environmental and consumer protection.
“The US side is not willing (and, regarding the ‘buy American’-clauses on the federal level, legally not in the position) to grant access to the public procurement sector to the EU enterprises. Since there is no progress in this major aim of the EU, the whole negotiation seems blocked,” Ernst mentioned one of the stumbling blocks in the sides’ positions.
He added that Germany needed a deal for high common standards and an international agreement on how to organize trade on a fair and transparent basis.
“But this is not TTIP,” he concluded. The negotiations on the trade deal between Europe and the United States, that stipulates the free trade zone between the two regions and that is set to be finalized before the end of the year, have been going for the last three years, but 14 rounds of talks have not brought any result.
The detailed content of the agreement is kept in secret from the public, but according to the leaks, TTIP will affect food safety laws, environmental legislation, banking regulations and open the European Union for genetically-modified crops.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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